"Webcoast's View on Salvador Dali"A look into the mind of one of the most brilliant artists
CommentsHi Interesting to see paintings I haven´t seen before. I went to the Dali Museum i Figueres Spain earlier this year. It was very interesting to see the paintings in real. I have just seen them in books and poster before. Salvador Dali have facinated me since I was young, now 49! Stefan Gustafsson Flen Sweden. Remote User: CommentsThis is an incredible Dali Exhibit. I will visit often. The paintings are great, the information is great and the website is very easy to use. Thank You for a Wonderful job. Roger, Orlando, Florida, USA Remote User: Commentswonderful view of Salvador Dali and his works. Thank you Matt, Atlanta, Ga. USA Remote User: CommentsI visted a few Dali museums. I can't get enough of Dali! Great website. Thanks Gregory, Madrid, Spain Remote User: CommentsYou collection of Dali works is really cool. Unfortunately, you don't have the one I am looking for. Thanks for giving Dali the opportunity to shine for all generations to come. Amy, Waterford, NJ, USA Remote User: Commentsgreat show Remote User: CommentsJane Burbank, CA USA
Love this website as I am a big fan of Dali Remote User: CommentsLyle Barbato, Washington, DC, USA Thank you. Remote User: CommentsLove this painter!!! And this site !!! I'll be back, that's for sure... Remote User: Commentsthe greatest website I have ever visited!!!! I am a huge fan Remote User: CommentsHi just thought I'd say I love Dali's work and if anybody wants to e-mail me some pictures please do so at elsieneouk@yahoo.com thanx Els Remote User: CommentsHi just thought I'd say I love Dali's work and if anybody wants to e-mail me some pictures please do so at elsieneouk@yahoo.com thanx Els (I'm only 15 but love his pictures!!!!) Remote User: CommentsMuy buena toda la presentación, pero no pude encontrar nada sobre los trabajos que hizo sobre la obra de Goya Antonieta Mendoza Argentina helenadc@ciudad.com.ar Remote User: CommentsDALI. ...what can i say...Each time i view his work, i see something new and more vibrant.. so, thanks for sharing his works, and providing me with much needed inspiration.... rayhart Remote User: CommentsJosh, Connecticut. I had to use this website to do an art project. This site gave a lot of good information and pictures I could use. Also the pictures can give good inspiration to anyone who needs a new starting point Remote User: CommentsJosh from Connecticut. I would just like to say thank you to you guys who made this site. It has given me a lot of inspiration and will most definatly help me with my project I'm undertaking. Remote User: Commentsgreat paintings. do you have lincoln in dalivision? Remote User: CommentsI love Dalí's art! Remote User: Commentsyou should have melting clocks ou here i feel that melting clocks is one of dali's best artworks. Remote User: Commentsyou should have melting clocks on here it's my favourate piece of dali's artworks. i feel it has wonderful use of colour. Remote User: Commentshi my name is jesyka lewis and i'm from brisbane australia. i love art and am in grade 11 at st. pauls anglican college. i have always loved salvador dali's work and im very pleased that someone has made this site. i think it is very beautifully layed out and at the same time very simple and easy to follow. thank you for your time and my insite into my favourite artist. keep up the good work !!!!!! jesyka lewis,murrrumba downs, brisbane, queensland, AUSTRALIA. g'day mate!!! Remote User: CommentsSteve, Provo, Utah, USA Nice site. Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsHis works speak to my heart... Monica/USA Remote User: CommentsKaren Remote User: CommentsKaren I'm from Holmdel,NJ USA A friend of mine has a dali painting in his living room. When you look at it's reflection it is Abraham Lincoln. Remote User: CommentsThe bibliographical information was great, but confused me a little when there were 2 different dates and origins of Dali's first one-man show. Overall a great site to visit, I'll be back. Nichole Manchester, New Hampshire Remote User: CommentsJohnny Blaze jersey usa.....where's the painting where all the stairs connect and the people are walking in the same directions... juco152@aol.com please write me back i need that painting for my arts elective speech for business class..thanks Remote User: CommentsHugo Sanchez Stockton, CA I loved the paintings and drawings you have of Salvador Dali. I am studying him in my literature class and I was enspired by his work and I wanted to see more of what he did. I thank you for letting me take a look at what you have. Remote User: CommentsIt is impossible to express my feeling... I love Dali and his work. Megi, Slovenia Remote User: CommentsI own a Salvador Dali called "Recling Nude." It is marked EA 20/26. From what I can tell it was purchased by my parents in 1977. I am interested in selling it. Could you give me any advice? Thank you. Traci Witt Witt67@aol.com (678) 525-3177 Remote User: Commentsjamie waukegan, illinois great sight!!!!!!! Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsComplimenti vivissimi,trovo veramente interessante il sito e la collezione tuttavia mancano opere importanti! Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsBrilliant! is this guy a genius or what ? What i would have given to do lunch with the man so much to see i`ll have to come back... Peter,cumbria,UK. Remote User: Commentswow, i got find some of that stuff you know that silly stuff that fueled this man, peace to his spirits Remote User: CommentsSuzy, Randolph, MA, USA I'd love to see included on your site the very large painting by Dali that represents Christ being lifted into Heaven by the hand of God. I do not recall the name of the painting, it was incredibly long, but had something to do with DNA if I remember correctly. It used to be hanging in a bank in Boston at the Prudential Center. The bank has since closed and I do not know where the painting is now, but if you could let me know that would be great. It would also be nice if you could include some of Dali's finished works depicting Christ, the crucifixion, the Last Supper, etc. They are beautiful. Thank You. Remote User: Commentsvery impresive! Remote User: CommentsTom & Vicki Tucson, Arizona U.S.A. Remote User: CommentsTom & Vicki Tucson, Arizona U.S.A. Remote User: CommentsBelinda Newcastle NSW Australia i just love salvador dali and surrealism i think he is a most talented artist and i was thrilled to find this sight, i think i'll add it to my favorites Remote User: CommentsNicki, London, England This site really helped my research Dali for my Degree, but i was surprised not to see an image of The Persistance of memory, as it is the first image i think of when anyone mentions Dali. the site is very helpful and shows much of his work. keep it up! Remote User: CommentsGord from Hamilton, Ontario How does one get their noodle around the depth and creativity of Dali's work. Thank you for bringing the complexities of this genius to us on a great web page. Remote User: CommentsZach Lancaster, Ohio Zach43130@yahoo.com Terrific showing! I enjoyed it very much We have recently acquired EL CID by Salvador Dali etching with an authentication slip on it..could you please advise me where to obtain information on this wonderful lithograph. Thank you Remote User: CommentsZach Lancaster, Ohio Zach43130@yahoo.com Terrific showing! I enjoyed it very much We have recently acquired EL CID by Salvador Dali etching with an authentication slip on it..could you please advise me where to obtain information on this wonderful lithograph. Thank you Remote User: CommentsZach Lancaster, Ohio Zach43130@yahoo.com Terrific showing! I enjoyed it very much We have recently acquired EL CID by Salvador Dali etching with an authentication slip on it..could you please advise me where to obtain information on this wonderful lithograph. Thank you Remote User: CommentsZach Lancaster, Ohio Zach43130@yahoo.com Terrific showing! I enjoyed it very much We have recently acquired EL CID by Salvador Dali etching with an authentication slip on it..could you please advise me where to obtain information on this wonderful lithograph. Thank you Remote User: CommentsZach Lancaster, Ohio Zach43130@yahoo.com Terrific showing! I enjoyed it very much We have recently acquired EL CID by Salvador Dali etching with an authentication slip on it..could you please advise me where to obtain information on this wonderful lithograph. Thank you Remote User: CommentsINCREDIBLE Remote User: Commentsi really enjoyed this site Remote User: CommentsFound to be helpful for our daughter's studies Thankyou We will visit again Bill and Margaret Bolton, Lancs.,UK Remote User: Commentsthank you for your exalant job,Ipersonally have three of dalis work at my house if you are interestad contact me my email: m_seirafianpour@yahoo.com massoud seirafianpour Remote User: CommentsDali's paintinge are the most wonderful things I have ever seen. They bring people in to a certain state of mind. They are just truly magnificent. Remote User: CommentsRemote User: Commentsif i could see the site im sure it would rock my world Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsAudrey Members adress:3130 W. Arthington state: ILL. in the united states I am a student in high school on the west side. and we have these college classes that we have to attend and I also got to Robert Morris college. And we are taking this college call in art we have to do a nine page paper on artist and I pick salvdor Dali and yesterday we wnet to the artinstuat I sudy on him and really like his art work Remote User: CommentsAngie from Jersey in the Channel Islands, Great Britain. I visited your Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida last year and was knocked out by seeing the original Dali paintings I had always loved looking at in his books. Wonderful experience! Thankyou. Remote User: CommentsI chose every oportunitu to absorb everything form Dali. I gues he is my idol, there is nothing alike him. Filip Perth, Western Australia. Remote User: Commentsbarry tipton west midlands England this site is a credit both to the site builder and the artist.first class in all respects. Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsIt's a great site!! Remote User: CommentsMy name is Sarah, and Salvador Dali is my favorite artist! They say he was insane but i guess you have to be to think of things like his. It's incredible! Remote User: Commentshi, thanks! ------------chris cheung Remote User: CommentsKim,Florida,Brevard county Remote User: CommentsI have a picture called Eye and butterfly,by Dali. I can't seem to find it in any of the info, I have found. If you know anything about this picture I would appreciate some feedback. thanks.xxwolfangel01 @aol.com Remote User: CommentsADITI BHARGAVA N.I.F.T. NEW DELHI INDIA I think Dali was a true surrealist and his work is amazingly cool and beyond the imagination of most of us. Remote User: Commentsi love your art work,i'm doing a assignment on you what sort of art do you paint? Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsDaniel Boehrer Zuzgen, Switzerland I was visiting the Dali Museum at Figueras where I also bought a Litho called 'Les liaison d'Amour' with his original signature. Just as great as this web-exhibit. Thanks! Remote User: Commentshi love his work,have several but are difficult to get where i live. mike near bristol united kingdom Remote User: CommentsThis is Christina from Reno, NV, USA. I linked on to your web site for a report in my painting class about Salvador Dali. It gave me detailed info, beautiful pictures and the experience of a wonderfully put together and well organized site. Thank you again~ Remote User: CommentsJessica Garrett Cresco Pennsylvania United States I loved your site, I am using it toward my Senior Project for High School, which is required to graduate. Remote User: CommentsGreat Web Site! Information on Dali was very good. Thanx ~Kelly Hughes Remote User: CommentsI think that this is an excellent site that reflects the many great accomplishments Salvador Dali accomplished in his lifetime. Remote User: CommentsI have just visited your Dali Gallery. I have recently bought a vacation home and in cleaning it out discovered a Dali print. While I am not well versed in art I believe this may be worth something. How do I find out its value? It has a certificate of authenticity amd is titled Servantes Remote User: CommentsMike London Kentucky United States His pictures are messed up and alot of other people need to learn from him and i hope that person goes on and becomes a very very weird painter and i like it very well Remote User: Commentsbeautiful artwork, and really good information. Linda. Oswestry, Shropshire, ENGLAND Remote User: CommentsGeorge W. Bush President of United States Remote User: Commentsthis sucks Remote User: Commentsi thoughted alot about the panter Salbadoor Dalei and he is gooder than moist painters that paint, paintings. Geogre W. Bush Remote User: Commentsi thoughted alot about the panter Salbadoor Dalei and he is gooder than moist painters that paint, paintings. Geogre W. Bush Remote User: CommentsUngenio Salvador Dali. Los estudios de Millet: La mantis, la erección... Remote User: CommentsUngenio Salvador Dali. Los estudios de Millet: La mantis, la erección... Remote User: Commentsthis site is cool but i think that dali is relly crazy Remote User: CommentsNow, I don't know the words to express my feeling. I thank you for your sophisticated talents. Masaaki.Tokyo,Japan Remote User: CommentsJennie Joy Barrows, Pawleys Island,SC/USA I enjoyed this website thorouly. I love Dali and his works and you have an excellent collection! Thank you for sharing it with everyone. Sincerely, Jennie Barrows pu_tang00@yahoo.com Remote User: CommentsJennie Joy Barrows, Pawleys Island,SC/USA I enjoyed this website thorouly. I love Dali and his works and you have an excellent collection! Thank you for sharing it with everyone. Sincerely, Jennie Barrows pu_tang00@yahoo.com Remote User: Commentsfergal, dublin i like it! Remote User: Commentscleveland,San Diego,California, United States. Who needs drugs when you have Dali. Remote User: CommentsI enjoyed your gallery collection. It was helpful for my project and I also found some wall-coverings. Thanks. Lindsey Remote User: CommentsInterested in value of Portrait of Picasso 1979 E.A. 100; and Le Chevalier De Espagne artist's proof RN 25 Japon E.A. Contact Gary at Wmstatwrk@aol.com Remote User: CommentsAn excellent site and a fantastic archive of Dali's work. Gary Hughes, North Wales, UK Remote User: Commentstrippy shit , excelent Remote User: CommentsEmma, Wiltshire, England, Hi I'm writing to say this is a great site and I appreciate it, if anyone has any comments or wants to strike up an interesting convesation about Dali or the arts in general they're welcome to e-mail me: ashandm@yahoo.co.uk , Remote User: CommentsLuke England- wow Remote User: CommentsKimberley from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Age 12. Thanks for the really interesting paintings! Im doing a project on Salvador Dali and I needed to find info on 4 of his paintings. I found it here! Remote User: Commentshey, i went to this sight to look up some stuff for school (grade 6) and i noticed that Dali is an amasing artest! Remote User: CommentsI Luv Dali's work and i am amazed at every painting he has done. I was looking for vision of hell(it's great, it has so much movment to it) but i just can't seem to find it any where. oh well thanx any way it was a great experience. Remote User: Commentshey this is a great site!! but fo you have vision of hell? Remote User: Commentseveryone in mrs. osbornes spanish class wonts to say hi and this painer is a pervert Remote User: CommentsAutumn Chambers Frostburg,MD 21532 USA Remote User: Commentshow do u draw a picture of a elephant Remote User: Commentshello ppl i am a big goon Remote User: CommentsThis Is a good web sites for Paintings
Good Man Remote User: CommentsI have Greatly enjoyed your site and it was very useful. thank you. Remote User: CommentsMichelle London-Harrow England Salvordor Dalis Web page is fascinating with so many works of art to observe. He was a briliant artist!!! Remote User: CommentsWhat a great website!! Looking forward to coming back, again. Tom O'B Michigan City Indiana Remote User: CommentsLily from Athens Very nice site thanks for the pleasure u gave me. Remote User: CommentsI teach history, and I integrate arts in my curriculum. I would like to learn more about Dali's work and how i can integrate his work in my curricyulum. Please let me know if there's a way to do this? Remote User: Commentsangie center line, mi USA Remote User: CommentsChristopher, Southport, Connecticut, United States of America Remote User: Commentsincredible, wonderfull!!! Remote User: CommentsMer kultur, höjer upplevandet och det socila ger friskare konstnären och det ger livs rö och. Statens inkomster gjäder sig mer. att komma de mjuka Det är utveklande för en konstnär att höja livet från en person som ser och vill köpa för. till sin verklihet.
Remote User: CommentsMer kultur, höjer upplevandet och det socila ger friskare konstnären och det ger livs rö och. Statens inkomster gjäder sig mer. att komma de mjuka Det är utveklande för en konstnär att höja livet från en person som ser och vill köpa för. till sin verklihet.
Remote User: CommentsTasneem. London. England. The exhibition is wonderful, the paintings took my breath away. Seeing them on the website is almost a s good as seeing the real things. Remote User: CommentsKeAndrea Jackson from Jackson, MS in the United States of America. This was wonderful. In my Intro to World Lit class, we studying about Dali and Surrealism and Surrealists. From looking through here, I had understanding and knowledge of what I was viewing because I have been exposed to it. This was jus great. Remote User: CommentsHello, its Bryan the art student from Cornwall, England. I havnt looked through the site properly but so far i think it is brilliant, especially for my course Remote User: CommentsKatie Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Um... Really good site... Remote User: Commentsabsolutely wonderfull Remote User: Commentsandre llandudno conwy n.wales u.k. really enjoyed your site, have been to figueres and adore dali thank you Remote User: CommentsDevon Ellinwood Berea, Ohio U.S.A. I am a big fan of Salvador Dali, I recently visited the museum in St. Petersburg, Florida and just about spent all day there! He is so wonderful, I think this web site is awesome!!! Thanks, Devon Remote User: CommentsExcellent site! I referred to this site to help me with information on Famous Hispanics (in preparation) for Hispanic Heritage Month. Thank you. Ms. Yolanda DeAngelis Yoly48@home.com Remote User: CommentsEstá muy bien, pero no pude encontrar la información que deseo. Soy propietario de un Libro de C. FAGES DE CLIMENT "Balada del sabater d'0rdis Editoria Pergamo 1.954 1ª Ejemplar XXII, prólogo de Eugenio d'Ors, dibujo y epílogo de Salvador Dalí. Tengo un conocido que me lo quiere comprar. ¿Alguien me puede indicar el valor del libro en el mercado? E-mail CISTARE@terra.es Remote User: CommentsThanks for this website...great help. Dali is an extemely creative and talanted artist and his work are covered thouroughly at this site...thanks once again. Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsThe guy is a queer Remote User: CommentsJessica Derby, Ny, Erie County, U.S. Remote User: CommentsJessica Ann Derby Ny, Erie County, U.S. of A. I am a student at Lakeshore Middle School, and I am doing a project on Salvador Dali. I find your web page very usefull to my search. Thank You for making this home page!!!!! Remote User: CommentsJessica Ann Derby Ny, Erie County, U.S. of A. I am a student at Lakeshore Middle School, and I am doing a project on Salvador Dali. I find your web page very usefull to my search. Thank You for making this home page!!!!! Remote User: Commentsgreat site Remote User: CommentsI am looking for the picture 'Swans Reflecting Elephants'. Do you have that one? Remote User: CommentsDali is splendid...... he is great. Remote User: CommentsThis website I think is very well put together but there was some art by Dali that I could not find. Apart from that it was very enjoyable Remote User: CommentsMonique Preston Sacramento, CA This is a great opportunity that your allowing people to find out about Dali, He is a real believer in the abstract world. Thank You for the chance to find out more about yourself and the famous surrealist artist. Remote User: CommentsHow can I get directly in touch with the Museum? Margo Callaghan - Arizona Remote User: CommentsMiguel San Diego, CA U.S Remote User: Commentshi this is one of the best dali websites i have seen for ages i will be back to see more of his wonderful work. Remote User: CommentsGreat Site! I visited the Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg in 1992 with my young daughter and visiting this site will do much to remind her of that visit as she has few memories except the sheer scale of some of the paintings. I have included a link to the site on my homepage in the hope that others will get to see this great collection for themselves. Many thanks, Tracey, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Remote User: Commentsthom meehan,ireland great site will have to go to the museum cheers Remote User: CommentsIm only 15 years old, but Dali's work fascinates me. Im doing a project for my 3rd year art class, (the theme is vampires),and I love looking at Dali's work. I'd love to see his paintings for real some day...and i hope to study art in college when I leave school. Remote User: Commentshi my name is Jasveen and im from london currently studying an A-level in art. I was looking for a painting by Dali but im not too sure about the title. I was told the title was somthing like 'Raphael's head', but im not sure about this! I couldnt find such a painting on your site, so i wonder if you can clarify this for me. My email address is : jazzybaby112_@hotmail.com Many Thanks! Remote User: Commentsthis is pretty good exhibit of salvador dali. i like his work much and as such think i visit often. is on my favourites list. Paolo Gambino Remote User: CommentsI'M FROM MEXICO, BUT I LIVE IN ORLANDO AND TOMORROW I'LL GO TO VISIT THE MUSEUM IN ST. PETESBURG; THIS IS A VERY NICE SITE, NOW I HAVE A QUICK VIEW ABOUT WHAT I'M EXPECTING TO SEE TOMORROW. THANKS JAIME A. Remote User: CommentsI'M FROM MEXICO, BUT I LIVE IN ORLANDO AND TOMORROW I'LL GO TO VISIT THE MUSEUM IN ST. PETESBURG; THIS IS A VERY NICE SITE, NOW I HAVE A QUICK VIEW ABOUT WHAT I'M EXPECTING TO SEE TOMORROW. THANKS JAIME A. Remote User: CommentsI'M FROM MEXICO, BUT I LIVE IN ORLANDO AND TOMORROW I'LL GO TO VISIT THE MUSEUM IN ST. PETESBURG; THIS IS A VERY NICE SITE, NOW I HAVE A QUICK VIEW ABOUT WHAT I'M EXPECTING TO SEE TOMORROW. THANKS JAIME A. Remote User: Commentsgreat site,we love dali! shayne,wellington,new zealand. Remote User: CommentsI`m just a little curious,did Dali take some sort of hallucingenics or is his method of art truly from a bizare mind?Does anyone really know? Remote User: CommentsI`m just a little curious,did Dali take some sort of hallucingenics or is his method of art truly from a bizare mind?Does anyone really know? jackrabbit521@aol.com Remote User: CommentsI`m just a little curious,did Dali take some sort of hallucingenics or is his method of art truly from a bizare mind?Does anyone really know? jackrabbit521@aol.com /houstontexasUSA Remote User: Commentsvisited the museum when on holiday in Florida in April this year. Wanted to refresh my memory of various works I had seen. A great site. Nesta Sparksman, Dunbar, Scotland. Remote User: Commentssophie pyne england this looks very good so far this is what i am studying in art at collage Remote User: CommentsPaul- Cincinnato, Ohio- USA. My great niece, art student, is facinated by Dali. Moved me to educate myself with his life/work. Thank you Remote User: Commentsit was very nice but i think u need to revize ur biography it is very interesting in fact but u have quite a few mistakes sorry to seem really mean but i couldn't figure out a few things . otherwise it was very good i loved all the art work. i can't leave any of my addresses and things thank u for the info for my essay! Remote User: CommentsRemote User: Commentsthanks for the useful info for my research assignment, ill be back.... Helen, Christchurch, New Zealand Remote User: CommentsFelicitaciones por este "web site", está muy bien logrado Remote User: CommentsWell, I do have to say, his stuff never gets old with me............weird ass shit.... Remote User: CommentsKatie, walsall west midlands england
this web site helped me alot wiv my a-level work! Remote User: CommentsKatie, walsall west midlands england
this web site helped me alot wiv my a-level work! Remote User: CommentsKatie, walsall west midlands england
this web site helped me alot wiv my a-level work! Remote User: CommentsKatie, walsall west midlands england
this web site helped me alot wiv my a-level work! Remote User: CommentsKatie, walsall west midlands england
this web site helped me alot wiv my a-level work! Remote User: CommentsCiao sono TAMARA, abito vicino a Milano....Dalì è fantastico ed il vostro sito non è da meno...COMPLIMENTI!!! -Tamara- Remote User: CommentsThis is a fantastic site. My son has an art exam and wanted to see more Dali and where could he see more than here? thank you! Remote User: Commentskeith davies essex england Remote User: Commentsthis is the most beautiful website concerning the great Salvador Dali. Many thanks. jj.jacoby@pandora.be = J. Jacobs Antwerp Belgium Remote User: Commentsall that it can bee brad fielder Remote User: CommentsSamuel Ward,Iam from Harvey Illnoise, and I think that is enough information for you to say you knew the person in real life. that was great information. Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsAndrew York, Yorkshire England Brilliant Remote User: CommentsWasn't any use to me..thanx 4 nothing Remote User: CommentsMy name is Desiree, from Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America. This website is very educational. I learned more about Dali, and his form of art. I think that those posted comments on the side of almost every painting are very helpful. The comments helped me understand the paintings better, and relate them to his personal thoughts, and diferent stages of his life. This is the best website that I have visited related to this subject!! Remote User: Commentsyour site sux Remote User: CommentsThanx sooooooo much theres not a lot of web sites on Dali i really wanted to learn more about him thanx soooo much!! Remote User: CommentsThis is a wonderful website. Thank you, Remote User: CommentsKathleen from Fargo, North Dakota This is a very interesting website. Remote User: Commentsi have visited the museum I love his art work and he is my idle. Amy West Palm Beach, Fl USA Remote User: CommentsDulce Baldwin Park California USA Great introduction to Dali's art. I could not stop 'till looking at the last of the pieces. Very intriguing and reflecting of one's mind. Remote User: Commentswhy not reflection of the elephants ? Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsThanks for adding to the quality of the internet's potential to elevate the human mind and spirit. Gerry C. Hobe Sound, Florida Remote User: Commentsthank you i injoy!!!! Remote User: Commentsramtin from tehran iran t_ramtin@hotmail.com i injoy thank you! Remote User: Commentsthis web site is so clean and tidy,it is easy to read.And you always renovate the web site,every- time let me see something new,that's good. Irene Chan,KLN,Hong Kong. Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentslRENE CHAN,Hong Kong. this web site is so clean and tidy,that is easy to read.you always renovate the web site,every-time let me see something new,that's good. Remote User: CommentsChloe Kuwert Australia This guys a legend painter Surrealism rocks Remote User: CommentsThank u u ave saved my life and my butt because this has helped me wityh my art project cheers Remote User: Commentsthank you very much for this web page, i am a devoted fan of dali. his gracious art makes me think infinitely. much love..keep up the page! Remote User: Commentsgreat site. much of information and lots of pics. greets, Mel Remote User: CommentsThis is an excellent web page. it is very helpfull Remote User: CommentsYo! I think Dali has a very very 'unique' style of work-somewhat bizarre.This site has helped me alot during my artist study I am currently doing for my art course, Thanks alot Katie,England* Remote User: CommentsRobbie Amarillo,Texas United States Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsSiusplau:Tornin a Catalunya i Espanya el que ens perteneix. i deixin de robar de una vegada per sempre.
Por favor: Devuelvan a Cataluña y España lo que nos pertenece. i dejen de robar de una vez para siempre. Enric Gauell i Senserich. Pont de molins. Figueres. (España) Remote User: CommentsI found this site to be quite intriguing. Linda Kametz lmkalert@aol.com Remote User: CommentsI have had the privilage of visiting your wonderful musuem in St.Petersburg, Florida and I love it! It was very interesting and I have learned so many things! Thank you! Laura McNulty Green Harbor, MA USA Remote User: CommentsCool. One thing wrong was that the Pictures were not titled correctly!~^~^^~~~~!@#@@@@@@@@@@@################$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&************************(((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))______________+++++++++++ Sorry about that :) Look a paper clip! @ he he he he he HA HA! From, Alexandra:) P.S. Don't think I'm crazy, although I am weird.:) Remote User: Commentsgreat informative web page. saw a lot of artwork i've never even heard of before. dali was an awesome painter. his ideas are unusually creative and outstanding. wish i had his talent. kristin, fredericksburg, texas, usa Remote User: CommentsThere is good collection, but i think you should have pictures beside the titles so people can have a preview of what they are looking at Remote User: CommentsGREAT STUFF SEXY AS HELL!!!! Remote User: Commentsyou suck from Jessica G. Orlando, Florida Remote User: Commentswe have to say that Dali is one of the most intelligent painters in 20th century, his sharp observation and special way of express all give us a very deep impression. Remote User: CommentsThankyou for giving me priceless information about the great man. I had chosen to do a spanish oral topic on Dali and had found it impossible to find any useful information, up until i came across this website. Thankyou! Remote User: CommentsI was hoping to find Salvador Dali's "La Persistance De La Memoire but it ain't on here Remote User: CommentsThis is the best Dali site that I have visited in a while. I am doing an Art project on him and this website has all of the information that I need for it. All of the information is brilliant. Lauren, East Sussex, England. Remote User: CommentsI thick this is a wonderful web page and it helped me with a projected that i had. Remote User: CommentsYo yo from the S to the A to the L to the V to the Ato the D to the O to the R to the DALI, yo yo holmes phat g funk nigga home bitch skillet bro. Word up. Remote User: CommentsWonderful exhibit. Thank you. Mike, Woodland Hills, Califiornia, USA Remote User: Commentsreally well setout would be better if there was more pictures of Salvador Dali but other wise excellent Remote User: Commentsi love dalis wore. the clocks are the best Remote User: CommentsLouisville, Ky. USA Someone told me about Dali painting. This is the most comprehensive collection that I have seen! Thanks! Remote User: CommentsI am on my first year of painting and DAli has really inspired me. This is the best site so far theat I have found. Ashlee Clearfield, Utah USA Remote User: CommentsI have enjoyed and deeply moved by some of the art - I was given, in 1985 a "oeuvre" supposedly by dali - it was bought in geneva switzerland in 1952 by an uncle of mine visiting an art galery - so my interest stems from there. Mireille Whiteford, LaSalle, Qc. Canada Remote User: CommentsWayne. RAF Akrotiri,Cyprus, bfpo 57,English."Ace" Remote User: CommentsANDY HULL ENGLAND AWESOME AND EDUCATIONAL Remote User: CommentsAmy Knapp, 124 E. Cecil St, Springfield, Ohio, 45504 Remote User: Commentsmy name is tegan chappell. i live in minneapolis/mn. america: thank you for this site im enjoying ... Remote User: Commentsmy name is tegan chappell. i live in minneapolis/mn. america: thank you for this site im enjoying ... Remote User: Commentswher is persistence of memory/time? Remote User: CommentsDenise: Corona Del Mar, California I found this website interesting and educational. Remote User: CommentsPhil,East London,England. Legend. Remote User: CommentsHi, my name is Victoria and I live in Devon, England. I love Salvador Dali and I think your website is fantastic and so simple to use. Thank you so much! Remote User: CommentsHi Im doing a school project on Salvador Dali, (boring) We have to give refrences on one of his paintings giving a personal opinion of what we thing. Niccola, England, Northumberland. Remote User: CommentsYou spelt Dali wrong at the beginning of the web page when it says 'loading dali' or something, you put dail! Just thought I'd let you know, Thanx for helping me with information, wicked paintings aren't they. Are they expensive? Anyway, I'll carry on with my project. Well Done. P.s Don't forget to change Dail to Dali! Remote User: CommentsRenee Therrien Coaldale,Alberta
Remote User: CommentsAngela,St. Paul, MN,USA This site has an incredible variety of Dali works that I was able to look at, so that I can make a drawing in the way that Dali would, for my art class. Thank you! Remote User: Commentsjessika from: kansas, usa Remote User: CommentsDiane Dougherty Yucaipa, CA 92399 United States Beautiful web site! Remote User: CommentsI'm undertaking an art project on Dali!! I am working on a chares and this web pages gave me many ides on what I can use from him!! I LOVE his work and from this page i have seen things that i never new he did.If anyone has any good ides on Dail's pic to put on my chear just e-mail me at hypigirl8@aol.com Stephanie, New York USA Remote User: CommentsI'm undertaking an art project on Dali!! I am working on a chares and this web pages gave me many ides on what I can use from him!! I LOVE his work and from this page i have seen things that i never new he did.If anyone has any good ides on Dail's pic to put on my chear just e-mail me at hypigirl8@aol.com Stephanie, New York USA Remote User: CommentsThis is a great site. Beautiful work from an incredibly talented man. A wonderful selection as well. Thank you so much! Anne Marie, Cincinnati Ohio USA Remote User: CommentsAs we are doing surrealism at school I found this site fantastic Remote User: Commentssarah whiteman hull humberside uk exellant site enjoyed pix Remote User: CommentsI am doing a compairson report on Dalí and Bosch. For the future, i think that it would be helpfull if there was something compairing Bosch and his influences on Dalí and the surrealistic artists of the future. Remote User: CommentsI am doing a compairson report on Dalí and Bosch. For the future, i think that it would be helpfull if there was something compairing Bosch and his influences on Dalí along with the future surrealistic artists. Remote User: CommentsI am a Singaporean teaching in China. There is a Dali Exhibition in Shanghai and I want to take my students there, this website has provided me some info I need to for teaching. Thanks! Remote User: CommentsMy best regarding for all of you ,you have done very nice job. Remote User: CommentsIan Stirling Remote User: CommentsIan Stirling Brighton England Thanks for a funky website, it opened my eyes to some stuff i never knew Dali did, thanks again!! Remote User: CommentsSalvidor Dali has the nicest art work its lovely!! my first name is Dana i'm from Nelson Bay in Australia.I love his art work very different to the rest!! Remote User: CommentsRemote User: Commentslovely!!!!1111 Remote User: Commentsilana_5 @ yahoo.com I love the websit that you guys have put together but i am looking for prints of dalis, romie and juliet paintings any info would be very helpful thank you again! Remote User: Commentsilana_5 @ yahoo.com I love the websit that you guys have put together but i am looking for prints of dalis, romie and juliet paintings any info would be very helpful thank you again!USA,CA, Remote User: Commentsbest painter ever lived:dali Remote User: Commentsbest painter/artist ever lived:dali kristin,germany Remote User: CommentsI love dali and have been to barcalona to see most of his work . I think this website has realy captured dali well and i will pass the address on to freinds and family Remote User: CommentsDanica T, South Australia. It is good. The only site so far with much info. Remote User: Commentsthank you for putting in some effort we need people like you out there for the people like me who have a passion for beuitful art but cant see it in life and want to experience it thanks alinta Australia Remote User: CommentsGreat site! We were doing a project and this gave us great information! Thank you! Merritt and Sarah Ontario, Canada Remote User: CommentsI love Dali!! Emma from Brisbane, Queensland AUSTRALIA. Remote User: CommentsDoing research online, I found this good site. The only one so far with the full list of paintings and drawings by The Artist. Thanks for your help. Liliana, Malta (Europe) Remote User: CommentsI will be back to view more. My system is not able to view these pictures you had set them up to be seen. I can only view them one at a time going back to the list at hand; but what I have seen is quote wonderful. Thank you. Karen Manchester,NH Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsDali's paintings and drawings never cease to fascinate me adn arouse such wonder that very few images have the power to convey. Your website is an excellent resource for Dali lovers who are unable to travel to the great museums or purchase the numerous books on his life and work. This site had a very thorough list of his paintings and sketches. I am extremely pleased to have found this site, and will not hesitate to come back here and browse the landscapes of the mind which Dali has created! Josh Kellogg, Berkeley, CA Remote User: CommentsHi, I'm Kelley from Silver Spring, MD, USA, and I really like your site. I take Honors Spanish III, and a really huge project on Dalí was my final assignment. Thanks to your information, I got an A+. Keep up the good work. Remote User: Commentswonderful works ..... enjoy viewing looking to purchase for my home......thx Remote User: CommentsI like you web site it's very intersting. It also helped me out with my project. Thank you! Keep up the good work. Marisol Remote User: Commentsgreat site for a great artist!!!! Dan, Easton, Connecticut of USA! Remote User: Commentsdali is tha shit Remote User: CommentsDavid from fayetteville, arkansas great collection, but i was hoping to see the one from the alice in wonderland suite, i think it was, titled caterpillar Remote User: CommentsWonderful collection. It was a pleasure for me to lost my self in your gallery. Kina T washington, usa Remote User: CommentsAna Maria Piedrahita Carle Place, NY nuy interesante, me gustaría que a través de las obras, den una opinion, hay muchas obras las cuales necesitan ser explicada. Se ve que es una pagina bien elabora, los felicito, soy una fiel admiradora de Dali, continuen así Remote User: CommentsAna Maria Piedrahita Carle Place, NY Muy interesante, me gustaría que a través de las obras, den una opinión, hay muchas obras las cuales necesitan ser explicadas. Se vé que es una página bien elabora, los felicito, soy una fiel admiradora de Dali, continuen así. Remote User: CommentsNikki, Perth, WA, Australia. I think that you have done a great presentation of Dali's finest works of art. I am also very happy to see one of the worlds finest artists have a website dedicated to him. Thankyou Webcoast for your great work. Remote User: Commentsdali's work is amazing...very inspirational. great site! Remote User: CommentsL. Brolly, co donegal, Ireland this work is amazing... very inspirational. great site! Remote User: CommentsThis is a cool website. A little boring. Why don't you talk about the persistance of Memory painting, you freak Remote User: CommentsThis site is the bomb Remote User: CommentsStella Palm Harbor, FL A wonderful collection of Dali's work. Remote User: Commentsbootiful starf Remote User: Commentsgrayt sturf Remote User: Commentsgreyt moofic kellektin Remote User: Commentsmat wellington, New Zealand I thought the info was very usefull Remote User: Commentsvery very good and very very educational and very very nice.billy.uk age 5 Remote User: Commentspotrei guardare e riguardare le sue opere per giorni e ogni volta trovare qualche nuovo particolare che mi conquisti! semplicemente geniale Remote User: CommentsIt's great that you put these art treasures on line. Dali is the greatest!! Remote User: CommentsAnn, Dayton, Ohio As a yearly visitor to Florida, one favorite stop is the museum. I find the artwork of Dali very interesting. Hope to see you again next year! Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsRemote User: Commentsmargaret, wurtsboro, New York,USA a really nice site, nice pictures. Remote User: Commentsmargaret, wurtsboro, New York,USA a really nice site, nice pictures. Remote User: CommentsA well prepared site with great content.I didn't realise the great diversity of work done by Dali and have just associated him with the his surreal work.I will be back time and time again. Thank you, Ray S. (County Durham, England) Remote User: CommentsLove Dali, surealists ROCK!!! Plop Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsLucy, Boston, u.s.a, very interesting site with lots of useful pictures to help me with my project. I will come again to see. Remote User: CommentsHi I am Shivum Kakkad And I live in Pinner In England i came here to get information for my project on Salvador Dali but on one painting called Self-Potrait with neck of Rapheal and i was wondering if you could send me some information on him and the painting and my e-mail address is shivumkakkad@hotmail.com. Remote User: CommentsBest collection on the web. Would be nice if you could scan thumbprints though. Im so frustrated that I cannot find a work that he did in the 20's that travelled a couple of years ago. Very futuristic looking, blues and purples, it looked metallic. Wish I could have found it here. Remote User: CommentsAmelia Drew, Perth, Western Australia, Australia! I'm 14 years and love this web site I discovered this site when lookindg up infomation for an art project but even now after the project is done and the results been handed back( 100% by the way! )i still keep coming back for more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remote User: CommentsAmelia Drew, Perth, Western Australia, Australia! I'm 14 years and love this web site I discovered this site when lookindg up infomation for an art project but even now after the project is done and the results been handed back( 100% by the way! )i still keep coming back for more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remote User: Commentsyou did a grate job you have the lagest selection that i have seen Remote User: CommentsGreat to see good online exhibitions, as this one! Nice to see works never seen before although I´ve seen many Dali exhibitions. Thank You, MINDe, Helsinki, Finland Remote User: CommentsTotal enjoyment. Thank you. Saul Ft. Lee NJ Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsI had really hoped (when I logged on) to find a detailed explanation of the painting "The Crucifixion". Many years ago when I visited the dali museum I paid no attention to the guided tour. I was then an art student at Western Kentucky University. I was much too enthralled with the painting. So I'll keep searching for the information . Remote User: CommentsCHAD CD'A ID U.S., I REMEMBER THE FIRST I HAD EVER SEEN DALI'S WORK I PERSON AND I HAVE NOT BEEN THE SAME SINCE.THANK YOU SALVIDOR Remote User: CommentsCHAD CD'A ID U.S., I REMEMBER THE FIRST I HAD EVER SEEN DALI'S WORK I PERSON AND I HAVE NOT BEEN THE SAME SINCE.THANK YOU SALVIDOR Remote User: Commentsvanessa, london england. Very enjoyable to look though but could have more written info with reg to some art pieces. Generally very impressed with the amount work put into this site. Remote User: CommentsHi, I'm known as The Tiger and i come from jolly old London. WOW! a great site, thanks for letting me visit. I have seen the museum in Barcelona and that was brilliant. I love you Dali, your work means so much to me. Remote User: CommentsHi! good webpage Remote User: CommentsVivienne Lee Richmond, Virginia USA Mesmorising Remote User: CommentsBrilliant site! Never have I seen a site so exquisite - so informative... Please keep up the good work...
Remote User: CommentsGUY from SOUTHAMPTON ENGLAND, Ithink that there are some very facsinating pieces of art in this gallery and I really enjoyed my visit.keep up the good work! Remote User: Commentsgt colorado usa thanks for a nice visit to your online gallery. i hope you'll continue to add more dali works. Remote User: CommentsRemote User: Commentsquisiera saber sobre los hologramas,materiales especificos,como se origina mediante los materiales,como poner en posicion los materiales para podeer originar el holograma Remote User: CommentsPRESTON ATKINSON TEMPE AZ 85283 USA I ENJOYED LOOKING AT THIS ENTIRE SITE EVEN THOUGH WHEN I'VE SEEN MOST (NOT ALL) OF THESE PAINTINGS AND PRINTS Remote User: CommentsHere are many pictures I have never seen before. I had a fun. Thank you. -- Macky, Tokyo, Japan Remote User: CommentsHi I am doing an art project on surrealism and i found this site really usefull katy Remote User: CommentsJustine Salazar, London, United Kingdom. I can see all the effort the team have put into all this, it's a wonderful site!!! About the only place i have found with a wide variety of Dalí 's work. Thanks for sharing it online. Keep it up!!! Justine Remote User: CommentsHello my name is Candace! I am from Baltimore Md. This is a great website because I have just recently been made aware of Salvador Dali's work, and this gives me the oppurtunity to see alot of it! velvet3278@aol.com Remote User: Commentssean hogan 219 skipper dr mandeville la, 70471 Remote User: CommentsYonna, Los Angeles, CA, USA Very extensive collection. I enjoyed it immensely and I will return many times. Thank you. Remote User: CommentsYonna, Los Angeles, CA, USA Very extensive collection. I enjoyed it immensely and I will return many times. Thank you. Remote User: Commentsmerci pour ce beaux portraie de dali csr laval quebec canada Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsRemote User: Commentsexcellent!! Remote User: CommentsHi my name is simeon I like your paintings and I would like to say WAZZZZZZUP Remote User: CommentsGENIJALNI LUDAK Remote User: Commentsthanks- excellent site... anushka- melbourne, australia. Remote User: CommentsTamara NSW Australia Cool site haven't finished looking at the pics yet. Im looking for a picture of skulls that when you look into the eyes you can see more skulls etc. If you know where there is a pic of this please e-mail me anna_leigh@zahadum.com Remote User: CommentsMy name is Brenna O'Connor and I live in U.S.A. in Evansville, IN. I love Salvador Dali's paintings. Every time I look at them I find something new. Remote User: CommentsI liked your gallery of Dali..nice work... Remote User: Commentsgerardo recio houston ,tx I luv his art! I could not find the piece i was looking for but thank you. wonderful website!! Remote User: Commentshi i was looking Dali up for a report and I noticed that there are different sides to all the painters that are out there and that what goes on in their life can reflect off their paintings. Remote User: CommentsASHLEY GUAYANILLA,PUERTO RICO,USA WHERE IS"THE PERSISTENCE OF MEMORY"?????? Remote User: CommentsLISA ATLANTA,GA. USA I HAVE VISITED ALL 4 DALI MUSEUMS INCLUDING THE 3 IN SPAIN. THAT WAS QUITE A TRIP TO FIGUERAS, PUBOL, AND CADAQUES....... THIS SITE IS GREAT Remote User: CommentsThis side is very useful for school and for other things!The sides about Salvador Dali are very good! Remote User: Commentsdon england fascinating!!!!!!! Remote User: CommentsSarah Pembrokeshire Wales Lovely site I was reserching Dali for school and found it very helpful. Remote User: CommentsBRENDA MITCHELL EMAIL NV202@AOL.COM LOVE HIS WORK. Remote User: CommentsBRENDA MITCHELL EMAIL NV202@AOL.COM LOVE HIS WORK. Remote User: CommentsCarol, Barnegat Light, NJ, USA Looking for Noah's Arc but not there... email is: cprauch@aol.com Remote User: CommentsKlara - Sydney, NSW, Australia Missed the 3 painting I wanted to see - 1. Persistence of Memory 2. The Burning Giraffe 3. Metamorphasis of Narcissus Remote User: CommentsFiona, Tuam, Ireland Remote User: CommentsExcellent, have always been a fan of Dali's. Jurgen; Port Elizabeth; South Africa. Remote User: CommentsNice Work,I'm Michelle I'm in the 8th grade I attend Mountain View JH.In Bonney Lake, Washington, in the USA.KEEP UP THE NICE WORK!!! Remote User: CommentsNice Work,I'm Michelle I'm in the 8th grade I attend Mountain View JH.In Bonney Lake, Washington, in the USA.KEEP UP THE NICE WORK!!! Remote User: CommentsI appreciate all of the work you have put into preserving Salvidor Dali. lisa minot, north dakota, USA Remote User: Commentsyou suck majorlly and yes ,i know i cant spell Remote User: CommentsMary, Germantown, TN, USA Wonderful! I enjoyed every picture; and, having a little experience with scanning, can appreciate the incredible amount of work done to form this 'exhibit.' I thank you. Remote User: CommentsSalvidor Dali made me open my eyes to art. He is without a doubt my favorite. His stuff rocks on a little narcotics. SHAWN Van BC Remote User: Commentsvery interesting! Remote User: CommentsHe was a bizare man with wonderful and creative but strange panting's. Ellen Bott (age 10) P.S. I have been to the Dali house and museum. Remote User: CommentsTea, Espoo, Finland, Europe: Fine art, I like it! :) Gorgeuos! Remote User: CommentsI'm am in Toronto, Canada and after viewing this page I hope to visit the gallery in the future. Brian Brumwell Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsThelma Ashland Ky USA Out standing!!! Remote User: Commentsthanks for sharing so interesting colletion of pictures, there are so inspiring for a new painter, jackeline aguirre, new jersey Remote User: Commentsthanks for sharing so interesting colletion of pictures, there are so inspiring for a new painter, jackeline aguirre, new jersey Remote User: CommentsI could scan this web page for HOURS! Dali is my favorite artist and never before have I come across SO many illustrations and information in one go- loads I have never seen before! Thank you and brilliant work Remote User: CommentsJohn Burke Birmingham,Al. Great web site. I didn't know Tampa had a Dali museum and this made me want to see it in person. Remote User: CommentsSangeeta,Delhi , Delhi, India Nice to read about Dali Informative .Hoe u'll add few more Paintings Remote User: CommentsDali's paintings look cool when your High on marjiuna. Remote User: CommentsFranky Ibarra San Juan Capistrano CA USA I have always loved Dali's work. Great gob on the web paige. Remote User: CommentsIt´s a plesure to know that you give people the posibility of enjoing the master! Remote User: CommentsAuckland New Zealand thank you again for this time in Spain your web site is wonderful for sharing turning on the kids another one of Dali`s places though pictures are not real they are memory Remote User: CommentsHanna, Helsinki, Finland Remote User: CommentsExcellet work my friends,but I need a lot of time to visit all the great work of Dalí. See You Soon. Congratulations for your page. Remote User: CommentsMariam Coeli Gothenburg Sweden I think it's wonderful to be given a chance to look at the crazy and beaultiful work of this fascinating man. when given a chace I shall see his work in person!!! Remote User: Commentsvery good but i would like to see some information with the pictures and painting of his it would really help!!! Remote User: CommentsIn my opinion, this website is a disgrace to Dali and the museum in Florida. Remote User: CommentsIndia O'Hara Andreoli Curitiba_ Paraná Brazil I'm an artist and love Dali, he is and will always be fantastic.Like the site. Remote User: Commentsits more than grate to have this oportunity. thank you. Remote User: CommentsWhat a wonderfull site! Remote User: Commentsthis site rocs greatness to all lovers of of dails work keep on following ! Remote User: CommentsI enjoy seeing Dali's work. However, the notes on the side are utterly useless. I believe we all know how to see the truth. If anyones confused about that read some of Percy Walker. Lets think for ourselves people. Remote User: CommentsSusan Pflugerville, TX USA Love the work
Remote User: Commentsmy sister and i found a dali print in a market here and since then i've been curious about his other works - your site is has been interesting to sift through but i cannot find a copy of the print we have.. i dont know the name but it had two spindly legged elephants walking across a desert.. clo, melbourne australia. Remote User: CommentsElisabet from Sweden: Thanks! Remote User: CommentsLooks like I'm the First New Zealander to visit your site. I love Dali work, and this site is really great. Congatulations to those who put this site together. Katrina, Christchurch, New Zealand Remote User: CommentsOscar Freyre Stockholm Sweden www.geocities.com/oscarfreyre A Dalì inspirative artist with huge fantasy and colorism. Oscar Remote User: Commentswow I have always been in love with the sheer greatness of this work. I can say that you have done a great job!!! steven a Galbraith Greenwood village colorado United states stevengalbraith@hotmail.com Remote User: CommentsMansel from Australia Excellent. ?Specify work associated with Garcia Lorca? Remote User: Commentswell done, really...I adore Dali...and this is one of the best web sites I have ever seen... well you know the song "i'm so excited, I yust can't hide it..." Diana, Slovenia (it's next to Italy), Europe Remote User: CommentsExcellent site, thank you so much Remote User: CommentsI'm Larry from Novi, MI. Great site. I can see why you've won awards. Remote User: CommentsPatricia Lopes Sao Paulo - Brasil Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsYour brief biography is a wonderful tool for this docent in training. Lois, Cincinnati, Ohio USA Remote User: Commentsthis is very good but could have a search e.j.harwood Remote User: CommentsJames, Dublin Eire Dali Rocks Remote User: Comments
PAM ......MELBOURNE, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA. I thought the websight was stunning and will be a regular visitor. The comments that accompanied some of his works was interesting and helpful. Remote User: CommentsFascinating and wonderful. I was prompted to do a little research on Dali for a school visit to Spain. Your extensive collection of art work has helped me to understand and appreciate him greatly. Thank you. Arvo, Keighley, West Yorkshire, England Remote User: CommentsMy name is Chris Meyer. I'm live in Bright, ON, Canada. I first stumbled on Salvador Dali about 2 years ago. The first "Work of Art" I saw was stunning!! Since then I have bought 2 prints of his work and I'm always looking for more. Thanks for this site!!!!!! Remote User: Commentstracy, glasgow, scotland, salvidor Dali is by far 1 of the greatest artists ever, his work never ceases to spellbind me. A true genius. Remote User: CommentsThe site is great, but in the colection, why you put over the picturie the name of scanerers. Could you eliminate this (to put it in other place) in order to gain in quality and clearness? Thanks. xyzt@mixmail.com Remote User: CommentsDan Dougherty, Long Island City, Queens, NY Great website-where are the lithographs? Remote User: Commentshi my name is caroline i have a print called christ of st john of the cross, do yoou have any info you can sent me on this.. e-mail if you have any comments or questions at cpo8187051@aol.com thank you. i live in florida Remote User: CommentsOut of this world.....fantastic....beautiful
Nafez Geneva, Switzerland Remote User: Commentsoh salvador de mis misieras Remote User: CommentsBarbara Zalenski, Punta Gorda, Florida USA Very good web pages. I was fortunate to see many of Dali's works when they were exhibited at the Guggeinheim Museum in NY City around 1960 or so. Since that time I have enjoyed many of his works especially the Last Supper, and many others expecially when you see different images in the same painting. We also visited St. Peterburg several times. Remote User: CommentsI JUST LOVE THIS GENUES!!!!! Am a biggest fan. Remote User: CommentsRobert Bailey-Tifton,Ga.,USA.Wonderful webpage..almost as good as going to the museum inTampa.....almost..Thanks. Remote User: Commentsjanet south bend in. u.s.a. great site. was he god or el diablo? Remote User: CommentsGreatings In the name of the Fantastico SALVIDOR DALI. To learn his way of life you must live in one of his paintings.Live within your own world and be free of any form of society. Create one for for yourself Remote User: CommentsGreatings In the name of the Fantastico SALVIDOR DALI. To learn his way of life you must live in one of his paintings.Live within your own world and be free of any form of society. Create one for for yourself Remote User: CommentsJames Ericson, LongIsland NY
Greatings In the name of the Fantastico SALVIDOR DALI. To learn his way of life you must live in one of his paintings.Live within your own world and be free of any form of society. Create one for for yourself, a BEAUTIFUL SITE Remote User: Commentsdali is the reason i began to like art. thanks for the website...felicia...cleveland ohio Remote User: CommentsGreat Site ! I am actually looking for a place to buy a lithografi of "La Main (Les Rmords de conscience)", but cannot find it anywhere. Would be greatful if you could help. Thanks. Marianne Coral Springs, FL. mrw5@hotmail.com Remote User: Commentsabsolutely brilliant Remote User: CommentsErin Lewis Remote User: CommentsJeremy Fields Milton, WI USA Remote User: CommentsThis exhibit is great! :-) congratulations for such a job extremly well done. Remote User: CommentsVal Spence USA Northeast Love Dali and the site rocks!!! Thanx for putting lots/most/all of his work online - V Remote User: CommentsI am interested in finding a particular Dali piece but I did not see it on the web site - can you assist? eal@para-protect.com thanks I think it was called Cadaques (a landscape of the port painted somewhat later in his life.) :->> Remote User: CommentsI think that it is a really good sight and has helped me alot with my studies Remote User: CommentsLinda Omaha, NE USA This is an excellent site for Dali's work. I own a signed print of Dali and have enjoyed your site. Remote User: CommentsGREAT SITE, I LOVE YOUR WORK & THE ARTIST. STEVE Remote User: CommentsGREAT SITE, I LOVE YOUR WORK & THE ARTIST. STEVE G PORTLAND OREGON U.S.A Remote User: CommentsAWESOME;;;;;;;;;;STU LONDONformaly SCOTLAND Remote User: Commentsit was good. Remote User: CommentsRegina HEMET, CA USA HI, I was just trying to identify a picture I came across that is signed by Dali. It is an "abstract" with a picture of Abe Lincoln. I like your site, mainly because of the fact that is so full of Photos that are easily accesible. Remote User: CommentsJoe D. Tifton,Georgia,U.S.A. A very interesting and good way to pass time.
Remote User: CommentsCan anyone assist me in finding the value of a Dali? It seems that my mother has in her home a framed mirror - the frame has in the four corners the melting clocks - and she has paperwork authenticating it as a Dali.......but the problem is she lives in the backwoods of North Carolina and can't find anyone to appraise it properly. Any thoughts? Pam, New York, New York Remote User: Commentsthanks for sharing a wonderful web site. phil folsom, california usa Remote User: CommentsAl Camano Island Washington Wonderful website!!! Remote User: CommentsGreat site! Keep up the good work! Have seen Dali all my life. I live in Scotland where we have the 'Christ of St. John of the Cross' painting displayed in Glasgows Art Gallery. Because of this one painting I have been influenced by Dali all my life. Love his work. Paul J. Remote User: CommentsI love the pictures you have added to the collection. Salvador Dali was truely one of the most talented painters ever to grace us with his arts. Remote User: Commentsshadows.......florida, usa start comment<< very well put together, excellent collection, i will be at the museum soon >>end comment Remote User: Commentslily from Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. This is a great site. Keep up the good work. Remote User: Commentsmissing some other beautifull peint it's achaim but still a plaisir Remote User: CommentsJeanne Brinker,San Clemente,CA USA jeanne3dcg@aol.com Favorite Dali quote, "The difference between me and a madman is I am not mad." Remote User: Commentsi love your informative site. do you have any information on a sketch called st.george and the dragon circa 1946 Remote User: CommentsHelena Palamós (Spain) I have been many times at Teatre-Museu Dali in Figueres as I am certanly a very big fan of him (and Palamós is nearby): Everytime I go, while looking at his paintings, I find out some other features and other matters on each on them. I have seen in other museums (MoMA, in Munich-Germany-, Madrid,...) pictures of Dali and the more I see, the more I love his art. Unfortunately I didn't get yet to the Morse Charity Trust in St Petersburg Beach, Fl but next time I get to the States I will definetely visit it. Until the time comes to go there, I will often visit again your page. My favourite painting is "The hallucinogenic Toreador" Thank you very much for offering us the chance to enjoy Salvador Dali! Remote User: CommentsNice website... have one of my unknown Dali's up on one of my pages this week... wish I knew its name... http://JimYo.tripod.com/weekpic.html Remote User: Commentskelly, orange park, fl. U.S. Beautiful display of scanned work. interesting background info for the paintings. Remote User: CommentsLaura, Orleans, Ontario, Canada I really enjoy looking at the pictures that Dali has created. There is so much more to see than what catches the eye. I feel that everyone has their own interpretation of what they see. I have purchased many of his pictures because I am very fond of his work. Remote User: CommentsYour gallery is amazing. I'm a student and I don't have the time or money to explore these works in the traditional way, so this gallery really opens up the world of Dali to me. Dinh of Toronto,Ontario Remote User: CommentsCongratulations!!! It made me understand a little bit more about SD. I have 2 paintings, signed by Him, I dont know if those are originals. How can I verify if (if not) are originals? Thanks. raybonilla@fincalospinos.com Remote User: CommentsLove this site! I just wish Dali had left behind a journal so we could further understand his work. Can you order prints from here? One of my favorites is "Sugar Sphinx." Thanks for creating such a wonderful site! Remote User: CommentsIt is a masterpiece. Dali is so easily available and that too with such a clarity. Many many thanks to you. Subrata Misra , Ahmedabad City , India albertcamuss@hotmail.com Remote User: CommentsGreatexhibition-thanks for expanding my access to the works of Dali. I admire his work very much. Again,thanks for your efforts. I never cease o be amazed by the scope of information that is available online. The Equalizer Louisiana, USA Remote User: CommentsAndre from Pietersburg in South Africa. Remote User: CommentsThe paintings are really to small Impossible to see the details Sorry Remote User: CommentsThe paintings are really to small Impossible to see the details Sorry Remote User: CommentsLila C. Mannl 5800 Lakeside Drive #1114 Margage, FL 33063 USA I love Dali's works! Remote User: CommentsSuz'Anna from Kansas City, Missouri, USA Having just visited the Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida, I was very pleased to discover this site and learn more about some of the paintings I actually saw. Dali is and has always been my favorite. Thank you! Remote User: Commentshallo leute !! ich mag dali seine werke schön und meine arbeit kann mann unter www.galerievisionen.de sich anschauen cu hamid Remote User: Commentshallo leute !!! dali seine wrke gefalen mir gut und meine werke kann mann unter (www.galerievisionen.de )anschauen cu hamid Remote User: CommentsBarbara Ocean Springs, MS USA Wonderful presentation. Have been to the museum, so it was fantastic to be able to revisit some of my favorites at your site. Thanks so very much! Remote User: CommentsI have a pencil signed work (8/300) of Dali's Discovery of America by CC (shows a ship with a female apparition in the sail). I was given this work and wondered where I could find out the value. Remote User: CommentsI love this!!! You guys have alot of Dali's work that I have never seen. I am a big M. C. Escher fan as well. I really enjoy graphic arts, and am lucky enough to be employed by a printing company. I Love this site, I will without aboubt recommend it to my freinds! Remote User: CommentsI love this!!! You guys have alot of Dali's work that I have never seen. I am a big M. C. Escher fan as well. I really enjoy graphic arts, and am lucky enough to be employed by a printing company. I Love this site, I will without aboubt recommend it to my freinds!-Tina Murfreesboro, TN U.S.A. hapiphany@hotmail.com please email me with any interesting info on Dali Remote User: CommentsA great site for the GREATEST PAINTER ever. from Portugal Remote User: CommentsI like so much all about Salvador Dalí, so thank for this page, I`m Mónica Matus from Viña del Mar in Chile Remote User: CommentsZhoii & Thea Botes province: Kwazulu-Natal town: Richards Bay country: South Africa Zhoii has to do a project on this artist, and she found ALL the information she needed (and more) on your website. Very well set out and easy to find. Thank You Remote User: CommentsI'm just on my way in. Pete, USA Remote User: CommentsGreat site!I have just discovered Dali and am grateful for the effort in putting together this collection that has allowed to be inspired and moved by his work. Simon,Adelaide, Australia Remote User: CommentsWonderful exhibit!!! Remote User: CommentsFrancesca from Wethersfield, CT in the United States - nice visuals - I'm still exploring it to find information about directions, entrance fees, etc. to the musuem. Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsLeroy, London, England Remote User: CommentsYou need a dinner bell to announce your webpage and to let those who new Sal that he is still with us when we hear his trademark ring. Don Wachter Madison, Wisconsin USA
Remote User: CommentsYou need a dinner bell to announce your webpage and to let those who new Sal that he is still with us when we hear his trademark ring. Don Wachter Madison, Wisconsin USA
Remote User: CommentsYou need a dinner bell to announce your webpage and to let those who new Sal that he is still with us when we hear his trademark ring. Don Wachter Madison, Wisconsin USA
Remote User: CommentsYou need a dinner bell to announce your webpage and to let those who new Sal that he is still with us when we hear his trademark ring. Don Wachter Madison, Wisconsin USA
Remote User: CommentsYou need a dinner bell to announce your webpage and to let those who new Sal that he is still with us when we hear his trademark ring. Don Wachter Madison, Wisconsin USA
Remote User: CommentsYou need a dinner bell to announce your webpage and to let those who new Sal that he is still with us when we hear his trademark ring. Don Wachter Madison, Wisconsin USA
Remote User: CommentsYou need a dinner bell to announce your webpage and to let those who new Sal that he is still with us when we hear his trademark ring. Don Wachter Madison, Wisconsin USA
Remote User: Commentsi love salvador dali his art work is so extravagant and fabulous it's a part of my soul and my dreams Remote User: Commentsi love salvador dali his art work is so extravagant and fabulous it's a part of my soul and my dreams Remote User: CommentsThis page is excellent! I like the paintings very much! It would be better if you could put a thumbnail beside each of the names of the paintings or drawings. Remote User: CommentsREALLY AMAZING, A GOOD EFORT, SOME PAINTS SHOULD BE BETTER SCANNED Remote User: CommentsEnrique,Lima,Perú Really amazing, a good effort to preserve alive the work of Dali whom I consider the beautifull paranoia of Art in painting. Remote User: CommentsIts a nice collection! Remote User: Commentsmy name is tiffany, i am only 14 and i live in los angeles, ca in the us. i think this site is so cool, i really love salvador dali,and that you have all of his work lined up so everyone can see i find that really cool to. keep up the good work! Remote User: CommentsI think it is not appropriate to write "SCAN BY WEBCOAST" on the paintings Remote User: CommentsVery nice, I enjoy having access free of charge!!! It is very nice to share Dali's art with all of us. You do a wonderful job, with the limitations that scanning has with art. I freq. go and look at his painting 'apparition of Face and Fruit Dish on a Beach" it is at the Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford,CT. Each time I see something else, but that is the beauty of his art work. For many of us who will never be able to see all his work 1st hand hats off to you for bringing it to us. HUMBLE FAN-USA Remote User: Commentsa very much appreciated site to this great person!! mr p.clifton ( surrey england ) Remote User: Commentsstrange request - i visited your museum back in 1995 - how can i buy one of your t shirts over the net Remote User: Commentsstrange request - i visited your museum back in 1995 - how can i buy one of your t shirts over the net - scottjnaylor@aol.com Remote User: CommentsRoss, Haverfordwest, South Wales, UK Great collection you've shown the enormous versatility of his work, from pastels to bright colours, from conventional to surreal. Dali is a truly captivating artist. Remote User: CommentsHelen from London, England. I visited the website because I wanted to use Dali's work to explain to my daughter that her picture really did mean something. It was essential that she understood that art is an expression. She is 6 years of age and I hope will always appreciate the work of Dali. Remote User: CommentsDali is to me the most gifted painter of his time.....as an artist I can only hope to stand in his shadow...Papaleofinearts @aol Remote User: Commentsi liked your sight it was insightful as all fuck! ...now i know a bit about dali..thanks :) Remote User: Commentsi didnt get any further with my search to find out what dali etching i got! Remote User: CommentsThis website is cool! And Dalí was a very good painter! You have many paintings here, I've seen them all and I liked most of them! Good job! Congratulations! María, Spain Remote User: CommentsI'D LOVE THE WORK YOU'VE GATTER HERE, THANKYOU FOR LETTIN DALI LIVE ALSO IN THE VIRTUAL WORLD. ALFONSO ALFARO, Guatemala, Guatemala. aalfaro_99@yahoo.com Remote User: CommentsJohn Godefridis Hoekstraat 14 3040 Huldenberg- Belgium A beautiful collection. Congratulations Remote User: CommentsAlbert Bartolo Secretary Art Club 2000 Mellieha Malta Europe I sincerely belive that Dali is an artist who marked the centuray and I am realy pleased that people like you take the time and interest to create something like this for everyone to appreciate more this great artist. look us up if ever in Malta Remote User: CommentsExcellant page!!!! Mimie in Hot Springs Ar. Remote User: CommentsSANDRA MCALLEN TX USA INTRESTING Remote User: Commentsyour site reloads too often Remote User: CommentsDaniel I love this website. One of the reasons why i love dali's paintings so much it's because i can honestly identify with him. For him, this of course is my opinion, whatever is neither here nor there but somewhere beyond this plane of reality. Or, if for that matter, is reality? Goleta(santa barbara), California, United States Remote User: CommentsDaniel btw, xomega@hotmail.com Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsWeldon/Ft.Worth,Texas/USA: Dali was really ahead of his time! Remote User: CommentsWonderful to have this facility at my fingertips. Thank you Noelle from York UK Remote User: CommentsJessica Brunelle Anna, TX USA I just want to say Salvador Dali is my all time favorite painter. In college I have done two presentations in extent reseach and was received a wonderful grade by my professor. Remote User: CommentsShahar Hefer wilmington NC: thanx. Remote User: Commentsphil salisbury,n.c. very cool! Remote User: CommentsShanna, Irving, Texas USA I had just recently experienced my first Dali painting last month. Such a shame that it took me 27 years before someone shared that experience with me. Which leads me to believe that I have been missing out on a master at his art. Having only gotten the chance to see 2 replicas of his paintings I very much enjoyed getting the opportunity to experience each of his works of art and will definitely have to go to Florida and see an actual Dali museum. Thank you for taking the time to make available the work of such a talented and genuinely magnificent artist. Peace. Remote User: Commentsyeah great site man, love always liltam Remote User: CommentsThe Lord Orchardleigh,Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, UK. Most interesting site. Am a great lover of Dali. Have many great books about him and some prints but, sadly, no originals - yet!. We now have wonderful exhibition at County Hall, London. A must if you come to England. Anyone really serious should try to get:- Dali. The Work the Man.by Robert Descharnes. ISBN. 0-8109-8162-9. Over 1,100 illustrations with 672 plates in full colour. Expensive. But well worth it! Taschen also have some good books on Dali. Finally. To my Dutch friend and Dali admirer, Heleen, I still, and always will love you. X.
Remote User: CommentsThe Lord Orchardleigh,Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, UK. Most interesting site. Am a great lover of Dali. Have many great books about him and some prints but, sadly, no originals - yet!. We now have wonderful exhibition at County Hall, London. A must if you come to England. Anyone really serious should try to get:- Dali. The Work the Man.by Robert Descharnes. ISBN. 0-8109-8162-9. Over 1,100 illustrations with 672 plates in full colour. Expensive. But well worth it! Taschen also have some good books on Dali. Finally. To my Dutch friend and Dali admirer, Heleen, I still, and always will love you. X.
Remote User: Commentsreally good. had a large array of work Remote User: CommentsMy boyfriend loves Salvador Dali, he was the one who introduced his work to me. I really enjoyed your site, because there are a lot of paintings in your collection. I wish every single painting had a comment though. Remote User: Commentstalia alberta, canada dali is my favorite, thank you Remote User: CommentsJerri Brisbane Queensland Australia I love every bit of this fine website and would like to award it for being just so great. Thankyou Remote User: Comments´Þ¸®¸¦ »ç¶ûÇÏ´Â Çѱ¹ÀÎ joywon_2000@n-top.com Remote User: CommentsMichelle Little Las Vegas, NV/USA Have enjoyed Dali's work for over 20 years. I grew up in Cleveland, OH and his museum was there when I was in high school. My friends and I would go several times a week just to look at his fantastic works. Remote User: CommentsMichelle Little (Protectoromine@aol.com) Las Vegas, NV/USA Have enjoyed Dali's work for over 20 years. I grew up in Cleveland, OH and his museum was there when I was in high school. My friends and I would go several times a week just to look at his fantastic works. Remote User: CommentsHi my name is Lee Gates I am 25 years of age and I live in South Africa. I came across one of Dali's paintings and then decided to look into some of his other works and I astounded to see how his woks have changed over the years. In my opinion I would have to say that Dali was one of the worlds greats who with the help of this site will live on for eternity. Remote User: CommentsSandra Kay Jones 1200 SW 99th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73139 United States of America I have 9 of his paintings and think he was one of the most talented artists ever. This website is excellent. I will visit it more than once and will recommend it to all of my family & friends. Please let me know where I can purchase more of his art work. A door-to-door salesman introduced me to his art and I bought every one that he had. Thanx for a very well put together website Remote User: CommentsMuy bueno Remote User: Commentsyou cant find the time painting by dali Remote User: Commentsi am writing to you from argentina, buenos aires,in south america, and having entered your page was really worthy for me as i found a lot of information i really needed to conclude an assignment for school. from all the sites i´ve visited yours was the first one i am in the condition to find as useful. CONGRATULATIONS, many thanks... noelia tello pereira (42416132) Remote User: CommentsNeil Blair, Lehigh Acres, FL. USA. I enjoy studying Dali's work on your site. It is very easy to use. I especially like the section showing his drawings as they provide a great deal of info and insight about his ideas and techniques. A drawing is a raw version of a work. Remote User: CommentsHOLA, SOY UN JOVEN QUE TRATA DE TENER SU TRABAJO Y OBTENGO LA INFORMACION. LES SUGIERO QUE YENGAN LA INFORMACION DE LAS FECHAS DE COMPOCICION DE LAS OBRAS Y MAS INFORMACION DE DALI, IDIOTAS, ESTUPIDOS, CHUPA VERGAS. Remote User: CommentsNIGHTROSEAUSTIN@HOTMAIL.COM I HAVE A ORIGINAL DALI THAT NO ONE SHOULD HAVE ,ITS IN A SAFE FOR THE LAST 30 YEARS .HEAR IS THE FUNNY PART ,A COUPLE OF MONTHS I E MAILED A DALI COLLECTOR/MUSEUM AND ASK THEM IF THERE HAD A DALI MAN ON HORSE DRAWING. I NEVER HEART OF THEM AGAIN. BUT THIS MONTH I LOOKED IN EBAY SURE ENOUGH A "BAD" COPIE OF MAN AND HORSE WAS UP FOR AUCTION I DID LEAVE A E-MAIL FOR THIS PERSON MAYBE I COULD BE WRONG????? IGOT IT AS A GIFT 30YEARS AGO IN GERMANY,DID DALI DID MORE THEN ONE ????????? COULD YOU E-MAIL ME BACK PLEASE.I SAVED THIS PICTURE SO W/HAVE A VALUE FOR MY DAUGHTER ONE OF THESE DAYS OR MINE.THANK YOU R.AUSTIN Remote User: CommentsHI, THANK YOU FOR REMINDING ME ABOUT THE DALI SKEYCHES. I WAS IMPRESSED BY YOUR SITE, AND REMINDED ABOUT THE GENIUS OF THE MAN, I HAD THE PLEASURE OF MEETING HIM AT PORT LLIGAT WHEN I WAS A YOUNG MAN. CHEERS. JON. Remote User: CommentsFantastic work but wheres the fruit bowl and the face?? Remote User: CommentsRobert B. Cass Anyone who hasn't seen his work in person needs to get out of this site, click on an internet airline ticket service and purchase a ticket to Spain, Florida, or D.C. All of these museums are perfect vacation destinations! Remote User: CommentsJaly Andrianne Brussels - Belgium Most interesting ! i attended exhibitions in Brussels, many years ago, but had no idea of the number of chefs d'oeuvres you so give us to, "at ease", see. Thanks a lot for this, and for the renown of the painter, more and more to be appreciated. Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsKimberly Boshears 5248 Courtland Rd. Spring Hill Florida , 34608 My painting won first place of the surrealist oil painting competition in 1982 for the opening of the museum in St. Petersburg, FL. Dali is my favorite painter! I have one of his watches! Remote User: CommentsTiffany Pabst GA USA I love Salavador Dali Remote User: CommentsLeslie North Carolina, United States Where are all the well known works, such as the Crusifixtion and the Persistenc of Memory? Remote User: CommentsGreat exhibit...but my daughter and I were really looking for a "crit" on the peice "Autumnal Cannibalism" painted in 1936 by the maestro. If there is anything that you can give us it would be greatly appreciated. Thanking you once again and well done! bish@mega.co.za Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsGeoff Almstead San Diego, CA USA -Balanced presentation, keep up the good work Remote User: CommentsIt is remarkable site, because It contains a very usel painting for popular painter, but really the page is design like table you know there should be classified link, it doesn't need to have this height of the page if it is orgnise in catogries and within each catogary you could log in so easily but of all it is marvellous Badr Edinn Awad- Dubai Remote User: CommentsHey, My name's Anna, and I live in New Zealand. This is a great site, im really impressed. What A wonderful man. Remote User: CommentsPete from Dacula, GA (metro Atlanta) I lived in Seminole for 15 years and frequently visited the Dali Museum in St. Pete. Now living in Atlanta, I find I miss that museum tremedously (besides the grouper sandwiches at Frenchy's). I am overjoyed to have found this website and the excellent collection of art. It makes me want to visit the museum again even more so. Thank you. Remote User: CommentsMy name is Megan. I am from Colleyville, Texas, and I absolutly adore your sight!!! It has to be the best place for Dali art. Thank you for having this sight! Remote User: CommentsGreat! Thanks! -- miss only St. Anthony. Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsRoger,Noarlunga,South Australia very very good Remote User: CommentsMy name is Kevin,I am from Livonia Michigan, USA. I am a lover of the work that Dali has produced. I was wondering where some of the more common pieces are...such as Metamorphosis, Swans Reflecting Elephants, Apparition...etc...These are definite additions that you should make to this site, as they have a whole lot more depth and emotion involved. I want to say that I really appreciate the work you have done to make these pieces available to view around the world for free. I have all ready reffered many to your site. Once again, WONDERFUL JOB! Remote User: Commentsi think dali is a great artist Remote User: Commentsfrom Lilie Enjoyed very much the paintings of a great!! Remote User: Commentsdali is truly the best and all time greatest artist he has inspyered me a GREAT feal. thankx dali .B. Remote User: Commentsdali is truly the best and all time greatest artist he has inspyered me a GREAT deal. thankx dali .Brooke Ramien N.S.W Australia, Remote User: CommentsElaine, Cleveland, Ohio USA I enjoyed viewing the works online. I visited the Dali Museum when it was in Beachwood, Ohio. I believe that collection went to Florida. This was great. I liked the comments with some of the works. Thank you for putting this wonderful art online. Remote User: CommentsCongratulations on creating a clear, easy to use, but facinating website! i found everthing i needes and more! my name is Cheyenne, i live in England, i am 15, and studying art as a G.C.S.E Remote User: CommentsWe would also like to see some of Dali's statues that he made Remote User: CommentsDoug Hughes Wheaton , Mo. U.S.A. Looking for a Book on the Divine Comedy and Bible. Picture of each Canto of inferno, paradise, and purgatory. Story behind these projects.Your site is a wealth of great information for a beginner. Remote User: Commentsawesome website Dali is the shit sean4202001@yahoo.com Remote User: CommentsMartha Canton,GA.Cd. Juarez, Chih. Mexico. Me gusto su pagina y quisiera saber mas de otros grandes pintores de la talla de DALI. "Exelente agina". Remote User: CommentsAlora Windsor 34322 Conroe Huffsmith Magnolia TX 77354 first saw a Dali print in my dr's office and fell in love with his work Remote User: CommentsA really nice selection of few of the most beautyful Images from the "Master" himself, congratulations !!! Marc, London, Great Britain Remote User: CommentsA really nice selection of few of the most beautyful Images from the "Master" himself, congratulations !!! Marc, London, Great Britain Remote User: CommentsRaymond Oak Lawn, IL USA Great site! A marvelous tribute to an amazing artist. Remote User: Commentscrazy or a genius! whatever, i luv him and his work but i need a lot of information for my essay so if anybody knows something extraordinairy it is welcom! thanx Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsRemote User: Commentscrazy or a genius! whatever, i luv him and his work but i need a lot of information for my essay so if anybody knows something extraordinairy it is welcom! thanx and a kiss from holland! cwietske@hotmail.com Remote User: Commentshello its a nice site with good info but it does suck ass a little bit Remote User: CommentsTelli im from mn yea yea Remote User: CommentsDali materialized his delusions through the art of painting while serving as a testament to Freud's theory of the unconscious by providing evidence that such a concept truly exists. Remote User: CommentsDali materialized his delusions through the art of painting while serving as a testament to Freud's theory of the unconscious by providing evidence that such a concept truly exists. Mary Hedayati, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Remote User: CommentsLuke, San Juan Capistrano, California Good, but missing some vital works. Thanks for the great site anyways. Remote User: CommentsJemma Nottingham England Thankyou for helping me with my research project for my art A Level. I am now a lot more knowledgeable on the artist who I have recently become very interested in. Remote User: CommentsGabriela , NITRA, Slovakia It was interessing.I´m perssued I´ll back... Collection of Dali is really cool. Remote User: Commentsi enjoyed seeing early works, directly next to later works. i feel like painting. Remote User: CommentsErik, West Vancouver, B.C. Canada Nice page on Salvidor Dali Remote User: CommentsThis is a great website, it helped me when I was doing a project in school.Maria-Therese Breil, Herning, Denmark. Remote User: CommentsMy name is Gemma and I am from Glasgow, Scotland. I think that the web site is good but I was looking for more pictures Remote User: CommentsSalvidor Dali's ability to to turn inanimate objects into animate objects is nothing but amazing. Mike O'Heron, Columbus Ohio, USA Remote User: CommentsI'm amazed by Dali's work... I saw on your site, some paintings that I'd never seen before. I think that Dali is the greatest!!!! Isabelle Sherbrooke, Québec Remote User: CommentsI found his work very expressive and abrupt in some ways and he is a very imaganative and creative man Remote User: Commentsjamie..glastonbury conneticut....i find salvador dali a very interesting man and your information very helpful.I didnt know very much about him and this site gave me a nice outline of his life. Remote User: CommentsHey, this is the first time I was on your site . It is great!!!!! dali is my favorite artist i have done some of his drawings just for fun, as I like to draw keep up the good work Remote User: CommentsStephanie Hervey Bay Queensland Australia.... Fantastic exhibit! Helpful for my studies! Remote User: Commentsmy daughter and i were searching the web for homework questions. one of her questions were pertaing to salvador dali. we enjoyed looking at all the beautiful paintings. Remote User: CommentsRemote User: Commentsthis was a great web site for research Remote User: CommentsEddyJager@cs.com Remote User: CommentsEddyJager@cs.com De vallei 23 9405 kg assen holland Remote User: CommentsTHANK YOU FOR THIS GREAT SITE! I FELT LIKE I WAS TRANSPORTED TO "ST.PETE'S" FROM:scubarich@earthlink.net
Remote User: CommentsCAROLINE/GLASGOW/SCOTLAND/UK EXCELLENT SIGHT Remote User: CommentsI really enjoyed your online exhibit of Dali. I only have one problem with your exhibition, which is that you have the text "scanned by...." on the top left of the scans. This totally ruins the image of these great paintings. I assume that you only have the highest respect for this great surrealist painter, as do I. If so,then why desecrate these great pieces of art,even if they are scans, with that ugly yellow type? Once you have changed this small imperfection in your site, then you'll truly be worthy of whatever awards you've won. Remote User: Commentspam garland, texas Remote User: Commentsjust entering the computer age....art teacher for 30 years and greatly enjoyed your site and the quality of the reproductions and the orig. work of the montage Remote User: CommentsMe encanta la pagina y me encanta lo que hizo Salvador dali, es unico y es un genio.... soy su ferviente admiradora
Claudia 19 años estudiante Remote User: CommentsDave, Birmingham UK. Good in-depth treatment of Dali. Remote User: CommentsRita (montreal, quebec) This web site is excellent!!!!!!!!!!! You guys did a great job assembling Dali's greatest paintings... Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know i'll be keeping this web site on my favorites list!!!!!! Remote User: CommentsRita (montreal, quebec) This web site is excellent!!!!!!!!!!! You guys did a great job assembling Dali's greatest paintings... Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know i'll be keeping this web site on my favorites list!!!!!! Remote User: Commentsyour web site is the gayest web site i have ever seen in my whole life hire a graphic designer or dont have a site Remote User: CommentsHolly Ann Chittum (13 years old) Holiday, Florida United States of America You gave me a lot of info I needed for my school project on Salvador Dali. Thanx. Remote User: CommentsFantastic! Remote User: CommentsWhere is my favourite picture? "The persistence of memory"? you know, the one with the melting clocks! Most disappointing. Remote User: CommentsThis site's layout is unbearable to look at. Maybe one day you'll learn html or something. Remote User: CommentsThanks for the easy acces to the talent of Salvador Dali. I look forward to seeing his works that lie in England. I do recommend the Salvador Dali musem in St. Petersburg, FL. Angela Coleman Remote User: CommentsAndrea, melbourne, victoria, Australia i love your site, it has been put together realy well and has some great paintings. well done! Remote User: Commentsdylan, Bangor, Pa. USA COO-OO-OOL Remote User: CommentsThomas Sewell Remote User: CommentsThe Reynolds Morse collection has been a most important collection of Dali for many years, and their generosity in so avidly displaying it through so many mediums has been of great service both to Dali and his adoring public. As Dalis writings are also so valuable, could some of these not be made available online? Sai, Sydney Aust. Remote User: CommentsAmy from Reading in Bershire,England. I went to Tate Modern in London and was introduced to Man Ray and the wide spectrum surrrealism covers.Why do artists such as Dali not have more exhibitions, allowing others to fully appreciate and understand their outstanding works of genius? Remote User: CommentsDerek Houston, Texas, USA Glad to have found such a great collection Remote User: CommentsI'm searching for painting "Mirage" of Salvador Dali.On the painting there is a woman in a green dress who is looking at her lover (painted in white lines on a bridge in the sky)in the sky. the woman is standing in a desert. The whole painting is painted in green and blue.The poster is missing in this collection and I would like to buy him. Pleas give me some information where or how I can buy him.Infomation on michael.schreurs@student.luc.ac.be .Thanks. Remote User: CommentsKen, Sydney, Australia. What good luck to find this web site. Thanks for your effort. Remote User: Commentsthis is awesome shit!!!! definately 2 fucking thumbs up Remote User: CommentsThese paintings are great! Dali was the best artist in the hole world! Remote User: CommentsThese paintings are great! Dali was the best artist in the world! Jaana from finland Remote User: Commentshow old was salavador dali when he made his first panting Remote User: CommentsI believe Dali is kinda strange, and the one of hitler masturbating is wicked weird Remote User: Commentsthanks for having a lot of pics very organized Ashley Toronto,Canada Remote User: CommentsI am Virpi from Lappeenranta, Finland. I love Dalis surrealistic works.. Remote User: CommentsI would like to see receive newletters if you mail out some thanks! Dali's the best.. and you have a good site! Rima Montreal Quebec Canada rimette@hotmail.com Remote User: CommentsMichelle Danville New Hampshire USA Your web site is very informative and you have a wide variety ofimages to veiw Thanks Remote User: CommentsI sincerely think that anyone who feels this web site is "good" or anything remotely connected to that kind of a description, has not taken the time to look at the museum's official site @ salvadordalimuseum.org. This (daliweb?) site looks amatuerish with horrible reproductions, is incredibly annoying with that midi file, and bascially looks more like someone just wanted to divert traffic to their site by throwing up some images and calling it "award-winning." Whomever is responsible for this site that looks like a bad lesson in HTML 101, is doing more of a disservice to Dali, the Dali Museum, and the entire art community. I strongly suggest visitors leave this site and visit more reputable resources. Remote User: CommentsMark Well England. Went to Dali's house this summer. The whole Dali experience is amazing and i've only just begun. Great website, thanks Remote User: CommentsMark, Wells, England. Went to Dali's house this summer. The whole Dali experience is amazing and i've only just begun. Great website, thanks Remote User: CommentsTennille Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada Salavador Dali was a remarkable man and visionary. Thanks to him I see life and it's many splendors in a different perspective. Thanks! Remote User: CommentsAMAZING WORK A GREATE SPIRIT Remote User: CommentsALEKSANDRA/MACEDONIA REMARKABLE WORK ,GREATE MIND . Remote User: CommentsALEKSANDRA/MACEDONIA REMARKABLE WORK ,GREATE MIND . Remote User: CommentsThank you for providing this site. Wonderful work. I have just discovered the work of Dali, and you have brought me much joy by presenting so much of his work for me to view. thanks, Doug, Milwaukee, Wi Remote User: CommentsThank you for providing this site. Wonderful work. I have just discovered the work of Dali, and you have brought me much joy by presenting so much of his work for me to view. thanks, Doug, Milwaukee, Wi Remote User: CommentsJulie from Seattle, Washington, USA I have loved Dali ever since I was a very small child. This is a great site with lots of paintings and quite a large number of his early works which are so important for seeing a more complete picture of his later works. Of course the surrealism is my most favorite. The only thing is my most favorite piece "The Eye of the Artist" is not here. Remote User: CommentsEnjoyed your website, looking for Divine Comedy - Paradise. Do you have a picture of this? I believe it is watercolor/ink w/main figure as an angel looking up to upper left of page at a cross shining down from the heavens. My email is jason@ritzengroup.com Thanks. Remote User: Commentsjruyimnjwt i,mgm oy54iyj Remote User: CommentsThis is the most gay'est website I've ever seen Remote User: Commentsi'm very inspired... its a beautiful thing
Remote User: CommentsWanda Atlanta, GA USA Great job, it's nic eto have something educational on the Web Remote User: CommentsLesley Harris Kilmarnock, Scotland Very informative site !!!!!! Remote User: CommentsCan I please see Salvador Dali's Hallucigenic Matador? Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsCool Cool Cool i have 2 do a projict bout slavador....and this has no info! HAHA Remote User: CommentsMatthew Budzyn 268 Appletree Ct. Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Thank you for constructing such a lovely site. I am a Spanish teacher and we study the great Spanish Artists. If you have any hints as to where I could find more online about El Greco, Velazquez, Goya, and Picasso, please e-mail me back. Thank you. Remote User: Commentshi there, my name is katherine and i am studying art in Australia and needed info on salvador dali as i love his work. was nothing on the net that was any good and then i came across yuor site and i think u have saved my life! this essay is due in on wednesday and i have only 2 days to finish, but i know i will now as u have just given me so much info i needed to know and other info that i never knew. i'm only 17...but am hoping that one day my art will give people the great feeling that so many other painters have given me. keep up the great work if anyone has any other info for me please email me at oscar_vs_elmo7@hotmail.com i would be greatful if any one could! thanx again cheers Remote User: CommentsROBERT TX.UNITEDSTATES tHE WEBSITE IS PREATY COOL BUT IM DOING A PROJECT FOR SCHOOL AND NEED MORE INFO PLEASE HELP Remote User: CommentsMike Reno, Nevada No artist has ever moved me so much as this surrealist. To be able to put on to canvas what went on in that beautiful, deliciously off kiltered mind is an everlasting gift. Remote User: CommentsAfter looking at about twenty other sites this one is by far the best with really quick download time and great info. IF ANY ONE HAS ANY OTHER PICTURES PLEASE E-MAIL THEM TO ME AT 199212562@UPE.AC.ZA IT WOULD BE GREATLY, GREATLY APPREACIATED. Remote User: CommentsChristopher Atlanta, GA USA This is an excellent resource for one so enchated by Dali's work as I am. Remote User: CommentsThis is a wonderful experience! Thank you, TErry (Winter Springs, FL, USA) Remote User: Commentsjoanne,ky usa Remote User: CommentsWanted backeground info on one of Dali's paintings. Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsI'm doing a report on Surrealism in my art class, and I found this website to be very helpful=). Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsLos felicito una gran pagina, muy educativa Remote User: CommentsLos felicito una gran pagina, muy educativa Remote User: Commentsgloria london will visit again Remote User: Commentsgloria london will visit again Remote User: CommentsHi! I was doing a report for school on Dali and this helped A LOT!!!!!!!!! Blaire Smith NJ USA Remote User: Commentsana petzinger perhaps one should actually read about dali before commenting on his work. Remote User: Commentsgracias por dar aceso a tan importante galeria.
Guillermo Stefanolo Remote User: Commentsgracias por dar aceso a tan importante galeria.
Guillermo Stefanolo Remote User: CommentsNancy Greenwood Charlotetown PEI Thanks so much for a excellent web site showing so much of Dali's great work. It's amazing to take a peek inside his mind and view some of his best works. nancyg111@hotmail.com Remote User: CommentsHi I like the exhibit's I am from NORTH CAROLINA Chapel hill. Remote User: CommentsHi my name is Anita Suitt I like the exhibit's I am from NORTH CAROLINA Chapel hill. Remote User: CommentsMATTIE FROM SOUTHOMPTON, ENGLAND YOUR WEB SITE HELPED ME WITH MY HOMEWORK FOR ART. THANK YOU Remote User: CommentsI had a chance to visit Dali museum in Florida this summer, and it was great, I loved it. Dali is a great artist, it's worth it to see his work. So go and check it out for your self. Thanx, Aneta; Canada Remote User: Commentswell done, i enjoyed your site. tom stamp. Remote User: CommentsAshley, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A. Good site! I need information for my General Art report for high school. ^_^ I love "Persistance of Memory," so I chose to do Dali in my artist profile. Thanks for help! P.S.- You will be credited properly, of course! ^.^ Remote User: Commentsmonica st. louis, mo Remote User: Commentsplease, excuse me for my english, I'M MEXICAN MY NAME IS FERNANDO VAZQUEZ AND I LOVE THE DALI'S WORK AND I THINK THAT YUO MAKE A BIG JOB IN THIS COLLECTION I HAVE SEEN ALL YOUR COLECCION IN THIS WEB SITE AND I WANT TO ASK YOU SHOW MORE DALI'S PAINTS AS YUO CAN. THANK YOU Remote User: Comments@@@@ QQQQQ £¡¡|‚X@@@ „«@\Q ¡¡¡_@@@„«@@@ ‚Sj ¡¡¥@ _ä„«@@@S/ ¡¥@@@@ _‚Ö@@@/ ¥@@@@@@@ __ ‚U/ „ª¬¬¬¬@@|@¬¬ @@@ƒœP„@|@ƒœ @@ |@ PP@@@|@P_@@@/ @@ |@@@@@@@@|@@ /@@ / @@ _@@@@@@@|@@/@ ^ @@@@_@@ Ü„ª@@/ ^ @@@@@ J„ª„®„¯„ªY@@@@^PPPPPPPPPPPP @ _@@@ƒÜÜ„/@@@@ƒ@I am Salvador Dali! @@@_ @@ ÜÜ@/@@@@@@_QQQQQQQQQQQQ @@@@ _@@@@@/ Remote User: CommentsHello, I'm from Japan and going to introduce a funny Japanese webpage to you all...I hope you can see this webpage clearly (lol http://akasaka.cool.ne.jp/poonya13/c/meiga.html Remote User: CommentsAmanda lamm You should put how old he was when he painted his first painting because i need to find that out. Remote User: CommentsAmanda From Nottinghamshire in England. Great site, im a great admirer of Salvador's work there is a deeper sense in all of his work, its quite amazing. Remote User: CommentsI LOVE YOUR SITE IT IS SO INFORMATORY AND HELPED ME ALOT I WISH I COULD SHOW YOU AS MUCH PLEASURE AS YOU SHOWED ME:)RFS MANA CA ((**( Remote User: CommentsDali has a definition for me... art its inmortal. Francisco Caminero, Sto. Dogo., Dominican Republic. Remote User: CommentsThis is a great research resource for me. Thanks! -Matt Remote User: CommentsDerek.London.United Kingdom.To learn about the man and his works. Remote User: CommentsJulie Lyndonville New York I love this website, and enjoy veiwing Dali's art works. Writing a report on him was interesting and I learned alot. Remote User: Commentsgreat site Remote User: Commentsnot all paintings are listed! why? Remote User: Commentswats da name of dat paintin? umm sumfin like metamorphis of sumfin help! Remote User: Commentswats da name of dat paintin? umm sumfin like metamorphis of sumfin help! Remote User: CommentsHi, I'm Adam a schoolboy from England, I'm doing a prject on "Inside" and chose the path of Dali's paintings to go "inside" the mind's and dreams of people, your biography was extremely useful. Thank You! Adam Spurrier, Birmingham, England Remote User: CommentsSpyder85 Manassas VA USA Dali is one of my favorite artists and i am happy that finally someone has put on the internet a gallery with such insight and beautiful art as this. Remote User: CommentsRemote User: Commentstom bottemiller portland, or. Thanks for the show. Dali is my favorite artist of all time, and I Look at whatever I can. There are 3 or 4 early signed lithos of elephants at the Oregon Zoo that I enjoy whenever I go there. Thanks again. Tom. Remote User: Commentsnicola plymouth, england i find your work interesting i have been finding out about you for my gcse art work
Remote User: CommentsThis site is exelent, i shall re visit again and again. And to those who have only heard of Salvador Dali throught this site... shame on you. i mean damnit, I AM ONLY 15 and i bet i know more than you 37 year old uncultured swines. G'day peeps, and enjoy your unenlightend life... as will i world... as will i. Remote User: CommentsHey, visit my Dali Site, www.geocities.com/batichango Thanks Remote User: Commentsloved the website, but not many pictures of Salvador Dali Remote User: CommentsI NEED TO NOW HO IS LOIS DALI BECAUSE I BROKE A CILLECTION PLATE AND I NEED TO BUY A NEW ONE Remote User: CommentsI NEED TO NOW HO IS LOIS DALI BECAUSE I BROKE A COLLECTION PLATE AND I NEED TO BUY A NEW ONE Remote User: CommentsI NEED TO NOW HO IS LOIS DALI BECAUSE I BROKE A COLLECTION PLATE AND I NEED TO BUY A NEW ONE Remote User: CommentsI NEED TO NOW HO IS LOIS DALI BECAUSE I BROKE A COLLECTION PLATE AND I NEED TO BUY A NEW ONE Remote User: CommentsI NEED TO NOW HO IS LOIS DALI BECAUSE I BROKE A COLLECTION PLATE AND I NEED TO BUY A NEW ONE Remote User: CommentsI NEED TO NOW HO IS LOIS DALI BECAUSE I BROKE A COLLECTION PLATE AND I NEED TO BUY A NEW ONE Remote User: CommentsTHIS SITE IS SHIT! Remote User: CommentsI disagree with the authors interpretation of Catalan Bread (1932). In it the individual states that " ...Dali has also transformed this loaf of bread into an enormous phallic object. Not only is the left end of the bread fully erect, it is also covered with what looks very much like a condom. In addition, that end of the bread is propped up with a string, allowing it to stay erect. This may have reflected Dali's fear of impotence, as the whole painting has decisively sexual undertones." Though I have only viewed this picture through a mediocre monitor it appears to me that the penis is actually being bent inferiorly, toward a non-erect position. The vein pattern and location of the superepidermal urethral sulcus indicate that the phallus is upside down and it is slowly being cranked down by the thunder thief in the blue khakis, Denying Dali the joy of wonder. Michael P, Columbus, OH Remote User: CommentsBill. Upton, Wirral, Merseyside. UK. I never really appreciated the brilliance of Dali until I visited your website. Remote User: CommentsNice site, but it could use a couple other essential paintings, such as "Puzzle of Life", The "Nobility of Time", "Giraffe Aflame", "The endless Enigma", "The persistence of Life", and "The Snail and Angel" But nice collection otherwise. Remote User: CommentsDet är en sjuksyster i min potatissallad... Det är vinter och imorn kommer det börja snöa. Tycker mycket om hans tavlor. Dom är personliga och väldigt annorlunda. Vacker konst med stil. Remote User: Commentsdödöööööö Remote User: CommentsAdria of Kennewick, Washington, United States I am so happy that people are getting the word out about some of the best art in the world! I would love to see more information along with each of his pictures about his personal thoughts on them. I am an art student who has always loved the work of Dali and hope to someday leave my mark on the world in the same way as he did! Thank you for the wonderful information. Remote User: Commentsorb-chicago dancinglightofdaliatominmythroat asicoughupthenewmilleniumofviolent colorsplat! Remote User: CommentsMandy, Downers Grove, IL USA Just admiring the art, learning about Dali in my Spanish honors class in high school... Thanks for all your hard work, I truly appreciate it. :) Remote User: CommentsI think Dali is one of the greatest! This site is really awesome. emily, cleveland. Remote User: CommentsEVA RAMIREZ PASADENA, CALIF, 91103-1333 U.S.A ? Remote User: CommentsEVA RAMIREZ PASADENA, CALIF, 91103-1333 U.S.A
?????????? Remote User: CommentsHope you manage to add more of his works sometime, otherwise a great site, congratulations. Lyn, London, England Remote User: CommentsWonderful collection. Never imagined I could found so much in a web site. Diego Barriga Méndez Bogotá, Colombia Remote User: CommentsThe pictures done by Salvador Dali were very breath taking and seemed to be very emotional. Amanda, Northampton England Remote User: CommentsKim Thornton Australia I need some stuff for surrealism 4 school... Remote User: CommentsA true artist with a vision for art, mind and nude bodies. Remote User: Commentsyou are stupid because you don't have the painting I'm searching for!! Remote User: CommentsEliana Ulate B. San José, Costa Rica- Centroamérica. That page, it's very nice, but only it have a problem. Tha page is only in english, and I and other friends speak english, and we don't undertand some things. It's very interesting, and we learn. Remote User: Commentssois unos petardos todos.y más el catalan que ha puesto "perteneix" en vez de pertany.pero defiendo su idea Remote User: Commentshi Remote User: CommentsRemote User: Commentsi really liked some of the art. i didn't understand any of them but they were still cool Remote User: CommentsI found your web site most informative and very well put together. i am a big fan of Dali and was very impressed by the variety of his works you have diplayed. THanks sarah! Remote User: CommentsThis is an excellent web site. Dali's work is just amazing.Thank you. Remote User: CommentsAmazing!!! Remote User: CommentsThis is the best place to do research or just to see Dali's great paintings!!!I was doing a projest on him!!! This is SO great!!! A HUGE fan of Dali:) Remote User: Commentshello i`m searching for t-shirts with dali prints? can some one point me were i can get them Remote User: Commentshello i`m searching for t-shirts with dali prints? can some one point me were i can get them Remote User: Commentshello i`m searching for t-shirts with dali prints? can some one point me were i can get them Remote User: Commentsjust wonderful stuff...i love dali and you've done a fabulous job. he's so inspiring that i just took the time to draw my own surrealist ideas down on paper. thanks! Remote User: CommentsRemote User: Commentsdave virden illinois usa very nice thank you Remote User: Commentsdaveg@royell.net great e-mail me Remote User: CommentsNot enough access to view his paintings Remote User: CommentsShiona, Perth, Western Australia I could not find a painting done by Salvador Dali called 'Chevalier de la mort' (Death Knight) completed in 1937 with the measurements 65.5 by 50 cm. It is an oil on canvas. Remote User: CommentsWonderful, amazing inspiring and educating site on a great artiste and phenomenon! KP SIVAKUMAR & AKHILA Trivandrum, Kerala, INDIA Remote User: Commentsi hope you can help me. i am trying to fine a picture by jose jimenez aranda- an afternoon at seville. for my mother. my name is ricky crain panama city fl.in the us e-mail crainm@msn.com Remote User: Commentsthank you! needed the info for a spanish culture class at georgia state university Remote User: CommentsMy name is Angelica and I am in 6th grade. I live Bangor, Maine and I am doing an art report. Remote User: CommentsThis site is awesome. I went to the Dali museum in St. Pete. a couple weeks ago. The museum is great. I am glad y'all have made this website so I can look at his works whenever I want to. Becky, Florida, THE MIGHTY USA Remote User: CommentsIt's my fortune there is a site to show my next generation Remote User: CommentsShannon Los Lunas, New Mexico, U.S.A. This is the most comprenhensive Dali websight I've ever seen. It's great. Although there were still quite a few pantings that aren't here. It would be absolutely awesome if you could work on getting the rest of the works. Remote User: CommentsWow. This site is truly amazing. My name is Amy and I have a Salvador dolly. I am looking for friends. If you know anyone or anything that might not hate me because of the humungous goiter on my butt, please contact me. poopy@yumyumbunch.iamlonely/html.poopoopeepee Remote User: Commentsjonathan, london-England. Truely superb! Remote User: CommentsNAME: - Yamuna G C COUNTRY - INDIA CITY - BANGALORE if the goosebumps all over my body was any indication of what i felt about the paintings it should sum up half of all that i felt upon seeing them amazing,beautiful,and gigantically stunning - it was as if the whole universe was looking down at me - u get this eerie feeling that dali's eyes still see thru his paintings Remote User: CommentsNAME: - Yamuna G C COUNTRY - INDIA CITY - BANGALORE if the goosebumps all over my body was any indication of what i felt about the paintings it should sum up half of all that i felt upon seeing them amazing,beautiful,and gigantically stunning - it was as if the whole universe was looking down at me - u get this eerie feeling that dali's eyes still see thru his paintings Remote User: CommentsThank you very much, this is the best website about dali I've ever visited. But I can't find a paint which name is 'female with head of flowers. I'm looking forward if you can add that one. Anyhow, thanks a lot. Henry, scottland Remote User: CommentsVery pleased with the amount of information and images on this site. helped with corsework a great deal. few images missing that needed but not to worry. Excellent overall. a very chuffed student! Remote User: CommentsI am searching for a Dali painting wich consists of 2 kanvasses. One in the shape of a woman and one of a man. Does anyone know a picture of this work on the net? Thanks Willem Remote User: CommentsSilvio Wallington Victoria, Australia I thoroughly enjoyed perusing your collection of Dali paintings and drawings.I have always had a great passion for fine art, especially the abstract and semi-abstract creations I have seen over the years and have recently decided to study visual arts (at the ripe old age of 52years) thanks to great artists like Salvadore Dali, whose works have been the main source of my inspiration to do a diploma course in fine arts. Thanks for providing us with Dali images on your website. Remote User: CommentsVery helpful,came in useful for my artist research in art for my mocks! Remote User: Commentsthis place is pretty damn good, Antoine England Remote User: Commentsi love this site ,,i don't know what else to say other that that,,,,it's just too great Remote User: Commentsgreat site. Dali is the best (aside from Pacaso)! Remote User: CommentsDear Sir,your site is exquisit by far the best features of dali . Iwould like to know if you have ever seen or heard of a print by dali called Skulls of Zucharan Ive been trying tofind it everywhere? please let me know my E-Mail isjmdrnllsasha@aol.com thankyou for your time
Remote User: CommentsCannot find anything!!!! Remote User: CommentsI wonder what kind of drugs he was really on..... haha ... I love DALI....
SHONDA WILSON AUSTIN TEXAS USA USA USA USA USA USA shonda_wilson@hotmail.com Remote User: CommentsTim, Granger, In USA Remote User: CommentsTania, Durban, South Africa A friend told me I should know who Dali is, this sight has given me a wonderful overview of the man and his work. Interesting comments on some of the paintings. Thanks for the perspective. Remote User: CommentsMr Rapist Dali touches me every night. Thank you good bye Remote User: CommentsGOOD SITE BUT COULD BEE BETTER FOR YOUNGER PEOPLE Remote User: CommentsSalvidor Dali was a very disturbed person.God only know why he made those confusing drawings and paintings Remote User: Commentsgukfghikfgkfjghkfghjkfghjkjkghjk Remote User: CommentsMy name is Belinda Miller I am from Melbourne Australia.I loved this site.I could not get enough. If anyone wants to mail me some Dali pic's I would appreciate it greatly.My e-mail address is disarm13@hotmail.com.au. Thanks and cheers xx Remote User: CommentsI think that this website gives alot of information and I would like to thank you for all of your good work. Remote User: Commentsi had to do some art homework on salvidor dali Remote User: Commentsfantastic viewing of dali. i am also looking for a place to find "owl" by dali.carol from reno Remote User: Commentsauthree, ft lauderdale florida.... Dali was an intense artist! Remote User: CommentsHi! This web site is incredible! I love the music. It's outta sight. This is now one of my favorite web sites. From Tashlie Breynen. City:Nassau Country:Bahamas Remote User: CommentsVery impressive Remote User: CommentsBrittany. Austin, TX. US. This is an excellent site, I enjoyed everything. Remote User: CommentsThis sight almost did my spanish home work for me! It answered all my questions for me except one. A suggestion is to add information on what were the topics that Dali painted. Iam Caiti from Castle Rock Colorado United States of America Remote User: CommentsHi, love your website. I teach Humanities and found incredibly helpful. I hope you keep adding some more of Dali's works. Remote User: CommentsHi, love your website. I teach Humanities and found incredibly helpful. I hope you keep adding some more of Dali's works. Ursula Tallahassee,FL Remote User: CommentsIan, Inverness, Highland, Scotland UK Enjoyed your site, have been to Figueras, great. Visired your Exhibition in Florida three times now and will be back next Easter (celebrating my 50th birthday). See you then. ian.hamilton8@btinternet.com Remote User: CommentsThis is a wonderful way to keep Dali in the forefront of our minds and hearts, even though we may not have direct access to his works. Thanks for a great website. Would love to send to some friends. Please consider adding a feature, "send this website to...." Remote User: CommentsThis is the best site i have seen.(so far) i am not a huge fan but i do enjoy some of his works. my favorite is "The Hallucinogenic Toreador" 1969-70. I just love it. Good job on the site and keep it going. Linda.grade 12 student doing a report on Dali. Remote User: CommentsMichael Speck, Penrose, CO, United States. I think Dali used realism with his paintings and other weird paranoia symbols to mean something and he was a weird man himself.thanks for the info. Remote User: CommentsI realy think that your search engien realy suckes ass Remote User: CommentsMichael Speck, Penrose, CO, United States. I think Dali used realism with his paintings and other weird paranoia symbols to mean something. He was a pretty funny man, but that mustache whats up with that. thanks for the info. Remote User: Commentsvan Vuure ReinierThe Hague Holland the daliweb absolutly fabulous work. I am looking for more details of the painting Four fisherswoman in Cadaques Remote User: CommentsVotre est vraiment tres complet, toutes mes félicitations. Un nouveau site à ajouter a mes "favoris". Greg. Remote User: CommentsGreg: Je vous ai envoyer un "Comment" recemment en oubliant de vous donner les informations necessaire me concernant: J'habite à Toulouse ( France ). Remote User: Commentsnice Remote User: Commentszaddik.den haag,holland NICE Remote User: CommentsGreatest genius. Thank you so much! Remote User: CommentsI like that dali was a sombre man whose work was inspired by the way he saw life.... through sombre eyes, I think your website is very educational but visually this background hurt my eyes and doesnt fit the subject matter..not very creative. Thanks for the experience anyway. Bridgitte..perth australia Remote User: CommentsA very infomative site, extremely helpful for my HND course in surrealism Adrian Jones, South Wales UK Remote User: Commentsouchers.... Remote User: CommentsThank you very much for your website exhibition. I came to know some paintings and drawings I did not know before visiting your site (while some I knew were not included). Thanks a lot for getting me more closely acquainted with Salvador Dali's works of art. Please keep up the good work. Robert Gieseler Remote User: CommentsAl; Middletown, Ct., USA...I love browsing your site....numerous works here I hadn't seen before...I'd love to see more of Dali's later "Masterwork"--ala, Columbus Discovering America...good luck in the future! Remote User: CommentsMy name is Stef and I live in Concord, New Hampshire and i love Salvidor Dali! He is the best artist ever and his art work isn't just artwork. To me his art work are very meaningful and full of inspiration. I love to do art and i love to draw stuff like him! Remote User: CommentsAshley Vernon, CT USA I think this might be the best site I'v found of Dali's stuff....good job :) Remote User: CommentsMax Lobovsky New PRovidence, NJ, US Thanks for the site. It helped on a Spanish culture project. Remote User: CommentsClaudia Cynthiana, Ky. USA Enjoyed viewing your web site. Thank you for making it available. Remote User: CommentsClaudia Cynthiana, Ky. USA Thank you for making your web site available for all to enjoy. Remote User: CommentsKaki is may name G.Umstadt Germany in Winter in Cadaques am a fan from dali y se him dead in the Tore Calitea in Figueres a wos The 8. Person in the dead Book Saludos a totos los fans de Catalunja Remote User: Commentshi im cerys and i come from england. im a GCSE student i enjoyed the website it helped me with my art assignment. really great website and i will be visiting it again and tell people i know about it!!!!!!!!! Remote User: Commentsthis is a magnificent dedication to the the infinite greatness that was salvador dali. I to am a great fan of the surrealist artworks. I have done many ink and watercolour pictures myself and this dali sight is much welcomed inspiration. Wesley Lepore,16 Remote User: Commentsthis is a magnificent dedication to the the infinite greatness that was salvador dali. I to am a great fan of the surrealist artworks. I have done many ink and watercolour pictures myself and this dali sight is much welcomed inspiration. Wesley Lepore,16 Remote User: CommentsFernando from Tijuana BajaCalifornia Mexico: It was one great gallary!!!Im 16 years old and starting to be really interested in The Master Daly and some day I wish I can see some of his greatest paintings infront of me!!!!!!This site rules!!!! F>E>T>Bye!!!!!! Remote User: CommentsDavid. Aberdeen, UK. Good resource. Remote User: CommentsName:Bryony From:Southampton, Hampshire, England i enjoyed viewing your website as it is often easy to find information on artists though alot harder when trying to find galleries of work. the vast collection you have available for viewing is extreamly impressive although i was looking for a particular piece of ink work called 'city of draws' which seems to be one of few that you dont have. thank you for this web site, i'm sure it will proove very usefull to many poeple. Remote User: CommentsA beautiful collection of his work, a great website, a pleasant experience overall. Thank you. Monica. Newport Beach, California. USA Remote User: CommentsA beautiful collection of his work, a great website, a pleasant experience overall. Thank you. Monica. Newport Beach, California. USA Remote User: CommentsThis was a very good and wonderfully done website! Remote User: Comments/Stuart Leeds UK Brilliant thank you!!!!! Remote User: CommentsRobert Stroh ,sask ,canada. Remote User: Commentsi love dali,i saw his exhibit in london a few months ago and it was absolutely breathtaking... kaci Remote User: Commentsi love dali,i saw his exhibit in london a few months ago and it was absolutely breathtaking... Kaci houston tx usa Remote User: CommentsChcia³am zobaczyæ jakiœ obraz Dali, szkoda, ¿e nie doczeka³am siê.Jadwiga. Remote User: Commentsmuy buena la pagina,sin duda,hace honor a la obra de Dali. David Gomez.Girona.SPAIN Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsBill,Sylvan Lake,Alberta, Canada I've always loved Dali's work Remote User: CommentsMichelle, East Yorkshire, England: Loved Dali since i was a schoolgirl. Went to see part of his exhibition in Liverpool at the Tate Gallery in 1999...probably the closest i'll ever get. Great Web Page...but couldnt find one of my favourites...SPAIN? where is it? Remote User: CommentsI´m very fastinated with the pictures. Sara Serrano. Granada, Spain. "THE GENIE" Remote User: CommentsTim,from Michigan,Exelent!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remote User: Commentsjonathan Sacramento, CA USA A wonderful find. Thanks for the hard work getting it onto the web. Remote User: CommentsNice gallery but I would have prefered more detailed interpretations of the paintings Remote User: Commentsdolores, waterbury connecticut Thank you for a terrific site! I hope to get some of my students to visit this site as well. Remote User: CommentsFunny, the love of my life had some Dali's that were sold to him from someone who took advantage of him, financially, or so it seemed. My loves name was Massoud. Massoud, if you are reading this, I would like to hear that you are Ok and doing well. Or just ok. What's-his-name doesn't matter any more. I just want to know that you are alright. Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsMassoud Seirafianpour, if you are able to get this message, please respond if you are ok @ Vjacobs@socal.rr.com. Remote User: CommentsThank you for the site. Beautiful and informative. Remote User: CommentsAnne, The Hague, The Netherlands I have just returned from an exhibit of Spanish artists currently being held at the Gementee Museum in Den Haag and of the artists represented there, it was Dali that inspired my search for more info. I thoroughly enjoyed reviewing the pictures that you provided. I was hoping to learn more of the inspiration that Dali got from Vermeer's work - another magnificient, but totally different artist. . . Remote User: CommentsI Love Dali....and what a great site....thanks Jim, Grand Rapids MI USA Remote User: CommentsMichelle, Kimberley, Northern Cape , South Africa A beautiful collection of work. Thank you Remote User: CommentsHaving just visited the Dali Museum in Tampa two days ago, I am bursting with enthusiasm about the experience. Prior to the visit, I had only a vague awareness of Dali as "that surrealist with melting clocks and exaggerated mustache". I can say that I was deeply touch by the humanity and spirituality expressed in his work. I now plan a continued journey into Dali's art and themes. ------ Louis: Dallas, Texas Remote User: Commentsi love yours pictures.this is the fist time i see it and i think its fabulous.!!!! Remote User: Commentsi love yours pictures.this is the fist time i see it and i think its fabulous.!!!! Remote User: CommentsRemote User: Commentshy! this is the first time i see the pictures of dali and i think it is fabulous!! ingrid, manhattan,newyork. Remote User: Commentsim sorry, but i have to tell the truth, these pictures suck so bad. thanks for your time, dali sucks. Remote User: CommentsCathy, Hartford, CT, USA I'm taking an art class and your site is wonderful. Thanks. Remote User: CommentsThis site rocks!!!!!!! Dali is the best Remote User: CommentsMy First Name is Paul I come from Bracknell in England, near London. I have loved Salvador Dali paintings since I was at Secondary school, I actually did a copied a peace of his for My art Exam and got an A+ for it. Do you know of any other sites where I can appreciate his work some more, by the way this is an excellent site, keep up the good work. Remote User: CommentsI recentlly visited Dali's Museum in St.Petersburg, Florida and I was impressed with it. This is a great site, thanks fro the good work. Adela (Canada) Remote User: CommentsVery glad this site exists. Nice to have so many works available at one time. Mike Cherry Houston, TX, USA Remote User: CommentsToppingly!!! Thank you, V.K. Petrov Remote User: Commentsthis web site sucks hardcore dick and i think it should be closed down .........losers. Remote User: CommentssO COOL THANKS NICOLAS SARMIENTO kEYSTONE, COLORADO Remote User: CommentsBeth G. D. Elmhurst,IL USA Remote User: Commentsi think these paintings are wonderful and i wish salvador was still here today to make more of these lovely paintings. Remote User: CommentsBrian, Nottingham, England Excellent site. First class scans with enough information yet remaning unclutered and easy to use. Congratulations from another Dali fan Remote User: Commentsit was a very nice trip with your pilote SALVADOR DALI,,,,,,thank you Remote User: Commentsi'm called elizabeth milton and i'm from worcester, England. i'm 16years old and am doing art GCSE in may then going on to do A level and a degree. i love Salvador Dali and all his work, especially his painting The persistance Of Memory.the only thing i dislike about Dali is the fact that he is dead. i would have loved to meet him.This website is great and has helped me very much in my GCSE work. Remote User: Commentsdavid virden,ill.usa/ I wonder what type of hallucinatory drugs dali used in the 1940's Remote User: Commentsthis page is shit Remote User: CommentsGreat effort ... the scanning that is. Thanks U A Yajnik Remote User: CommentsGreat effort ... the scanning that is. Thanks U A Yajnik Remote User: CommentsNot my taste in art--but one of my students was interseted in his work. Very nice pictures and complete listing. This was a great source for her. Diane Jones 7th grade language arts Remote User: CommentsNot my taste in art--but one of my students was interested in his work. Very nice pictures and complete listing. This was a great source for her. Diane Jones 7th grade language arts Remote User: Commentsi love dali and youre side is wonderfull Remote User: CommentsNice site! We have a signed (in pencil) Artist's Proof of a Lithograpg entitled Helen of Troy by Dali. Would you know anyone who might be interested? It might go to a decorator who does high-end corporate interriors. Thanks, Jim, Poulsbo, Washington, USA Remote User: Commentssteven Salem, oregon, united staes. I learned about dali while in a facility for boys. i have been inspired by him since. Remote User: CommentsCely New Orleans, La U.S.A This is the first time I have viewed these Dali works .I have a print of Madonna of Port Lligat.I will be back to this web site.it is fantastic Remote User: CommentsI really enjoyed being able to come to this website and find all the information I needed. This site is very well put together. Thankx! Heather, Harrington,DE, USA Remote User: CommentsThis page is GRANNA!!!! Remote User: CommentsThis is one terrific site. It was really helpful to me for my art project on Salvador Dali Remote User: CommentsAshley-17 Burlington vt U.S.A.
I never reaaly looked at anyones art I never really even cared. But when i was assigned Salvador Dali as an artist to research i found it very interesting. And now i have a new look on art. Remote User: CommentsI LOVE LOOKING AT HIS WORK ALL TWISTED he is awesome USA Remote User: CommentsI love the the paintings of Dali! Remote User: CommentsJeffrey Clark Seattle, Washington / USA I really enjoyed your website. Thank you for taking the time to scan a great collection of my favourite artist. I spent a few hours here looking at Dali's works. I only got through the paintings, and will have to come back to view the drawings. I hope to make it to Florida soon to see his work in person. Great Job........ Jeff Remote User: CommentsJeffrey Clark Seattle, Washington / USA wolfinsheepsclothing@earthlink.net Amuteaur Surrealist artist. Dali could have done Abstract/ or Impressionism, but I'm glad he went Surreal. Its the only way to open your mind....... I really enjoyed your website. Thank you for taking the time to scan a great collection of my favourite artist. I spent a few hours here looking at Dali's works. I only got through the paintings, and will have to come back to view the drawings. I hope to make it to Florida soon to see his work in person. Great Job........ Jeff
Remote User: CommentsJustin Gladewater, TX USA Remote User: CommentsAQUI DONDE SE INMORTALIZAN MEMORIAS LES DEJO LAS LLAVES DE NUESTRA PUERTA... CUSMAN, CAYEY PUERTO RICO. DESPIERTA DEFIENDE LO TUYO... Remote User: CommentsGood site. Ben Jackson Remote User: Commentsvicky laud, hull england, uk i found this website v interesting. Remote User: Commentsfirst class Remote User: CommentsI'd just like to say that this is a remarkable website - not only does it provide such a comprehensive collection of Dali's work, but it connects Dali admirers from all abroad. Dali was and always will be one of greatest, most fascinating artists ever. Thank you for this site. -Jia-geng Lu Wilmington, DE, USA Remote User: CommentsYou dumb fuckers dont have the picture of an African village that is also a face! Fuck you!!! Remote User: CommentsYou dumb fuckers dont have the picture of an African village that is also a face! Fuck you!!! Remote User: CommentsBen Syracuse, NY (USA) Your in depth website was a huge help to me while working on a project about Dali in school. For that I am very greatful. Thank you. Remote User: CommentsRobert, Gainesville, Alachua County, FL. Many paintings and drawings I could not appreciate, but there are some surrealist oils that I like very much (not included here). Remote User: CommentsBriana Lake St. Petersburg, Fl.
Love this website...best one i've seen yet..love the paintings you have, some are my favs...hopefully you'll get more..keep up the good work Remote User: Commentsme gusta mucho su estilo y yo soy pintor simpre yo e admirado todo su arte, creo que dali hacido como un regalo que dios nos dio y el puso ensus manos como una bendicion para mostrarnos lo hermoso de la vida .mi nombre AMANCIO MICHEL. Remote User: CommentsDALI RULES! I have made the pilgrimage many times and hope to be in St.Petersburg again soon. CosmoRules@Yahoo.com Remote User: Commentstoo many paintings to look through But i really want the persistance of memory not disentigrated Remote User: CommentsMyself an many of my friends have a great appreciation of this incredible artists work! Timothy Sparks Remote User: Commentssculpture? first thinking machine? dinner jacket? Remote User: CommentsHe's the coolest guy I've ever done research on. Remote User: Commentsabsolutely love this site!!! great job. Joseph Remote User: CommentsKelli Elorado KS Bulter I think he is cool Remote User: Commentsdeha saratoga sp,ny thanx forthe lovley art work Remote User: Commentsthis site is aload of bollaks and i cant find what i need matt xxx Remote User: CommentsVery helpful for my A-level art course. Good explanations of what his pictures were symbolising. Does anybody know the name of the painting of a hut and an African tribe that when turned anti-clockwise shows a face?! If you do please e-mail me- loopylass_uk2001@yahoo.com thanx,16,Englandxx Remote User: CommentsI LOVE DALI' !!!!!!! Remote User: CommentsJames W. Holther, Tempe, Arizona, USA Do you have any data concerning the motion pictures directed and/or produced by Dali? jholther@worldnet.att.net Remote User: Commentshi this is angelo and i had a great time last night lets do it again this time we should do it in a house instead of on your car Remote User: CommentsPaula, Worcestershiew, England. Have always admired the workof dali and will be visiting the museum in St Petersbourg when I visit Florida in June 2002. This site provides an excelent way to view the work of dali. Remote User: Commentshi i'm in art and i like this site because it helps me for home work Remote User: CommentsDeborah Richey, Burke, Virginia. I found this site very useful while doing a report. It is the only site where i could find many of his less well known paintings. Remote User: Commentsyou should put this at the end of the site because i haven't seen anything yet & you expect me to tell u what i think about this web-site and its contents. Remote User: Commentsthis website really sucks! first, you expect people to rate your web-site withou even seeing it & then you have to view the guestbook (which by the way is stupid) and when i get to the site, it does help me find 1 damn thing! all i wanted to do was look at some paintings by salvador dali and i couldn't even do that! Booger587@hotmail.com Remote User: Commentsgood job Remote User: CommentsThis is cool Jackie Remote User: Commentsthis site was a great insite into the mind of the genious painter Salavador Dali thank you Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsI didn't see the persistence of memory on your page. Could you maybe put it on, that'd be great! Remote User: CommentsAmanda, Montross,Va,U.S. I visited this sight so i could learn about Dali Salvador because i like his paintings and i am doing a report for school. Remote User: CommentsMy Name is Oscar Tela,I m iving in Hamburg ,Germany,I just want to tell u that its Supe what u have done in this Web Page,Thank you varry much. Oscar Tela Remote User: Commentsgreat gallary!! although i would like to see more information on each of the of the paintings as the history of each one fascinates me and helps me appretiate him more. i am traveling to florida soon, i hope i get the chance to visit. Remote User: CommentsThis web sit sucked Remote User: CommentsMaribel Perez Rocky, Ford colorado Remote User: CommentsAlan I am from St.Austell in Cornwall in England There was an old man called Dali who painted pictures sureally his paintings were so good like a surealistpainter should and thats the magnificent Selvador Dali Remote User: CommentsBeatriz, Caracas, Venezuela. Dalí is such an increible painter, is mind was very futuristic. I really like his period during the 30s, it was very surrealistic. I wanna go to his museum Remote User: CommentsBeatriz, caracas, venezuela. Dalí is such an increible painter. His paints are so futuristic and surrealistic, I prefer his 30s period. I wanna go to his museum Remote User: CommentsRich Land of Og, Utah USA thank you Remote User: CommentsTerry,Grapevine,Texas,USA. I'm rechearching a Dali pencil sketch/Lithograph?, that I own. I have no information on it. Remote User: CommentsTerry,Grapevine,Texas,USA. I'm rechearching a Dali pencil sketch/Lithograph?, that I own. I have no information on it. Remote User: CommentsWow! I think dali was a great painter. Now I am 18. I admire him very much. Elizabeth, Rybnik, Poland Remote User: Commentsi never did realy like him and i dont know why im even looking at this web site, so that realy says it all. Remote User: CommentsI never did realy liked him and I dont know why Im even looking at this web site, so that really says it all. Remote User: Commentsname: billy city: london country: England comment: i never realy did like him so i dont even know why im on this web site. Remote User: Commentswhere nare the damn pictures Remote User: Commentswhere are the damn pictures! Remote User: Commentshi, i'm 18 and i have been a huge fan of dali's work since i was 14. i love all of dali's work. i have done numerous projects on his work, and all i can say is i wish i had found this site earlier!! it is a great collection of work. dali's work inspires me! Abi, wales, uk Remote User: Commentskeep it hANGING MAN YOU HAVE VERY GOOD INFORMATIOM Remote User: CommentsI really liked Mr. Dali's works. This web page was an inspiration.
Alexander J. Sanchez Exeter, California Remote User: Commentshello! i am typing right now. i like dali. he has a moustache. ashley wonders if he painted with it. what do you think? let me know sometime. Remote User: Commentsquite an eye opener. I believe the works of Sigmund Freud had a great impact on Dali as earlier said in the "Atmospheric Skull Sodomizing a Grand Piano" 1934 Remote User: CommentsI am a student in san antonio texas usa i am researching for an essay on how lifestyle and mental health influence an artists work. I feel that salvador dali must have had some kind of complex although I greatly admire his work. In my oppinion this and his lifestyle could be the only things that could explain his unusual works. Please give me some insight on this topic. It would be greatly appreciated. I can be reached at Chris_Magic@hotmail.com Remote User: CommentsJe suis de Montréal, Québec, Canada, et je visite ce site pour la première fois sur invitation d'un ami très cher. Ce site est tout simplement sublime. Je suis éblouie de sa splendeur et promet d'y revenir souvent. Magiebleue Montréal.....15 février 2002 Remote User: CommentsVery Well Done. It's great to see the majority in order so you can see the progression of his work. Was looking for female figure with head of flowers though, and could not find it. But other than that great! Remote User: CommentsHello how are you Remote User: CommentsPierre Allard, Laval, Qc. Canada e-mail pp.a@videotron.ca phone & Fax (514)662-9491 I have an original Dali drawing inside of a book cover that was drawn by the master himself and given to my mother by Dali on the nigth of Christmas eve 1966 after a special circomstance, if necessairy I can describe in detail the how and why of this magic moment. I would like to sell this art work,if you are interested please contact me. Remote User: CommentsRosemary Sacramento CA, USA An excellent site, thank you! Remote User: Commentsi think that dali is very good and i like him becaues i have a pciture of him on my wall and im only six Remote User: Commentsi think that dali is very good and i like him becaues i have a pciture of him on my wall and im only six
by Reese Progs Remote User: CommentsEmily Victoria, MN I really liked this site. Plus, it was a HUGE homework helper on my report on him. The only change you should make is to put it in easier words. I couldn't understand some of them. age 11 Remote User: CommentsEmily. Victoria, MN. I really liked this site. Plus, it was a HUGE homework helper on my report on him. The only change you should make is to put it in easier words. I couldn't understand some of them. age 11 Remote User: CommentsI am one of SALVADOR fans I like his painting and the way he does his work. I had to do a report on him and that his how i found out about hom. Remote User: CommentsLIONEL, BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA GREAT PAGE, I LIKE IT SO MUCH. SORRY, MY INGLISH IS TOO BAD THANKS Remote User: Comments22 Feb 2002 Firt time i've contact you. Santiago Brierley Santiago Chile - South America
Remote User: CommentsYou have helped me pass my art A'level! Thanx! Emilie, Somerset, England Remote User: CommentsKasandra Baut Orlando, Florida. Thanks for the online web coast exhibit. Remote User: CommentsSuch a smart site- shame the French didn't do it... Jane Minaudo 06200 Nice France Remote User: CommentsWonderful pictures but not enough pixels Remote User: CommentsFrom Naomi and Helen, Lincoln, England. What a cool website! thanx a lot, it really helped us with our project on surrealism! Remote User: Comments
A very good page, but, Maybe with more order? Remote User: CommentsChantel Kenai, Ak, USA This is a great web site for Dali lovers! Yet, I will continue my search to see if Dali was in fact on some type of drugs during his life... Remote User: CommentsJan Midgette - Northfield, NJ, USA Remote User: Commentsthanks for the nice journey into the world of dali! it is interesting to see more than the most famous pictures of him... could you complete the collection in time, maybe? yours judith, berlin, germany Remote User: CommentsHi my name is Ian I come from Gretna Green Scotland.I Think your site is absolutely brilliant.Keep up the good work. Remote User: CommentsI was never really interested in art before. I was assigned for my class to write a paper on Dali. This site is great. His work is so interesting. This really helped me with my paper and to appreciate art much more than i ever had before!! Thanks! Remote User: Commentsu suck ass Remote User: CommentsUno de los artistas más importantes en el mundo del arte,es sin duda, Salvador Dalí. Conocer más a través de Uds. del Gran Surrealista, es ampliar los horizontes del arte en el mundo, espero vistan su página de mayor cantidad de surrealismo como hubiera sido del gusto de este gran artista. Jesús Del Moral Zavariz, Tabasco, México Remote User: Commentshi im emma and i looked on this site for a school project for my art GCSE and its really helpful Remote User: CommentsMy name is wissam soubh I am an artist I ve designed one wonderful chair for dali if there is anybody interested my e.m:wissam@madona.com Remote User: CommentsMy name is wissam soubh I am an artist I ve designed one wonderful chair for dali if there is anybody interested my e.m:wissam@madona.com Remote User: CommentsMy name is wissam soubh I am an artist I ve designed one wonderful chair for dali if there is anybody interested my e.m:wissam@madona.com Remote User: CommentsMy name is wissam soubh I am an artist I ve designed one wonderful chair for dali if there is anybody interested my e.m:wissam@madona.com Remote User: Commentswow this is great,it reall yhelped me with my GCSE art (exam)research mad.what a inspiration he is.Salvador dali rules. im form uk and i rule too. Remote User: Commentsdid not help one little bit what a heap os **** Remote User: Commentswot a heap of shite no help at all where is my last comment? did not come up well looks like i have to go to the library cheers Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsRemote User: Commentshi i'm Rachel. i live in New Westminster,B.C. Canada i am doing a Dali project for school. your website is great. Thankx! :) Remote User: CommentsIt's wonderful! EVE from Lithuania Remote User: CommentsDoug from Reisterstown, MD, USA. Great display, this is what makes the web enjoyable. -douglaszs@aol.com Remote User: CommentsSuzanne from Perth, Western Australia, wonderful! Remote User: CommentsI'ts amaising what human mind can concieve . CUCURUZEL (ROMANIA) Remote User: CommentsThanks so much , it is wonderful! Dan Bend, OR, USA Remote User: CommentsI am only a 15 year old and i know this is a sweet website for the greatest painter (Dali) Remote User: CommentsRachel, Aberdeen,Scotland This site was very useful for my studies. Will visit again! Remote User: CommentsHello, I am 11 years old and my name is Francis. I would like to see more paintings from Dali. Is there a site with unknown paintings from Dali. Others then in the books from the library. I have a photo with me and Dali in the Madame Tussauds Museum. Francis Van Bockstaele 133, Kragendijk 8300 Knokke.Belgium Remote User: CommentsI am 11 years and my name is Francis I like Dali it is fantastic MEGATOF. Francis Remote User: CommentsIm hoping someone here can help me find a Dali Print "Aliyah, Rebirth of Israel." If so can you email me freak_0666@hotmail.com as I need it urgently for a piece I am painting. Remote User: CommentsI've been looking in many a Dali book for "The Broken Bridge and the Dream" I am elated to have found it here. How can I purchase a copy? Thank You, Tim Mehne cheftimmehne@hotmail.com Remote User: CommentsKimber,Canton,New York High School Resource Room Teacher Thank you! I have a Freshman who has been trying to find a resource that isn't either a 400 page book or a mini-summary lacking detail. Remote User: CommentsJessica Couturiaux Palmer,Alaska,u.s.a I relly enjoyed this sigth .It has a lot of helpful info.Sort and Sweet. Remote User: CommentsLou Ann Memphis, TN United States of America Excellent website, lots of valuable information. Remote User: CommentsSTEPHANIE FROM LAKELAND, FLORIDA USA. YOUR WEBSITE HAS A LOT OF DALI!! Remote User: Commentssuganthi kl,malaysia thanks for this web!i'm visiting it for my graphic art history course.it is very interesting.thanks for all involved! Remote User: CommentsBig-up da Dali, Respec from da bregin in the wembley hood. Jah bless. Remote User: CommentsSALVADOR DAIL IS THE BEST I LOVE HIS PAINTINGS THEY ARE SO UNUSUALL IN AN INSTRING WAY GREAT WEB Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsIan from Scotland UK .GREAT site for Dali fans well done.Best Wishes.Ian McK, Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsThis is a good webpage for homework, cheers its helped me alot Remote User: CommentsCas United Kingdom, England This website has helped me alot thanks Remote User: Commentsit is amazingly shit it's the biggist pile of ball-shit i've ever seen Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsI was there. Dali is crazy bye. :* Remote User: Commentspig jupiter, kikiki asia you rock Remote User: CommentsThis is site is lame. Go to www.salvadordalimuseum.org Remote User: Commentshttp://www.salvadordalimuseum.org Remote User: Commentsthis website is notchless Remote User: CommentsI would love to see all the Dali wood engravings from the "Divine Comedy" Diana Texas, USA Remote User: CommentsAbuudsalimhasmeli I am very happy to be reading your comments and history about the great artist Saladore Dali. He famous also for baking Hashebi bread but not many people know this. I like to see some Salvadore Dali recipe also included like many other people I'm sure. Remote User: CommentsVery few are justified in projecting such arrogance...Dali is one of those few. Lee Anne - Paris Canada Remote User: CommentsThe man is very briliant. Dali is the person togo to when you want surrealism, he is the best. Ronnie Nunez, Glenwood high, IA Remote User: CommentsNETONE,FROM NYC,USA I enjoyed the work of a Master, this is a great tribute. All who appreciate art will love this web page. Remote User: Comments....all so fantastic... Remote User: CommentsA very goos sight. helped for a project on Salvador. Remote User: CommentsThank you for allowing me to view you site. Something that might be helpful to us art lovers would be a thumbnail picture by the name as most of us do not know the name of the artists work. Remote User: CommentsJennifer Ruiz Remote User: CommentsA great help with my GCSE art research, thanks! Jessica, England Remote User: CommentsThank you D.R.MIller-Tampa I couldn't find any thumbnails so browsing was difficult in some respects. Quite a man. Remote User: CommentsHi! My name is Kara, im from England, London, and im 15 years old. Last year me and my family went to Orlando, Florida, for a two week holiday. We travelled to Tampa bay,and stayed for two nights. We actually went to the Dali musiem, and i found his work truly amazing, and inspiring. Today, i now wish to be an artist, as is such a great past time, and im getting to be quite good at it to! Remote User: CommentsMonique, Cincinnati Ohio, USA: What a wonderful, informative site! THANK YOU! Remote User: CommentsRoger Hevessy, Brecksville, Ohio, USA Remote User: Commentsexcellent...dali is always a pleasure, a distinct voice of creativity in the wilderness, a joy....thanks for bringing his work up and out for people to see, ponder, cringe, laugh, sigh, rejoice...inspirational tim, eugene, or, usa Remote User: Commentsglenn murphy las vegas usa, great websight love to see salvador Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsAll I can say is...amazing and inspiring. -Ms. Valerie Cooney, Columbus, New Jersey, USA Remote User: Commentshow did st petersburg get that name fl Remote User: CommentsHello!I´m Moona from Finland! I love Dali!!!Greetings from Laura:pULUJA TÄHÄN AIKAAN VUODESTA!I like Elijah Wood! LAURA is gracy and I´m too! Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsANTONIS FROM GREECE mais@pathfinder.gr Remote User: Commentsyes yes, i love this stuff and am going to live in spain next month through mid july, gonna have to check out some museums there. Ryan Lager loggy Remote User: CommentsRyan Lager, i wrote in before but neglected to type in my place of residence, Hawaii, island of oahu. honolulu Remote User: Commentsgreat website i love salvador dali! he is soo cute Remote User: CommentsViTo ... AnaheIm ... CAL ... uSa ... h /s the best I've/e i / e s WebsiTe/ In a while. h a n k you... ART IS THE ONLY THING WE HAVE. Remote User: CommentsEnjoyed your site...very helpful in learning more about Dali's work -- Susan, New York City Remote User: Commentsany one know wehre i can find information on a salvador dali painting titled "pegasus" please contact me at salshroom@hotmail.com Remote User: CommentsLynne, Fredericton New Brunswick Canada. Visited your museum and the website. Both wonderful! Remote User: Commentsthis is stupid Remote User: Commentselise australia i think this web page is excellent Remote User: Commentsholly, beaufort,sc best dali sight i've yet seen.... Remote User: CommentsNicole,Morgantown,W.V.,America,Ican;t find any thing out about you and i need a lot of help. Remote User: CommentsMichael, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Marvelous web site. Interesting collection and notes. I've been a Dali fan for years, and finding this web site was a treat. Remote User: CommentsJust visited the Dali Museum in Tampa- thanks for making this man's genius available via the web- Still, nothing can compare with standing before his 'Toreador'- I am still reeling 3 days later- Thank you again, Stevie, VT, USA Remote User: Commentsincredible!!genius!! Remote User: CommentsKate, London, England: A very well laid-out website with lots of info and a great collection of pictures! I am writing a long essay on Dali and found your page stimulating and easy to read. Thanks! Remote User: CommentsElizabeth Houston, Texas USA WOW! Remote User: Commentsincredible how you found so many Dali´s new to me. I have seen a very great dael of his masterpieces and bought a few.... keep on ! Best regards Josef Mommertz D 89312 Guenzburg Germany mail josef.mommertz@mommertz.de Remote User: CommentsHi my name is ______ and this web page is okay, but needs more stuff for kids. like im doing a project and need a bit more stuff. Remote User: CommentsLuke Bentley Glouster OH USA I think this is a great website! Keep up the good work! Remote User: Commentscreo q en general la biografia de dali esta muy bien pero faltan algunas anecdotas, que cambiaron su vida, como el cuadro de " miller", dos campesinos rezando por la muerte de su pequño, a que él asimilo que era sus padres rezando por su hermano, lo cual en su primera epoca hace que la presencia de este cuadro quede reflejada en muchos de sus cuadros tambien hay que destacar que el castillo de Pubol fue un regalo de Dali a Gala y que Dali no podia entrar en el castillo sin una invitación de Gala. tambien que gala tenia dos protegidos que la iban haber cuando ella estaba en el castillo. En el castillo hay dos tumbas una de Gala y otra de Dali, que en principio tenian que estar los dos enterrados juntos ( porque las dos tumbas se comunicaban), pero como el no le pidio permiso antes de su muerte no quiso que le enterraran a su lado. Otra y ultima anecdota es su casa de port lligat, el cual el se refugiaba para pintar ( el 80 % de sus obras estan pintadas alla)y hacer sus fiestas ya que siempre tenia invitados Desde Barcelona Muchas gracias chauu Remote User: Commentsalejandra setti I was looking for his paint of an eye and the one of que wathes flling down but y din't find them could you help me Please? my e-mail si alejandrasetti@hotmail.com Remote User: CommentsWonderful site! Very educational. Linda, Plum City, Wisconsin, U.S.A. Remote User: CommentsTony, United Kingdom. Most enlightening and amazing subject material. Excellent site. Remote User: CommentsHelen Ballymena, County Antrim, Northern Ireland. Remote User: CommentsSalvador Dali is the most amazing artist!!! He leaves your imagination baffled but yet i am soooo drawn to his work. Salvador Dali is one man i wish i could be inside his head!!! He was a crazy...who expressed his erges on canvas. He is amazing...crazy or not...i love his work. It accually moves me Amber San Antonio,Tx Remote User: CommentsSalvador Dali is the most amazing artist!!! He leaves your imagination baffled but yet i am soooo drawn to his work. Salvador Dali is one man i wish i could be inside his head!!! He was a crazy...who expressed his erges on canvas. He is amazing...crazy or not...i love his work. It accually moves me Amber San Antonio,Tx Remote User: CommentsRest in peace. The greatest of them all. D Broman Remote User: CommentsRita Sydney New South Wales Australia Remote User: Commentsgrace,cork,ireland i luv his work! Remote User: Commentsvery nice Remote User: CommentsLisa Marie Cosmano Chicago, Il. Dali is my favorite painter!! This is the best website dedicated to his work that I have seen yet. Remote User: CommentsThank You Remote User: Commentsmegan mason maryland i luv salvador dali he is my hero Remote User: Commentsyour website is the best ive seen yet!!!! im a grade seven and chose the artist because of your website, great job!!!!!!! Remote User: CommentsJuliette Powlee I think you need more information on where to buy his original paintings!!!!How am I suppose to know where to buy them!!! Remote User: Commentsnada... casi nada... sadhu from tpc, mex. Remote User: CommentsFernanda, São Paulo/Brasil Dali foi realmente um gênio... Nos introduziu em seu mundo imaginário. Atingiu nosso inconsciente e mexeu com nossos simbolismos. Este site é uma ótima opção para se adentrar no mundo fascinante de Dali Remote User: CommentsFirst name;Jim. Watertown, N.Y., U.S.A. Comments. I am doing an essay about one of Dali's paintings, for college credit. I am a non-traditional studen, trying to get my diploma to get back to work, as an art teacher. This on-line gallery, has provided me with substantial material, and I hope to get a high mark on my work about Mr. Dali. I much admire the man, and try to pattern myself after hi, with my own "spin ", of course. Thamk you for the help this has afforded me. Sincerly yours, James Netto Remote User: CommentsFirst name;Jim. Watertown, N.Y., U.S.A. Comments. I am doing an essay about one of Dali's paintings, for college credit. I am a non-traditional studen, trying to get my diploma to get back to work, as an art teacher. This on-line gallery, has provided me with substantial material, and I hope to get a high mark on my work about Mr. Dali. I much admire the man, and try to pattern myself after hi, with my own "spin ", of course. Thamk you for the help this has afforded me. Sincerly yours, James Netto Remote User: CommentsVery good. Did he ever paint a picture called "woman with the face of a rose" or similar. If so, could you please display it or e.mail to: marlybikerhen@aol.com. Thanks Marlene Portsmouth England Remote User: CommentsRemote User: Commentsyou have plenty of dali postcards on sale but lack any post box to send them.It is not good enough to hand them to a member of staff who says they may be sent sometime but isnt sure when. Remote User: Commentsalison Ivey . London. England this work is mysterious and different. i like it I am doing a project on surrealism, dali is very important to my project....14yrs old. thank-you for the information. it was easy to go through the site and very clear to read the notes Remote User: Commentsnancy lawton, ok usa Remote User: CommentsJeremy, Tampa Bay, Florida, in the grand ole' United States of America Remote User: CommentsI THINK SALVADOR DALI'S PAINTINGGS ARE VERY INSPERATIONAL THEY CREATE A KIND OF FUNNY FEELING. THEY ARE VERY DIFFERENT THATS WHAT I LIKE ABOUT THEM. HE HAS A GREAT ART COLLECTION. Remote User: CommentsHey my name is john, i live in charleston SC.ie:In the United States. Ijust want to say that the site is good, and one bit of constructive crit. is that you should have thumbnails beside the paintings in the Dali exibit it would make it a bit easer for people to look at the painting that they wanted to. thanks. Remote User: CommentsRemote User: Date:16-0402 Time: 10:05:20 Comments He is a big man, he worked with JODORWSKY. MICHAEL DAMOND, OSLO NORWAY. Remote User: CommentsDali,a great and distinguish artist.The woundful dreamatic image fill his mind--death,pain,deasis and apace.He expresses the very thing that every people must face. Remote User: CommentsTyler Reining Winona Minnesota--Great Website, Dali is my favorite. Keep up the excellent work! Remote User: CommentsDennis Kingfisher, OK USA Remote User: Commentsbeen helpful in studies, i'll cite accurately. phil lakewood co u.s. Remote User: CommentsRubena, New York this is a great sit as an artist Dail has had a great influence on me thank u. Remote User: CommentsWhere's "mae west"? Remote User: CommentsMatt, Iowa City, Iowa, USA Where's "Mae West"? Remote User: CommentsSusan, Eindhoven, The Netherlands Remote User: Commentscrap site! Remote User: Commentsi think this website is absolutely magnificent! jodi Remote User: CommentsHello my name is Ryan and I am from Chicago Il and I am visiting this site for reasurch for my Spanish IV class. Remote User: CommentsMagda, P.R, This is a very interesting and helpful website especially now that I have to do a project on Dali Thank You it's a great website. Remote User: CommentsHuge fan of Dali...look forward to more info! Linda Biglow lbiglow@adelphia.net Tonawanda, NY USA April 22, 2002 Remote User: CommentsHuge fan of Dali...look forward to more info! Loved the Museum in Florida! Linda Biglow lbiglow@adelphia.net Tonawanda, NY USA April 22, 2002 Remote User: CommentsThe picture of the birth of man, watched by a young child has asisted me greatly in expanding my mind for my art GCSE exam, I am right at this exact moment getting prepared for my exam, so I hope with Dali's broad mind and some of my own creativity I will achieve a mark I can be proud of, fingers crossed.x Remote User: CommentsI love DALI!!!!!!!!!! It's great that I've found this site. I'll be back... Remote User: CommentsI'm only in 5th grade, but this helped me with my homwork
Sincerly, Jessy L. Remote User: CommentsCally Ann Specht.. This was a cool site, Dali has some really weird art work but I like it a lot.. Remote User: Commentsgreat site Remote User: Commentsfernando livorno italia wonderful site, but why not italian language? Remote User: Commentsmegan, columbia, tennessee, usa. great site with MUCHO information. props to you on a great job! Remote User: CommentsAbrian Denver, CO USA I just decided today that Dali is my favorite artist and I wanted to learn more about him and see more of his work. I am amazing and inspired:o) Remote User: CommentsAnthony, Sydney, NSW,Australia. Dali makes my mind pop, absolutly awesome. Remote User: CommentsSpring sun, beauty Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsThis site is amazing, so is Dali. Amanda T.O, Canada. Remote User: Commentsautum,atlantic city,united states this is such a graet website i dont know what to do with myself Remote User: CommentsDali: Great pictures! Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsThis Remote User: CommentsThis website was very Remote User: CommentsThis website was very helpful to me Remote User: CommentsThis website was very helpful to me while Remote User: CommentsThis website was very helpful to me while researching for an Remote User: CommentsThis website was very helpful to me while researching for an art class Remote User: CommentsThis website was very helpful to me while researching for an art class report on Remote User: CommentsThis website was very helpful to me while researching for an art class report on Slavador Dali. Remote User: CommentsThis website was very helpful to me while researching for an art class report Remote User: CommentsThis website was very helpful to me while researching for an art class report on Slavador Remote User: CommentsThis website was very helpful to me while researching for a Remote User: CommentsThis website was very helpful to me while researching for an art Remote User: CommentsThis website was very helpful to me while researching Remote User: Commentsilove this site..so much information from such a magnificient artist =) Remote User: CommentsElize-Helé USA Minneapolis, Live in South Africa I found your site most helpfull with a art project I am doing on Dali, Thank you. Remote User: CommentsTiffany NRH, Tx: USA I am a HUGE Salvador Dali fan! I absolutely love his work. This site has helped me to read up on some key events in his life. Thanx a million (and then some) :)
Remote User: CommentsThis is a great website on the overlife ofone of the greatest artist who ever lived. He may have been a tad strange, but so is our president. Remote User: Commentsnice page Remote User: CommentsI'm a great fan of Dali and chose to study his work at school. This site is fantastic and has really helped. Thanks Jenna,Kingsbridge, South Devon, UK Remote User: CommentsCool. that's all i have to say about his paintings. Shorty Remote User: CommentsCool. that's all i have to say about his paintings. Shorty Remote User: Commentsit was a nice bibliography and it really helpes me with me homework. Salvador Dali was a wonderful person. the painting are beutiful. Lakesha Gorham LakeshaG101@aol.com Remote User: CommentsI live in Okinawa, Japan. LOVE Dali's art. my son grew up with dali's art. he is now 17. We are going to his musiam at sent petersburg FL. can't wait to share Dali's art with my son. We will be going to Spain to see Dali's art next year.
Remote User: CommentsI live in Okinawa, Japan. LOVE Dali's art. my son grew up with dali's art. he is now 17. We are going to his musiam at sent petersburg FL. can't wait to share Dali's art with my son. We will be going to Spain to see Dali's art next year.
Remote User: CommentsRoland. Antwerp BELGIUM
Remote User: CommentsRoland. Antwerp BELGIUM
Remote User: CommentsI have been researching a print I found at a small shop in Ohio. IT was by San Salvador Dali. I wanted to know more about the artist. so I found your site after searching others without any luck and you had the picture! Thank you on the history with the picture this reallly helped too. Betty Cornwell Remote User: CommentsThis site contains the most information on Salvador Dali than any other. Thank you. Melissa Crawford Remote User: CommentsI wish I could have met the genius/madman. Remote User: CommentsI wish I could have met the genius/madman. Remote User: CommentsVery nice Remote User: Commentsit is really good web site Remote User: CommentsTamika Diaz,Hartford,C.T.,USA I think it has alot of good information Remote User: CommentsTamika Diaz,Hartford,C.T.,USA I think it has alot of good information Remote User: CommentsDali reigns eternal!!!!!!! Apoetheisis of Homer on LSD Remote User: CommentsPeggy St. Louis, MO I have always had a fondness for Dali's works, and this site sounded interesting. Thanks for the tour! Remote User: Commentsplease let me in the guestbook Remote User: Commentsplease let me in the guestbook Remote User: Commentsplease let me in the guestbook Remote User: Commentsmy name is peter i live in coulmbia MD U.S.A. and this site is the best art site iv been too yet Remote User: CommentsMaryAnne from San Diego, California, USA. I was searching the web to find a way to authenticate a Salvidor Dali etching I have after being encouraged to look for the Salvidor Dali Museum in Florida. When I saw your website listed on google.com, I was fascinated. In looking over all the work that you have done to present this amazing artist's pictures and life, I am most grateful, and am still fascinated I want to come back and look at all the pictures. Thank you for your dedication and great visuals. Remote User: CommentsVERY AWESOME!!! I LOVE THIS SITE AND IM DEFINATLEY COMING BACK!!! Remote User: Commentsthis website stinks Remote User: Commentsthis website stinks Remote User: CommentsshdilaU Remote User: CommentsI have an original etching by Salvador Dali called El Cid. I was wondering if anyone could give me information on this etching. Thanks, Jeanie Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsGreat site, I was in London last year, end Feb. early March where I was able to see a special Dali presentation. It was the greatest colleciton of his works that have toured, and I was a little sad to think that I wouldn't see them again, but I think it is GREAT that you have created the site! I also teach Spanish at a private School so next school year I will be introducing my upper level students to this site. Muchisimas gracias. Tami Yankton, South Dakota USA Remote User: CommentsAdd more information on his life, because I am doing a report on this guy and can't find anytyhing!! Thanksm and oh yeam he is WICKED HOT!! Remote User: CommentsAdd more information on his life, because I am doing a report on this guy and can't find anything!! Thanks and, oh yea, he is WICKED HOT!! Remote User: Commentsthese images blow. check out Phil Greenspun's pages if you want to learn how to scan a picture: http://www.photo.net/ http://philip.greenspun.com/wtr/dead-trees/ it's really not rocket science. my favorite part is the big "Scan by Webcoast" banner in the corner of each of Dali's masterpieces, no doubt to ensure no one "steals" your crappy jpeg's. man, this site blows. Remote User: CommentsCarol Wiley San Antonio, Texas 78229
Wonderful collection. I enjoyed visiting the site. Remote User: CommentsRaquelField Plano, TX raquelm@gate.net Do you know what it means to have EA inpencil hand writen by Dali in the left corner of a inferno 2 Woodcut? I love your site! Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsI have the following I am trying to sell. Would u know where I could possible sell them or any of them. Thank u 1) Time and Space 2) Dalivision 3) Lincoln 4) 2 Nudes I have certificates for them. Remote User: CommentsAAAAAAAARGH! have been looking everywhere for "masochistic instrument" cant find it anywhere! noooooooo! andy- frustrated art student Remote User: CommentsHello I have two Salvador Dali Litho's on auction at URL: http://auction.sur-net.com/cgi-bin/auction.pl?category=art Remote User: CommentsArt Lomas 1849 S Tuxedo Ave Stockton, CA 95204 I would suggest that you put some more better known art on your home pages. Remote User: CommentsDan New Britain,Pa. U.S.A. Thank You, Thank you, Thank you! Remote User: CommentsI WANT TO SEE DALI DRAWINGS Remote User: CommentsName:Mel(not my full name) Date:5/17/02 State:NY My comment is that this is a good site to do reports on. I have to do a report on this guy for my spanish class and it is helpful. If you have any other information about him please e-mail me at spunkiegurl33@webtv.net Remote User: CommentsKathleen Yaeger, Bend, OR, USA Remote User: Commentsfiona O'Brien dublin, ireland
Remote User: Commentswheres montre molle au moment de sa explosion Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsRuben Brooklyn, NY Remote User: CommentsStephan Pickering / Chofetz Chaim ben-Avraham Santa Cruz, California I am a post-Auschwitz Jew who believes that only Dali -- and the earlier Bosch with his quasi-kabbalistic nuances, and the later H.R. Giger with his mechanical insects -- has captured on canvas dreams in search of a canvas. It has often been said that painters paint what they cannot see (in art, some things are real although they do not exist, and some things are not real although they do exist)... and yet, Dali's "surrealist" work is an intuitive glimpse of the Kingdom of Night 1933-1945. Remote User: Commentspienso su sitio este muy bien mi gusta las oberas de dali muchisimo me favorito es san juan de la cruz que es situado en glasgow escocia muchas gracias Richard Perry, P.S. Im english really doing a third year course in Spanish Remote User: CommentsHello, My name is Linda Almquist, I live in Melbourne, FL. Ihave been to the Dali museum in St. Pete, FL at least 5 times. Dali is my all time favorite artist! Remote User: CommentsThank you very much! Martina, Svitavy, Czech Republic Remote User: CommentsSimon, Fuzhou, Jiangxi, China fantastic to see this mammoth effort to bring dali to the web. thank you Remote User: Commentsit was well cool hope to see it again. Siobhan,herefordshire, uk best site i`ve seen on Dali. Remote User: CommentsGreat information. Thanks for the help on my project. Remote User: CommentsSarah, birmingham, england. I love the site its a great insight into DALI. A GREAT thing you could add would be a bigger biography so we can learn even more about this gerat bloke Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsClaire-from Columbus,Ohio We visited 2 years ago and plan on returning next month. Remote User: Comments" A touch of a human mind" Annie - Norway Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsThank you. I did this to help my daughter with a school assignment and was enlightened. Thank you. Frank May Santa Cruz, CA, USA Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsJulia, OH, US I think Dalí is a brilliant artist, by far my favortie. Thank you for sharing his works with me! Remote User: Commentshallo Remote User: Commentshey lo! im bnored and in school! i didnt look at this at all! i just am typin this cuz u told me 2 put in a comment!
Jen Remote User: CommentsI really enjoyed your website. You have quite a collection on Dali's work. I recently saw a Dali poster that I wanted to buy. Unfortunately, it was damaged so I passed. I'm trying to find out what it is called but so far, I'm having no luck. It was a totally white background, with a black outline/silouhette of a Matador and a Bull. Does anyone know the name. Please contact me at dgsupersad@hotmail.com Remote User: CommentsKarin, Acqui Terme, Ialy no comment Remote User: CommentsI'm working on an art assignment- this website has all of the info I need- and then some- on Dali! great site! Thanks. Gwenyth, Winnipeg, MB, Ca. Remote User: CommentsI have a authentication of El Sid by Salvador Dali given to me as a gift 20-30 years ago. How much is this worth? Remote User: CommentsI REALLY HATE THIS PAGE IT DOESN'T SAY ANYTHING THAT CAN ACTUALLY HELP ME FIND WHAT I GOTTA DO ITS SUCKS SO PLEASE CHANGE IT U KNOW U CAN DO BETTA THAN THAT BECAUSE USUALLY PEOPLE USE IT AS A SOURSE BUT THEY WOULDN'T BE FINDING ANYTHIG HELPFULL AND EITHER GOOD SO CHANGE IT SUCKERSSS!!!!!!! Remote User: Commentsienjoyyourwebsite! Remote User: CommentsBeverly Indian Rocks Beach, Fl USA I visit the Dali at least once a month and the beausty and creativity is overwhelming! Remote User: CommentsWho voted this to be a "number 1" site? Just because you took a book and scanned in images doesn't make this is a number one site. What a bunch of crap. Remote User: CommentsErnie Canandaigua New York USA
was looking for a piano with a red rose hanging off of it-deep perspective epaskey@townofcanandaigua.org Remote User: CommentsI have come across about ten of Dahli's paintings and scetches signed and number by Dahli. I'm looking in selling these. If you know of anyone that is interested please e-mail me at OHbuckeyes@aol.com I realy injoyed your website. Thanks Gary Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsThis is a very awesome site! But what I don't get is you have a lot of paintings but there is a lot that you don't show.I find Salvadore Dali as a very interesting individual and at one time of my life when I was younger I wanted to be him.But my talents are nowhere near what he is.I seen a lot of paintings in this website that I've never seen and I'm sure there is alot more you dont feature that i've never seen,and I would like to see more.I've never been to the museum here in St.Pete,and I've wanted to go ever since it opened.Thank you for showing so much and if there is anything else e-mail me.P.S,I like M.C.Etcher too but I can't find him yet,but I will. Beth"shroom" Pineallas Park fl. U.S.A e-mail:tbarber@tampabay.rr.com Remote User: CommentsThis is a very awesome site! But what I don't get is you have a lot of paintings but there is a lot that you don't show.I find Salvadore Dali as a very interesting individual and at one time of my life when I was younger I wanted to be him.But my talents are nowhere near what he is.I seen a lot of paintings in this website that I've never seen and I'm sure there is alot more you dont feature that i've never seen,and I would like to see more.I've never been to the museum here in St.Pete,and I've wanted to go ever since it opened.Thank you for showing so much and if there is anything else e-mail me.P.S,I like M.C.Etcher too but I can't find him yet,but I will. Beth"shroom" Pineallas Park fl. U.S.A e-mail:tbarber@tampabay.rr.com Remote User: CommentsThis is a very awesome site! But what I don't get is you have a lot of paintings but there is a lot that you don't show.I find Salvadore Dali as a very interesting individual and at one time of my life when I was younger I wanted to be him.But my talents are nowhere near what he is.I seen a lot of paintings in this website that I've never seen and I'm sure there is alot more you dont feature that i've never seen,and I would like to see more.I've never been to the museum here in St.Pete,and I've wanted to go ever since it opened.Thank you for showing so much and if there is anything else e-mail me.P.S,I like M.C.Etcher too but I can't find him yet,but I will. Beth"shroom" Pineallas Park fl. U.S.A e-mail:tbarber@tampabay.rr.com Remote User: CommentsThis is a very awesome site! But what I don't get is you have a lot of paintings but there is a lot that you don't show.I find Salvadore Dali as a very interesting individual and at one time of my life when I was younger I wanted to be him.But my talents are nowhere near what he is.I seen a lot of paintings in this website that I've never seen and I'm sure there is alot more you dont feature that i've never seen,and I would like to see more.I've never been to the museum here in St.Pete,and I've wanted to go ever since it opened.Thank you for showing so much and if there is anything else e-mail me.P.S,I like M.C.Etcher too but I can't find him yet,but I will. Beth"shroom" Pineallas Park fl. U.S.A e-mail:tbarber@tampabay.rr.com Remote User: CommentsBeth"Shroom" pineallas park fl.U.S.A tbarber@tampabay.rr.com Anyone looking for cheap dali or related artists prints,goto www.art.com.they have everything at remarkibly low prices.by the way this is still my new favorite website! Remote User: CommentsBeth"Shroom" pineallas park fl.U.S.A tbarber@tampabay.rr.com Anyone looking for cheap dali or related artists prints,goto www.art.com.they have everything at remarkibly low prices.by the way this is still my new favorite website! Remote User: CommentsBeth"Shroom" pineallas park fl.U.S.A tbarber@tampabay.rr.com Anyone looking for cheap dali or related artists prints,goto www.art.com.they have everything at remarkibly low prices.by the way this is still my new favorite website! Remote User: CommentsBeth"Shroom" pineallas park fl.U.S.A tbarber@tampabay.rr.com Anyone looking for cheap dali or related artists prints,goto www.art.com.they have everything at remarkibly low prices.by the way this is still my new favorite website! Remote User: CommentsOUTSTANDING. Remote User: CommentsThis is a great site - its in my favorites and i go to it often! Ted DuFour WI, USA Remote User: CommentsThis is a wonderful website.Christin Germany Remote User: CommentsJim Edwards Cocoa, Florida USA Was exposed to Dali in School textbooks on art. Visited his museum in St. Petersburg, FL several years ago. Since then have been moved by his work. Remote User: CommentsNaomi, U.K I am a student studying fine art at college and have always been influenced by Dali since a very young age. It is always interesting to see web sites on Dali but this site is the most detailed and useful since. It is a shame you did not include "Metamorphosis of Naricssus" as it is one of his best works yet! Excellent work!!! Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsHI;THIS IS TO LET THE READER OF THIS NOTE THAT I CURRENTLY HAVE AN ETCHING OF 'SANCHO PANZA". I AM TRYING TO FIND THE CURRENT MARKET VALUE OF THIS WONDERFUL PIECE.??????????????????????????????? THANKS JAMIE K. Remote User: Commentsthank you for truly bringing the most powerful and beautiful work to life via- internet., i love it. Remote User: CommentsHI My name is Kira. I am from Florida in the USA. I loved your site. I have had a love for Dali since i was in High School. Remote User: CommentsThank you for such a wonderful look in to the world of Dali. Juleen. Atlanta,GA Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsRob, Dawson Creek B.C. Canada Remote User: Commentsi saw dali's work in tampa during my recent visit to florida with my boyfriend.evan tho my boyfriend is not an art lover ,the gallery change his perspective of art itself.the collection was vast and impressive,and it was a great insight to his other creations.as i have already been and seen his home and numerous of galleries dedicated to him in spain.my boyfriend and i would like to say thankyou for the experience. Remote User: CommentsHi Nik from Elgin, Scotland. Brilliant content, love it. If you or anyone else can help me with a Dali study for night school I'm getting together, please mail me at nikpinkeyes@aol.com. Thanks for giving this guy the repect he deserves. Remote User: CommentsA thoughful account of Dali's work which provided myself and friends with much enjoyment...many thanks...zeuthuk@yahoo.co.uk Remote User: CommentsAdele from Toms River, N.J. U.S.A. Dali is a genius Remote User: CommentsAdele from Toms River, N.J. U.S.A. Dali is a genius. This website is a joy to anyone with an interest in the arts. Remote User: CommentsThis site is absolutely CRAP! Remote User: CommentsFederica Ponzianelli,Staranzano,Friuli Venezia Giulia(ITALY) Compliments!A very good site!Perhaps the painting analysis are a little bit short! Remote User: CommentsLinda Great, great, great!!!!!!! Thanks! Remote User: CommentsHe has very interesting view on the world!! More realistic like a surrealistic!!! Jaro from Poland Remote User: CommentsHe has very interesting view on the world!! More realistic like a surrealistic!!! Jaro from Poland Remote User: CommentsThis is a fucking phat site Remote User: Commentschinks London (england) This is a fucking phat site Remote User: CommentsJJ from West Palm Beach Florida...U.S.A. Dali is great...He is a legend and still lives in my heart and fantasy...His work is a big part of my life as is his spirit...Much inspiration gained from this talented man...Thanx...Peace... Remote User: CommentsDennis Kondratev British Columbia, Canada Remote User: CommentsKelly from Jacskconville, Fl USA Remote User: Commentslinnea-colorado-usa wonderful site, i enjoyed it very much Remote User: Commentsniiice, i like it in here!!! but if any1 can get me the fused heads of dali and lorca or compossion with 3 figures id be immencely grateful!!!! now.... how do i get out of this crazyplace?
tigerlorca@msn.com Remote User: CommentsI think this is a fantastic site and i was so helpful for my school art project. Remote User: Commentsit was to long [tatianna@ seed school Remote User: CommentsDalis art speaks 2 me and i feel good inside!!! Remote User: CommentsDalis art speaks 2 me and i feel good inside!!! Remote User: CommentsDalis art speaks 2 me and i feel good inside!!! Remote User: CommentsDalis art speaks 2 me and i feel good inside!!! Remote User: Commentsthis web site is crap Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsEvan Lloyd Rohnert Park, California, U.S.A. Your pictures are great!
Remote User: CommentsLhobsang Deutroma Rohnert Park, CA, USA Loved "Old Age," "Average Bureaucrat" and "Atmospheric Skull Sodomizing a Grand Piano." Will probably frame. Unfortunately, "Hannibal Crossing Alps" and "Dionysus Spitting" not too clear on this end. "Invisible Man" not the one I'm familiar with. Must be a detail. Missed "Young Virgin Auto-Sodomized By Her Own Chastity." Remote User: Commentsi love trang Remote User: Commentslynn yar.ns ca. very good site- love to see paintings in person some day Remote User: CommentsRobert G Schneider ( schneiderrobrico@aol.com) Hollywood, Florida great website just browsing checking out various artists and the particular movement ( style) they practiced thank you Remote User: CommentsZuzana,Prague,Czech Republic Thank you for these pages. Remote User: CommentsThis is an absolutely wonderful web site and I found it by accident looking into St. Petersburg, FL info. I've told several Dali fans about this site. Remote User: CommentsCharley from Scotland Linwood. Remote User: CommentsCharley from Scotland Linwood. Remote User: CommentsCharley from Scotland Linwood.Since I was teenager I have been facinated by Dali. The man was a one off.this web site is fantastic. Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsCharley from Scotland,Linwood.Since I was a teenager I have loved and admired Dali.No matter how many times I look at a part of his work there is always , something diffrent to see.The Man was a one off. Remote User: CommentsI love work's Salvador Dali Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsWas Not Enough Pictres Of Salvadores Remote User: CommentsKarl From Dudley In The West Midlands And England. This Site Needs More Pictures. Remote User: CommentsValerie O'Neil, Juneau Alaska, USA I was looking for a Dali webpage, I found it! Remote User: CommentsVery interesting collection. May I ask you to send me by Email images of Salvador Dali's series "Twelve Tribes of Israel" if available on your site. Thanks.Yosef Alberton. Remote User: CommentsDana Somesla Riverside CA Excellent, I wish I had more time to cruise it. Ill be back. Remote User: CommentsA great site, I wish some more artists had the chance to be published that way, it a teaching and enjoyable site. Remote User: Commentssalvador dali is the best and you know it Remote User: CommentsTIMOTHY, BRISBANE, QUEENSALND, AUSTRALIA; THIS WAS A REALLY GOOD AND HELPFUL SITE I NEEDED HELP WITH A SCHOOL ASSIGNMENT AND I GOT IT RIGHT HERE THANKS A LOT SINCERLY TIMOTHY!!! Remote User: CommentsI`m sorry, but miss some very famous pictures. f.e. girafe en feu; le gare de Perpignan... But it`s a great site so far. Dieter Danninger; Mannheim; Germany Remote User: Commentstimothy, brisbane, queensland, australia this is a great site it really helped me out with my school assignment keep up the great work from tim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remote User: Commentstimothy, brisbane, queensland, australia this is a great site it really helped me out with my school assignment keep up the great work from tim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remote User: CommentsLast Year there was a Dali publication in Mannheim, Germany. It was more than overwhelming to see all of these genious paintings in real. But I`m almost sure, that someone like him must have been nuts and genious in one. Dieter Danninger Mannheim Germany Remote User: CommentsDali is the next eacho in the far distant future Remote User: CommentsDali is the next eacho in the far distant future Remote User: CommentsDali is the next eacho in the far distant future Remote User: CommentsWhere can I purchase some of Dali's prints? Bernard B. Laguerre. Freshman at UF. Remote User: CommentsWhere can I purchase some of Dali's prints? Bernard B. Laguerre. Freshman at UF. Remote User: Commentsthis page is cool. dalis a genious from boz Remote User: CommentsDublin, Ireland WOW! I am a huge Dali fan! I love his work! This website portrayed Dali in an efficient mannor. Thank you! Laura Remote User: CommentsJackie, Gastonia,NC, USA Really enjoyed your site. I'm an art teacher and will share the delights of Dali with my students. Remote User: CommentsWhat a mind! Thank you for sharing this with us all. Gregory Hammer Coupeville WA USA Remote User: CommentsI think S. Dali was a very creative man who had a strange ,yet loveable vision. Remote User: CommentsThis site was of great help to me as I was asked to write an essay on an 'absurdist' and decided to pick Mr. Dali. Thanks for the biography and exhibit especially, it was of great help to me. Tracey, Perth, Western Australia, age 15 Remote User: Commentspeyton Chisholm sydney,ns canada very good very good Remote User: CommentsI am looking for a single painting called 'The Average Bureacrat' It said that this web sight would have it and i have searched every where and i still havn't found it. I have not found your sight interesting or helpfull in any way. Remote User: Commentsvery good website of salvodar as it helps with my homework for school! luv saima Remote User: CommentsThis site sux dick Remote User: CommentsHi, Thanks for a great online exhibit. Any chance of getting "Impressions D'Afrique", one of my favourite Dali's into the exhibition? Craig Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Remote User: CommentsWhat is the price ranch of SAlvador Gali art work..... Remote User: CommentsA super site, Dali's work is well cared for Cedric Hosier Remote User: CommentsFran,3263 East Main St.# G Waterbury, Ct. 06705 I found a etching called "Don Quitote" by Salvador Dali , it looks like a man on a horse done in ink. On the back it has a piece of paper that is stamped by a seal. Societe de Verification de la Nouvelle Gravure Internatiomalale of New York certifies and warrants that this is a original etching by Salvatore DALI. I would like to know if you can tell me more about it and value . Fran at fransjunk@hotmail.com thank you Fran Remote User: CommentsTerry from Odessa TX I was trying to get some info for a paper over Dali's The Temptation of St Anthony but instead I got a deeper understanding of his work thanks Remote User: Commentsmonique auckland new zealad it is great i was just needing information for my homework but now i now have a better understanding of his whole life story Remote User: CommentsHey! I'm Lea and I live in Memphis, TN USA! I love Dali and I think this is a wonderful sight filled to the BRIM with cool facts and beautiful paintings. I loved the time period of Dali and I think his works speak to everyone of his admirers! If only he could see how famous he is! Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsHeel mooi ik kom hier veel RD Holland Remote User: CommentsHello from the UK!! Your web~site is very useful and interesting!! Thankyou!! I will be visiting very soon again!! Remote User: Comments=) HIYA!! Thanx 4 helping me with my course work!! Ill be back soon!!!! cya xxxxxxxxx Remote User: Comments=) HIYA!! Thanx 4 helping me with my course work!! Ill be back soon!!!! cya xxxxxxxxx Remote User: Comments=) HIYA!! Thanx 4 helping me with my course work!! Ill be back soon!!!! cya xxxxxxxxx Remote User: Commentsi hope you realise this could have been much better! ana/iasi/ roumania Remote User: CommentsBrett from Paralowie, South Australia. Excellent Web page I have one of his prints and now looking through your web page i will be getting more Thank-you Remote User: Commentsvery precise and easy reading web site. congrats. Remote User: CommentsHi friends. I'm Ferran, from Valencia, a sunny place in the east of Spain (Europe) I think you have a very copious gallery of one of my favourites painters. Thanks for your help Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsColombian user This has been a wonderful journey through Dali`s work. Is one of the few places where one can find such a collection of art. August 24, 2002 Remote User: Commentssammy t.,e.chicago,in.,u.s.a.--great art! Remote User: CommentsSteph, melbourne, australia. Excellent collection and info. Thanks Remote User: CommentsMaria Segura, Cold Spring Harbor, New York. Spanish teacher at the High School, great site. Remote User: CommentsThanx for the help. Bye! :) Remote User: CommentsNatalie, wigan, united kingdom i found this website very useful for my project i was doing for my course in college, art history. i think more images are needed to fully give an insight into the art world Remote User: Commentsi love salvador dali's work and i think whoever made this site is great! i used the info for a course im doing at university, thanx Siobhan Belfast Ireland Remote User: Commentshi im from quebec city canada!!!! Remote User: CommentsRuss, Denver, CO. Thanks for the views. Inspiring stuff! Remote User: CommentsVERY NICE.A GREAT SELECTION. Remote User: CommentsThank you for this web site. Eileen Naples Florida US Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsA nice page Remote User: Commentsvisit a new dali page http://www.geocities.com/liturra/daliturra.html Remote User: CommentsVery interesting place to visit, Jo Remote User: CommentsI think this is great. I have a Dali lithograph.
Remote User: CommentsI think this is great. I have a Dali lithograph.
Remote User: CommentsI think this is great. I have a Dali lithograph. Beverly, Zionsville,IN 46077 Remote User: CommentsI think this is great. I have a Dali lithograph. Beverly, Zionsville,IN 46077 Remote User: Commentshomework,that's why i'm visiting this site Ireni J.L. Paraguay,Ciudad del Este,04/09/2002 Remote User: Commentsi like some of them,the style(dali's paitings),but most og all are very strange...first person in this year visiting this site... Ireni J.L. Paraguay,Ciudad del Este,04/09/2002 Remote User: CommentsJeff Parker Deltona Fl.USA very good site,keep the memory of a very talented artist alive Remote User: Commentshello my name is pukkie i like salvador dali. Remote User: CommentsLove this website as I am a big fan of Dali Salvador Dali have facinated me since I was young This is an incredible Dali Exhibit. I will visit often. The paintings are great, the information is great and the website is very easy to use. JOSÉ REINALDO FALCONI- SÃO PAULO- BRASIL Remote User: Commentslooks like the last coment was made in 2001! well its now 2002 and i doubt that anyone will be reading this messege in the future. if anyone does read this i would like to say a big thank you!! the paintings are maggnificent. it really helped me out in my art assigment and i will recomend this site to ma mates 0_o. cya :) -_- (")(") - - ____ Remote User: CommentsLee, Port Richey, Florida, USA: Thank you; the man's work is truly insperational Remote User: CommentsSalvador dali inspired my coursework for my gcse's he was an extordinary an talented man and his work was excellent! Salvador Dali had an influence on modern art an his name will live on with great respect! Remote User: CommentsPEARL RAMASODI MIDRAND,JOHANNESBURG,GAUTENG SOUTH AFRICA. I LOVE DALI HE IS THE SHIT!!COULD YOU HAVE A PAGE WHERE YOU ACTUALLY TAKE A MOMENT TO EXPLAIN THE CHARACTERISTICS OF HIS WORK AND STYLE. masterpearl@hotmail.com Remote User: CommentsRemote User: Commentssweeeeeeeeeeeeeet Remote User: Commentssweeeeeeeeeeeeeet Remote User: Commentsfart fart fart, poo poo poo. kitty kitty bum bum fuck. Remote User: Commentsthis site sux, its a load of fuckin bullshit. Remote User: Commentsx Remote User: CommentsI NEVER SEEN A BETTER HOMMAGE LIKE YOUR SITE THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!! AMELIE FRANCE Remote User: CommentsI NEVER SEEN A BETTER HOMMAGE LIKE YOUR SITE THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!! AMELIE FRANCE Remote User: CommentsHED.serge2@wanadoo.fr i search site about dali cause i bought "lithographie" from dali but i don t know what is that word in english to surch on these exhibit link Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsBad scans, get better colors... Remote User: CommentsMarion Metzler Hölderlinstreet 1 64521 Gross Gerau/Germany Remote User: CommentsI enjoy Dali's paintings and the perfume case (the lips) . Remote User: CommentsI enjoy Dali's paintings and the perfume case (the lips) . Remote User: Commentsmy class and i are studying dali as part of a drama piece and looking at this web site helpped me understand what he was trying to convay in his works. thanks from all the people in 1st year preforming art, lewes college, england. xxx carley Remote User: CommentsWE THINK THAT THIS WEBSITE WAS EXCELLENT!!! ME AND MY FRIEND HAD TO DO A PROJECT ON SURREALISM AND WE HAD TO FOCUS ON SALVADOR DALI. WE FOUND EVERYTHING WE NEEDED ON HERE AND MORE! KATIE AND KIRSTIE FROM ENGLAND. Remote User: CommentsThis is a great surmation of Dali's art......... The art you have chosen will give even the youngest art lover a reason to continue to study art. Thank you for your research, time, and love of art.
Remote User: Commentsi thought it was a good layout of all the paintings i will coming back to this web site more ofteni like the paintings there are so many ive never seen befor sco england Remote User: Commentsi thought it was a good layout of all the paintings i will coming back to this web site more ofteni like the paintings there are so many ive never seen befor sco england Remote User: Commentswaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsBin Laden,help me i am being chased my only friends are sdam hussain and queen elizabeth of england Remote User: Commentsget more on the person, more info is needed. Remote User: CommentsJOSEPH WINTER HAVEN FLORIDA I LOVE THIS PAGE AND I WOULD LIKE VERY MUCH IF YOU COULD EMAIL ME THE STREET NAME OF THE DALI EXHIBIT IN ST.PETE HERE IN FL THANK YOU DRAKO750@YAHOO.COM Remote User: CommentsCaleb,Nova Scotia,Canada. I absolutely Love this web page. It's great and I really thank you for sharring it! Remote User: CommentsAda Sacramento, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A. Wonderful! Remote User: CommentsGaithersburg, Md I really liked the exhibit. I have a project on surrealist artists and with your site I got a lot of information and pictures. Thanks a lot. Ruth Remote User: Commentsi think the site is crap Remote User: CommentsDelia, Cork, Ireland Fantastic online Exhibition, the only thing the pictures rather small. Remote User: CommentsHannah, Manchester, England. Really good for my project. Thanks! Remote User: CommentsThank You! Rosemaria Poek from Germany Remote User: CommentsIt will be my pleasure to visit your museum for the second time on my upcoming visit to the Tampa-area. But it sure would be nice to see an address somewhere at this site. Lawrence Schaumburg-Hinson Long Beach, California Remote User: CommentsKeeble - Essex, England Dali Sucks! I am only reaserching him cos it is my art H/W! Remote User: CommentsCaroline Caldicot,Soutn Wales,Great Britain I found the web site most useful in helping my daughter with her Art homework. Weel done Remote User: CommentsLynne, San Diego, Ca, USA Remote User: Commentsi'm not an artist, and could draw not even a simple piece of art. however dali's work of art artistically blows up my spirit to the point that i could almost touch the very ground of the immortality of my soul. Remote User: Commentsthis is good web site Remote User: Commentsthis is good web site Finland Remote User: CommentsBarceloca.com está desarrollando una sección espacial sobre Salvador Dalí, en conjunto con la exposición Dalí Escultor, para el año internacional Dalí, el 2004. mientrastanto podreís encontar información relativa a este grande evento en http://www.barceloca.com/main_data_details.asp?mnuID=2387&mnuCategory=Exposiciones&mnuType=&mnuLocation= Remote User: CommentsThanks for your brief introduction about the great artist,which leads to a overall understanding of Dali for me. Tomorrow my girlfriend & I will go visit the retrospective exhibition of Dali in Beijing for more detailed sense of Dali.Thanks~. Jumping Tsinghua University,Beijing,China 2002/9/30 Remote User: CommentsFUCK YOU ALL Remote User: CommentsEmily Saville aged 13 from Hertfordshire I think this website is very helpful as I am researching Dali for a schoolproject and I love his work expecially the clock painting I cant remember what its called Remote User: Commentsintresting Remote User: CommentsDeborah, Vancouver Island British Columbia, Canada Fascinating!!! I love SD's work even more now. Remote User: CommentsJust proves what I always thiught. Dali was a great artist with a strange mind. Brilliant site Remote User: Commentslenie...@ skool in Strabane grammar school co.tyrone,n.irelnad. @ the mo. doing an internet course work peice on dali.i think his paintings are class...surrealism isn't really my strong point in art but looking at his art work is totally captivating and absorbing...i love his work!!! Remote User: CommentsJason Las Vegas NV U.S.A. Excellent exibit!! Dali is my favorite and never have I had the pleasure of seeing so many of his works. I would like to purchase some of his orginal works someday. Thank you for this site. Remote User: CommentsMARK MAITLAND JOHANNESBURG SOUTH AFRICA I DONT BELIEVE ANOTHER ARTIST COULD EVER COMPARE TO THE ABSOLUTE GENIUS SALVADOR DALI WAS!!!! THANK YOU FOR A FANTASTIC WEBSITE ON THE "SELF MADE GENIUS" Remote User: CommentsI had a Delightful time! Raquel Remote User: CommentsJackie from Weymouth Dorst England Wonderful I have loved Dali for years there is much here that I havn't seen before Thank You Remote User: Commentscarly cornwall uk a lot of this artwork is hard for me to understand, but it is interesting, and looks great! Remote User: Commentsnatalie isle off man castletown i think he is very good and his work is great Remote User: CommentsAndreas Linder Gothenborg, Sweden Dali has brigtened my life. Remote User: CommentsThis is an excellent exhibt ,but the only thing thats wrong is that you dont have most of his good works in here like the "percistance of time" Anyways cuz keep up the good work. Mia Tyson Ajaka sydney australia yallah bye :) Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsHi, I'm Faye from Athens, Greece. I love Dali's work and I think you have done a great job with this site! Remote User: CommentsPatrick New Wilmington, PA What a wonderful way to exhibit some of the finest art ever created! Remote User: CommentsLOVELY SITE AND I WOULD LOVE TO DO SCHOOL WORK ON YOUR BIOGRAPHY AGAIN.
4RM:GHETTOLICIOUSQT 4/LIFE Remote User: CommentsTia, Helsinki, Finland, Europe. Marvelous! Remote User: CommentsJo Québec Canada Merveilleux. Version francaise a venir??? Remote User: CommentsJohn Estes jestes@2xtreme.net Remote User: Commentssup dude yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo Remote User: Commentshe is no good Remote User: CommentsExcellent! Remote User: CommentsWhy isn`t this side at German!I can`t understood anything!! Remote User: CommentsI am not familiar with Dali. It was an accident to view your website. A most exciting accident. What amazing pictorials. I will be forever fascinated by this man. Thank you! mona l. manai-california Remote User: Commentsjenni Murray England Surrey Thank you for this wonderfull information it helped alot with my course work. None copyrighted though and no text copyed! Remote User: CommentsThis Has Helped me alot Thanks Remote User: CommentsJoy, Ohio USA I loved this website. I started researching for an art class, but realized I love Dali's paintings. Remote User: CommentsJoy, Ohio USA I loved this website. I started researching for an art class, but realized I love Dali's paintings. Remote User: CommentsLaura, Decatur, TX USA Fascinating. The perfect explanation to my 12 year-old son of surrealism. Couldn't find the melting watches that I had told him about (perhaps that's not the title?), but discovered new wonders while re-discovering old ones. Thanks for a lovely site! Remote User: CommentsI just think this man had such a talented way of expressing the beauty that he wanted all to see. George, Ft Walton Beach, FL. Remote User: Commentsi love his work thank you colleen Kalafut age 12 Remote User: CommentsPat, Ireland Remote User: Commentslol this site is bad go to www.jmkskoter.com Remote User: CommentsI like this sight Remote User: CommentsAndrew Hucks, Virginia Beach, VA...US A 23 year old college student maintaining the faith that the youth of the culture are not ruined. Remote User: CommentsI was just given the role of Dali in "Hysteria" I was wondering If any1 had a copy of his voice or accent or anyway I could possiblily sound like him? Thanx... Email me at joeotoole69@hotmail.com please:) Remote User: CommentsYour site was okay but it didn'y have the things i was looking for. Remote User: CommentsAWEsome!!! from Annette in Chickasha, OK USA Remote User: CommentsCool. Remote User: CommentsCool. Remote User: Commentsharry, nottingham, notts, england. Remote User: Commentskeep up the good work!!! Chrysa H. Greece Remote User: CommentsClaire, Detroit,Michigan Great site!! Very informative and thourough! Remote User: Commentshe is grest artist Remote User: CommentsWow! That was amazing! Remote User: CommentsCharles longview, Tx U.S. Great site for those of us who appreciate the genius of Dali. What happened to Persistence of Memory? Remote User: Commentsi want visit pacaso sexy painting. Remote User: CommentsSandi Halifax Nova Scotia Canada October 25, 2002 "very interesting" Remote User: CommentsSandi Halifax Nova Scotia Canada October 25, 2002 "very interesting" Remote User: CommentsI really am enjoying Dali online.Thank you very much. I have been on almost an hour. Its better than any bookI have seen.Again thank you for educating me futher on Salvador Dali. Phyllis Somerset, kentucky U S A Remote User: CommentsHe is one my favorite characters. He makes us put a question mark in front of everything, he makes us think about everything which seems normal to us. Hope we learn "thinking" from him. Mehrzad,26 y/o, Minneapolis, MN, USA. I'm Originally persian! Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsGail Stavrianos ,Liverpool, England - I thought the website was very good but am disappointed that I still haven't found the work I am looking for. Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsThis was a great help for my homework everyone should try it. Starla Clarkson Remote User: CommentsRemote User: CommentsMy thanks to whoever is involved in creating and maintaining this site. It is very nicely done, and I found the commentary accompanying the pictures to be helpful. Remote User: CommentsHow about adding the divine comedy (all 103 of 'em) and the bible illustrations? He also designed tarot cards that are very interesting but expensive. Just bought my third wood cut from the devine comedy...just 100 more to go!! ellen from nj usa Remote User: Commentsi visited this site for an art class report an di got all my info here =P thanks alot! Remote User: Commentsi love his penis art wprks because they look all big and squish Remote User: CommentsHi my name is Joyce, and I live in E. Rockaway, New York in the USA. I think Dali is fabulous and this gallery proves what a genius he was (is) and I love him. He is an inspiration to me as an artist. Remote User: blondi (e- mail: i brooker @ sympac.com.au) drouin, vic australia - Monday, May 03, 1999 at 01:21:10 (EDT) Thanks for offering this site. Also, years ago I had a book called DALI DALI DALI...it was stolen. How can I get another? Geno Ervin (geneervin@hotmail.com) santa cruz, ca USA - Monday, May 03, 1999 at 00:30:18 (EDT) i have not been to your museum, but have ordered things from you. Dali, hiself was a work of art. Ms. Dale Tucker (tuck923@webtv.net) weymouth, ma USA - Sunday, May 02, 1999 at 21:44:31 (EDT) Thank you for the overview. Joyce Hedgepeth (servicer@gte.net) st Petersburg, Fl USA - Sunday, May 02, 1999 at 20:47:41 (EDT) try using little thumb nail things in your sight...then it'd be awsome! Ben Cowan MI USA - Sunday, May 02, 1999 at 18:57:56 (EDT) "Le Surrealisme c'est lui!" Thanks for this great site. I'll be back soon! Marjan (Pinky90@hotmail.com) Tremelo, Belgium - Sunday, May 02, 1999 at 08:54:08 (EDT) VARY,VARY NICE WEB SIDE I THINK. JOHANNES FERM JÄRNA, SWEDEN - Sunday, May 02, 1999 at 03:52:28 (EDT) VARY,VARY NICE WEB SIDE I THINK. JOHANNES FERM JÄRNA, SWEDEN - Sunday, May 02, 1999 at 03:51:31 (EDT) The Dali Museum is one of the most eye-opening field trip destinations that my students have ever visites. I want to congratulate the docents and all the museum staff for their interaction with high school students. Muchas gracias. Pamela Valdes, Spanish Teacher, Eau Gallie High School, Melbourne, Florida Pamela A. Valdes (valdp@eaugallie.brevard.k12.fl.us) Cocoa Beach, FL USA - Saturday, May 01, 1999 at 10:53:50 (EDT) Thanks for all the information! This is a great site. Michelle Leeds, United Kingdom - Saturday, May 01, 1999 at 09:45:13 (EDT) El trabajo de Dali es realmente extraordinario. Este lugar en realidad nos permite apreciar lo fantastico que era Salvador Dali ! Me enorgullezco de mis raices Latinas! HUGO ZAMBRANO (hugoz@hotmail.com) Juarez, MEXICO - Friday, April 30, 1999 at 18:51:32 (EDT) I only know that even the smallest thing Dali did on earth, is worthed. Thanks for doing this recognition to his "ART". Juan Carlo Lozano (juancarlolozano@hotmail.com) Guadalajara, Ja MEXICO - Friday, April 30, 1999 at 16:39:12 (EDT) Thanks for building this fantastic site. There's quite a lot of information and the pictures are great. I like the paintings from the thirties best. Eric van Balkum (evbalkum@multiweb.nl) HAARLEM, The Netherlands - Thursday, April 29, 1999 at 18:08:02 (EDT) I would like to obtain one of the museum's mail order catalogs. Please send me info about ordering. Thank you. Kate Davis (kate@associatedtitle.com) slc, UT USA - Thursday, April 29, 1999 at 17:28:25 (EDT) Help! I nedd quotes from variuos Artists on the limitations of what is Art and what is not art? Is art the the passion or the product of the passion? IS art what drives the Artist, or what the ArtistProduces from the drive? Mike Bockelman (mbockelm@mesa5.mesa.colorado.edu.com) Grand junction, co USA - Thursday, April 29, 1999 at 16:30:35 (EDT) I am studing Dali for a spanish project. This site really helped! Patrick Dideum (dideum@bvsd.k12.co.us) Louisville, CO USA - Thursday, April 29, 1999 at 14:19:50 (EDT) A great artist! michael delaney (gatormd331@aol.com) henderson, nv USA - Thursday, April 29, 1999 at 13:50:58 (EDT) dahli is god!!!! daivd evans (moon@aol.com) lansdale, pa USA - Thursday, April 29, 1999 at 13:25:51 (EDT) Fantastic, I have seen works here that I had never seen before. ZANE CORY (commonground@yahoo.com) San Diego, CA USA - Thursday, April 29, 1999 at 01:35:54 (EDT) Very nice! My first visit I'll be back. Michael Mayer (Lilac Time @jps.net) Grass Valley, Ca USA - Thursday, April 29, 1999 at 01:33:52 (EDT) This place has the best selection of Dali's works that I have ever seen, but I think that there should be more write ups and background information for more of the paintings Amanda (frogwoman99@chickmail.com) Abbotsford, BC Canada - Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 23:03:30 (EDT) i just found out about dali for my home work and now i've fallen in love with his works. isaac johnson (www.tadavio@yahoo.com) chicago, il USA - Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 21:23:21 (EDT) Great site. Wish my school computer could print in color. My first grade students are studying great Hispanic people. We will be doing our own self portraits along the lines of how he did his at 15. I will have them draw themselves doing what they want to do "when they grow up" with the view from the back like Dali did. It should be great! Sue Fredrick (suefredrick@netscape.com) Austin, TX USA - Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 17:12:27 (EDT) It's great to see online what I saw on a visit to the museum back in 1990. The clear scanned picture of the Torreador espcially brought back some great memories. Well done! Christopher Slade (Sladey01@hotmail.com) Manchester, England - Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 10:57:23 (EDT) Estuve en la tumba de Dali y los caballos se estiraron hasta los ojos suaves de Gala.Volando aires de Cadaques.Su casa de vidrio,amor y lana.Disparo limpio como los angeles. Dali ruiseñor de Paris. Josu Apecechea (acuarela@get.es) Madrid, España - Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 03:00:56 (EDT) this sit sux dick. the writer should suck my cock. fuck the world. Loren Collarile (Posh1020@aol) Littleton, CO USA - Tuesday, April 27, 1999 at 20:26:50 (EDT) hi guys, tell all hello.......sherm sherman taylor (staylor4@tampabayrr.com) tampa, fl USA - Tuesday, April 27, 1999 at 20:11:02 (EDT) I was introduced to Dali by my mom-in-law by visiting the FLA museum in 1991. I have been searching far and wide to find a place that may have reproductions, poster, or books available with his art work. I have finally located you on the internet through my local library. I find his work stimulating, it makes me smile! Please e-mail me on how I can receive your mail-order cataloge to: schaldemose-ross@yahoo.com Carren Ross (schaldemose_ross@yahoo) Chase, BC Canada - Tuesday, April 27, 1999 at 16:20:52 (EDT) Thank you very much for this beautiful site!! I've visited the St Petersburg museum in 1994 and it was an amazing moment!! Salvador Dali is my favorite painter and I hope I'll come back again in this wonderful museum. For the moment, I bbokmark the address in order to come as often as possible!! Fabien Just (faste@cybercable.fr) Fabien JUST (Faste@cybercable.fr) PARIS, FRANCE - Tuesday, April 27, 1999 at 13:24:28 (EDT) I thoroughly enjoyed my recent visit to your museum. Please include my name in any mailing lists that you deem appropriate. Many thanks J. C. Kelly James Kelly orlando , fl USA - Tuesday, April 27, 1999 at 12:10:59 (EDT) Love the site, I'm your sales representative at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and really enjoyed looking at your collection! We may have some items that would work in your gift shop.I will be in touch, but I had to let you know how much I enjoyed this site! Charlotte Foreman (cforeman@mfa.org) Avon, Ma USA - Tuesday, April 27, 1999 at 10:16:21 (EDT) this is a very good website dali was incredibly talented and gifted and this is shown very well here ginny (j) bloomington, in USA - Monday, April 26, 1999 at 23:31:33 (EDT) My favorite artist. Prints all over my house, even in the bathroom. Thanks for the site. John Ferns (rock-it-man@webtv.com) Toledo, oh USA - Monday, April 26, 1999 at 17:52:07 (EDT) i will be visitng in the near future.i want to thank you for assuring that generations to come will see this man's works in their natural state. greg golembiewski (gsevisions@msn.com) thornton, co USA - Monday, April 26, 1999 at 15:09:51 (EDT) DAHLI RULES BAY-BEE!!!!!!!! GIZMO (GIZMO69@HOTMAIL.COM) ELSA, TX USA(DUH) - Monday, April 26, 1999 at 09:19:30 (EDT) Para ser un genio debes ser espanol y llamarte Salvador Dali Hans Arp (amarilloazul@mailexcite.com) Vina del Mar, Chile - Monday, April 26, 1999 at 00:40:28 (EDT) Thank You- I really enjoyed your works!! It was great! Ariana Dominguez (arianad11@hotmail.com) Alpine, TX USA - Sunday, April 25, 1999 at 17:51:18 (EDT) Magnificent, nothing else to add. Adolfo Illa (adolfo.illa@span.ch) Schliern, BE Switzerland - Sunday, April 25, 1999 at 08:02:18 (EDT) It was a nice Journey in a sad world. Thanks samieh jabbarin (pizi@gmx.net) stuutgart, BW Germany - Saturday, April 24, 1999 at 23:10:42 (EDT) I am a first grade teacher and my class is doing a project on Hispanic Heritage. We enjoy Dali's paintings and decided to make our mural about his paintings and the student's interpretations of them. It should be interesting. Sue Fredrick (suefredrick@netscape.com) Austin, TX USA - Saturday, April 24, 1999 at 22:15:11 (EDT) Don't Know What I'm Doing! I.Wrightson USA - Saturday, April 24, 1999 at 07:25:29 (EDT) I WeNt To ThE DaLí MuSeUm On ThE SuMmEr Of 98, AnD It WaS GrEaT. He Is My FaVoRiTe PaInTeR oF AlL. I jUsT AbSoLuTeLy LoVe HiS GeNiUs WoRk!!!!! KeEp Up ThE GoOd WoRk On MaKiNg SaLvAdOr DaLí LiVe FOREVER!!!!!!!!!! NéStOr AcEvEdO (snakyjan@hotmail.com) Aguada, Puerto Rico - Friday, April 23, 1999 at 22:50:11 (EDT) Thanks for the great tour. The Dali Museum Collection will be one of my stops my next trip to Tampa area. Those who pursue excellence in informational service and web page making is what the internet should be about. Gene Risoldi (ciro@mindspring.com) USA - Friday, April 23, 1999 at 22:24:59 (EDT) Just stoppin in for a visit Mike Greene (mgreene@baxter.com) Boulder, Co USA - Friday, April 23, 1999 at 21:40:41 (EDT) OH HOW I FANTASISE OF DALI AND MYSELF,TO MAKE SWEET LOVE! I WISH THAT HE WAS HERE IN THE FLESH! THIS HAS BEEN MY FANTASY SINCE I WAS A LITTLE GIRL! HIS WORK IS ABSOLUTE! ( IN MY MIND YOU ARE MY SWEET DELECTABLE DALI!) I HAVE YOU AROUND ME! SWEET,SWEET DALI! LOVE FROM THE BLACKWIDOW! BLACKWIDOW (blackwidow@tac.com.au) CENTRAL COAST Hello St. Petersburg. On my sixteenth birthday, my dad took me to see your amazing collection of Dali and I just wanted to say that even upon visiting your web site, I really enjoyed it. Thanks. :) Megen Midili Somerset, Ky USA - Friday, April 23, 1999 at 16:35:31 (EDT) Thanks, I just wanted to check you out. The Atheneum is having a Dali Exhibit Jan-Mar 2000. Rachel Beckwith (rachel.beckwith@wadsworthatheneum.org) Hartford, CT USA - Friday, April 23, 1999 at 10:24:17 (EDT) I love his work, I been in Florida Museum 3 times, and in Spain once. I have several of his etchings dating back to 1970's. Manny V. Gomez, Sr. (MGomezsr@aol.com) Oaklyn,, NJ USA - Friday, April 23, 1999 at 01:57:26 (EDT) This site is fabulous! Finally, we are able to admire Dali's work right here in New Orleans!! Julia Maria Avila Izagirre New Orleans, la USA - Thursday, April 22, 1999 at 22:34:19 (EDT) This site is fabulous! Finally, we are able to admire Dali's work right here in New Orleans!! Julia Maria Avila Izagirre (avilaiza@wordnet.att.net) New Orleans, la USA - Thursday, April 22, 1999 at 22:31:57 (EDT) I would love to see "Nuclear Cross" on this page. Thank you so much for all of the images. They are greatly appreciated. Dannen Vance (dannen.vance@ge.med.com) Brentwood, tn USA - Thursday, April 22, 1999 at 19:07:59 (EDT) Using this wonderful site for my classes. Thanks Dorothy Zimmerman (dottiez@Compuserve.com) Temperance, , MI USA - Thursday, April 22, 1999 at 14:08:23 (EDT) MY GIRLFRIEND HAS A BEAUTIFUL DALI COLLECTION TATOOED ON HER BACK! IT'S BEEN GREAT VISITING, NOW I KNOW WHERE SHE GOT HER INSPIRATION. JOY DAVIS (EATOOL@FSBDIAL.CO.UK) BOGNOR REGIS, ENGLAND - Thursday, April 22, 1999 at 11:34:46 (EDT) All I can say is....... Genius!!!!!! L G-H (cucubano@worldnet.att.net) San Juan, PR USA - Thursday, April 22, 1999 at 00:27:44 (EDT) it was excellent but need more oil paintings Randy and Jennifer (JenBabycak@aol.com) Cleveland, OH USA - Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 22:48:11 (EDT) Salvador Dali is one of the greatest artists and I love all of his works mahsa izadpanah (mahsa3@hotmail.com) north york, USA - Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 21:48:39 (EDT) I love Dali. The more I look at the pictures the more I see.It inspires me to draw and paint. clare bell brown (ska.face@mailcity.com) tallahassee, fl USA - Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 17:58:32 (EDT) C'est super exib la parano critique Caca (caca prout aol.com) trouduc, 01 USA - Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 16:05:07 (EDT) thanks jay mechem (jmechemX@usa.xerox.com) fife, wa USA - Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 15:39:11 (EDT) Greetings and salutations from the north west of England!! Congrats on a splendid spread my dear fellows , you really did the old boy justice. Next time i'm in florida - be ready !! regards Alexander Hughes. Alex Hughes (thedon11@excite.com) Liverpool, England - Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 14:52:51 (EDT) Dali's work is timeless... Anonymous (shineonbrightly@hotmail.com) USA - Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 09:39:18 (EDT) great pages! Dali Lova Seinäjoki, Finland - Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 02:51:49 (EDT) I enjoyed looking through the museum, and it would be worth the trip to see it in person. Robert Ross (ross-studios@revealed.net) Rock Island, IL USA - Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 02:10:43 (EDT) WHICH of the list of plug-ins to which one is referred by the annoying pop-up dialogue box is the correct one for hearing the musical accompaniment? Robert Dawson (dawson496@aol.com) Los Altos, CA USA - Tuesday, April 20, 1999 at 15:02:33 (EDT) This was an interesting and beneficial page. This page offered many detailed facts and colorful paintings I haven't viewed before. If any paintings or re-construction will be done in the future, I would really be interested in being informed through e-mail. Thank you very much. -Mary Mary SHeLaine Siy (Kerosine34@aol.com) Glenview, iL USA - Tuesday, April 20, 1999 at 14:48:00 (EDT) Nice, brief piece, but perhaps venture deeper into his influences. scott price (prices@river.it.gvsu.edu) Allendull, MI USA - Tuesday, April 20, 1999 at 05:59:08 (EDT) Incrediable! Big fan of Dali's work for years. Best page I've found. Telling others your address Rebecca Fullbright (rfullbright@hotmail.com) Charleston, SC USA - Monday, April 19, 1999 at 15:26:46 (EDT) The MIDI music is a great addition to the site. Expand it, Dali is a great artist! Buz (istiger00@aol.com) Irvine, CA USA - Monday, April 19, 1999 at 12:20:18 (EDT) I'm making a rapport about the Dali Museum and I would like some information about the number of visitors. Vanessa Bohné (bohnevanessa@yahoo.com) Londerzeel, BELGIUM - Monday, April 19, 1999 at 03:50:35 (EDT) Thanks, I'll see you again soon!! Mark Hubbard (mfddca@hdc.net) Mitchell, SD USA - Monday, April 19, 1999 at 02:12:55 (EDT) What great work Dali has donated to the world of artistry! Were I an artist, I would paint like he does - perhaps we think the same. Linda J. Maguire (dawnhara@netzero.net) NH USA - Sunday, April 18, 1999 at 21:10:42 (EDT) NO COMMENT... Nati (tethys@friko2.onet.pl) TORUÑ, POLAND - Sunday, April 18, 1999 at 16:00:26 (EDT) I visited the museum in Tampa last Sept. and was most impressed, having never seen any of Dali's work. I just had to buy a book there to bring back home with me to Ohio. Thank you for the museum. Joan Springer (cherokee@bright.net) Ohio City, OH USA - Sunday, April 18, 1999 at 15:14:34 (EDT) Great site. Keep educating our children. Jacques & Megan Monteil (JacquesMon@aol.com) Grapevine, TX USA - Sunday, April 18, 1999 at 13:24:27 (EDT) Salvador Dali had some pretty warped ideas eh! I love it. Hitler masturbating?? any way gotta run. Thanks for the help on my assignment. When was Dali born by the waY? cristen (fleur91@hotmail.com) Melbourne, Australia - Sunday, April 18, 1999 at 12:58:38 (EDT) Some time ago, I saw a great photograph of several women whose bodies were arranged to form the shape of a skull. I seem to remember the photo being attributed to dali, but hav'nt seenit since. can anyone tell me the title of this work? If you look VERY closely at the moth in front of Jodie Fosters mouth on the "Silence of the Lambs" poster or video cover, you'll notice the "death's head" shape on the moths back is actually little people! This is the image I'm searching for. Any help would be appreciated! thanx! derek (ddl33@hotmail.com) calgary, ab USAcanada - Sunday, April 18, 1999 at 05:50:44 (EDT) Beautifully done Dali site Bill (zbillman@ameritech.net) MI USA - Saturday, April 17, 1999 at 23:39:36 (EDT) Wonderfull, Wonderfull, Wonderfull Keep the good job. Cezar Moniz (cmoniz@sdm.com.br) Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil - Saturday, April 17, 1999 at 20:45:47 (EDT) Wonderful experience. Keith B. Riddick (palatkagator@gbso.net) Palatka, FL USA - Saturday, April 17, 1999 at 09:20:21 (EDT) I'm doing a roport on Dali, and I would like some information if you could. Matt Wilson (applemonkeyatyahoo.com) West Covina, CA USA - Friday, April 16, 1999 at 20:00:57 (EDT) simply wanna say that I love the work of dali !!! Anette Hellsaa Christiansen (hellsaa@hotmail.com) skjetten, norway - Friday, April 16, 1999 at 08:42:36 (EDT) the only e words and 3 number i love it and 142 maggie (maggiecheah@yahoo.com) malaysia - Thursday, April 15, 1999 at 23:56:04 (EDT) Great site on all points of view! Mary (yesac_6@yahoo.fr) Ascot, Qc Canada - Thursday, April 15, 1999 at 23:54:25 (EDT) I think the web page is very informative and interesting! Jennifer Elliff (ell31727@delta.obu.edu) arkadelphia, ar USA - Thursday, April 15, 1999 at 21:08:38 (EDT) EVERITHING WAS GREAT FILIO GIANNOPOYLOY ATHENS, USA - Thursday, April 15, 1999 at 18:04:58 (EDT) Dali is one of my favorite artists. I got to see some of his original work once in Washington DC Angela S. Clerou (mamapickle@hotmail.com) Oak View , CA USA - Thursday, April 15, 1999 at 16:40:12 (EDT) i hve been to the florida dalie museum. It is wonderful! I love Dalie. HE WILL BE ONE OF THE GREAT ARTIST OF THE CENTRY. sue wood (suewood206) bell buckle, tn USA - Thursday, April 15, 1999 at 15:30:49 (EDT) It was nice to visit the Dali Museum online. I have fond memories of the museum during my spring break visits to St. Petersburg. Danny Morris (dmorris@uwnyc.org) Jersey City, NJ USA - Thursday, April 15, 1999 at 14:31:41 (EDT) love the man's work! lauri (lobsters@mint.net) rockland, me USA - Wednesday, April 14, 1999 at 20:08:02 (EDT) let me in damn it colin (cman434343@aol.com) houston, tx USA - Wednesday, April 14, 1999 at 11:09:47 (EDT) Thanks for such a great website. Charlie Howes (charliehowes@hotmail.com) Butler, TN USA - Wednesday, April 14, 1999 at 11:02:45 (EDT) i really enjoyed the visit. there's a dali exhibition coming soon to argentina and i wanted to have some info in advance. MARIEL (job training@fatcom.com.ar) PILAR, BA ARGENTINA - Wednesday, April 14, 1999 at 07:40:32 (EDT) I love dali due to him not being afraid of what people will say about his wonderful work as some of it is shocking, I would also love to see a page about Picasso as he is another favorite of mine. Alice Green (alicegreen@btinternet.com) Leicestershire, MM UK - Wednesday, April 14, 1999 at 04:43:48 (EDT) truly an original style of art to enjoy bernard lizee (kashmir@awink.com) fort st john, canada - Wednesday, April 14, 1999 at 00:28:23 (EDT) Great site, very informative and helpful. Jeremy DeYoung (mommapeacock@hotmail.com) Friendly, SC USA - Tuesday, April 13, 1999 at 23:28:07 (EDT) Awsome site Bob Bollinger (mgrj14a@prodigy.com) Desoto, TX USA - Tuesday, April 13, 1999 at 22:25:44 (EDT) Awsome site Bob Bollinger (mgrj14a@prodigy.com) Desoto, TX USA - Tuesday, April 13, 1999 at 22:21:16 (EDT) Dali was one messed up dude, but gee gosh, we sure do love him and his "interesting" Hitler drawing!!!! -love, Kris and Josh Kris and Josh (none) California, PA USA - Tuesday, April 13, 1999 at 22:08:56 (EDT) hello...good bye thank you very much =) lisa (pizza629@aol.com) USA - Tuesday, April 13, 1999 at 18:45:51 (EDT) esto es lo mejor en pintura el surrealismo walter walter arias (walterias@ hotmail.com) chicago, il USA - Tuesday, April 13, 1999 at 15:47:29 (EDT) it's a real pleasure to visit the site, i will come back to see more Corlier (fran.co@skynet.be) belgium - Tuesday, April 13, 1999 at 14:56:42 (EDT) This is the first time I have come to this sit and I am looking for a surten question I hope you guys can answer it! John (Josparkshn) Prather, CA USA - Tuesday, April 13, 1999 at 13:33:34 (EDT) I am a big fan of S.Dali' Art. This is a great sight you have. I can't wait to visit the museum this fall. Voloshin Maryan (MVoloshin@DGNY.com) Brooklyn, NY USA - Tuesday, April 13, 1999 at 09:21:15 (EDT) I just love Dalis work and I'm thankful for the sites, but I wonder when Gala was born? I can't seem to find it in the text anywhere. Ulrika Svensson (pudelolga@hotmail.com) stockholm, USA - Tuesday, April 13, 1999 at 04:26:24 (EDT) Cool Jessica (suffercow2@hotmail.com) brandon, sd USA - Tuesday, April 13, 1999 at 02:11:29 (EDT) ENJOYED THE TOUR THANKS JOSEPH F. VAN CURA (JOEBUD@GOODNET.COM) PRESCOTT, AZ USA - Tuesday, April 13, 1999 at 00:46:24 (EDT) Intelligence,beautiness, geniality and madness are almost in the same edge. Edmundo Etchechury (eetche@df1.telmex.net.mx) Mexico, USA - Monday, April 12, 1999 at 21:56:24 (EDT) I liked it very much, the artwork is thrilling. Steve Allemore USA - Monday, April 12, 1999 at 16:03:04 (EDT) We were in America a few years ago and visited the museum, but now I needed some extra information for my homework. Thanks for the help! Zoe Zoe McCormick (b.h.m@teco.net) Newport, UK - Monday, April 12, 1999 at 14:51:58 (EDT) If anyone could PLEASE send me any USEFUL information to me, it would be GREATLY appreciated! Thank you so much.. it is for my research paper... Thanks again Lauren M (NoRNGes4lm@aol.com) wayne, NJ USA - Monday, April 12, 1999 at 13:15:11 (EDT) I went to the museum recently and i thought the works were beautiful and the museum itself was just as much so. I especially enjoyed the "Hallucinogenic Toreador". I enjoyed my stay and hope to return again. S Sheridan (prayers4rain@excite.com) Atlanta, GA USA - Sunday, April 11, 1999 at 15:57:49 (EDT) SUPERBE,je n'ai plus qu'un désir venir vous voir. TANCHOUX (tanchoux@club-internet.fr) JOUE-LES-TOURS, 37 FRANCE - Sunday, April 11, 1999 at 11:03:22 (EDT) You have a great web page. hudi (hudi@polbox.com) Raszyn, Poland - Sunday, April 11, 1999 at 05:04:16 (EDT) You have a great web page. hudi (hudi@polbox.com) Raszyn, Poland - Sunday, April 11, 1999 at 05:04:12 (EDT) Haven't been able to get in to the site yet. Edith Moore (e.moore@auckland.ac.nz) Auckland, - NZ - Saturday, April 10, 1999 at 21:05:58 (EDT) A good site - but where are the pictures of "Sleep"? Katie G. (N/A) London, England - Saturday, April 10, 1999 at 18:13:33 (EDT) Good site. Liz (liz.moulton@virgin.net) England, UK - Saturday, April 10, 1999 at 15:57:32 (EDT) i would like to know more about how he painted his pictures. what his pictures mean. what kind of drugs was he on to paint his pictures, if he was on drugs. Scott Roche (Roche1510@aol.com) Leesburg, Fl USA - Saturday, April 10, 1999 at 07:55:59 (EDT) I like the site! Seth Bladimirsquy (lambjam11@yahoo.com) Bronx, NY USA - Friday, April 09, 1999 at 22:24:19 (EDT) This is going to be my first glance into this page....however, I espect to find wonderful things in it.. Saludos a todos los que están en este libro!!! Manuel Manuel Ambrosio Castro (macastr@comlasa.com.mx) Mexico City, Mexico - Friday, April 09, 1999 at 20:06:37 (EDT) From one huge Dali fan to another, thanks for such a great web site carl ellis (carl_ellis@lineone.net) bristol, UK - Friday, April 09, 1999 at 16:45:24 (EDT) Fronm one huge Dali fan to another, thanks for such a great web site carl ellis (carl_ellis@lineone.net) bristol, UK - Friday, April 09, 1999 at 16:43:53 (EDT) great sight! Laurie Gendron (lgendro@lsu.edu) Baton Rouge, LA USA - Friday, April 09, 1999 at 16:27:34 (EDT) I was priviledged to visit your museum in person and I am currently interning teaching art to 6th and 7th graders. I am teaching Dali to them and love your Web site. I also have a video on Dali's life. Thanks, Susan Thornton Susan Thornton (sthornto@roanoke.edu) Roanoke, VA USA - Friday, April 09, 1999 at 10:46:17 (EDT) Dali is about the greatest artist in the world at the same level of Jim Morrison jasper petersen (jasper@.dk) grenaa, 8500, denmark - Friday, April 09, 1999 at 07:28:21 (EDT) Dali is about the greatest artist in the world at the same level of jim morrison jasper petersen (jasper@.dk) grenaa, 8500, denmark - Friday, April 09, 1999 at 07:27:49 (EDT) Great site!! I own an original dali, and love his work.He is a wonderfull artist a. wagner Burlington, vt USA - Friday, April 09, 1999 at 00:27:25 (EDT) The site is pretty good. I've been to the museum and was looking for a print I wanted. My parents are in St. Pete's right now so I'll get them to swing by and pick it up. Isn't modern technology great? Irene Poles (ipoles@hotmail.com) Toronto, ON Canada - Thursday, April 08, 1999 at 14:05:41 (EDT) I enjoyed the exhibit very much. Matt Newsome (mattnewsome@hotmail.com) Cleveland, OH USA - Wednesday, April 07, 1999 at 22:05:41 (EDT) I REALLY LIKE HIS WORK I GEST WISH THAT HE WAS HERE TO SEE A LOT OF HIS WORK AND IT WILL STILL BE FAMOUS. lLUCRETIA (SUPER ANGLE CHIK@YAHOO.COM) PALMDAEL, CA USA - Wednesday, April 07, 1999 at 16:29:40 (EDT) I just really love the painting of this artist. KARLA HERNADEZ (leamour@hotmal.com) Monterrey, México - Wednesday, April 07, 1999 at 13:33:46 (EDT) I'd like to see the galery Imre Desi (desi2@mail.inext.hu) Budapest, USA - Wednesday, April 07, 1999 at 10:51:33 (EDT) cool ajennings (kedori@msn.com) boston, ma USA - Wednesday, April 07, 1999 at 08:02:05 (EDT) Cool Site. I thank you for dedicating a site to all us Dale fans. Rohana Weiesnbach (ROHANA@prodigy.net) Wagoner, OK USA - Tuesday, April 06, 1999 at 23:37:02 (EDT) Totally a Dali fan. Collect books et al Like site, thanks, Bill Bill Booth (director@sap-consulting.com) Doylestown, Pa USA - Tuesday, April 06, 1999 at 22:22:16 (EDT) Hi, I am a 17 year old High school student. I was supposed to write about an artist of interest so of coarse i chose Dali. I've been to other Dali pages on the web, but this one takes the cake. Keep up the good work!! Andrew Edmonton, AB Canada - Tuesday, April 06, 1999 at 17:21:46 (EDT) i started getting into dali a year ago im olny 18..but i love his work . it was nice to see some stuff i havent already seen in my books.. i do a little surrealism myself... but nothing compared to his!! the prints could have been better... but im happy to see it so much it doesnt really matter to me. anyway im gunna visit the musium someday... i promised myself i would sometime before i die.. %*) beautiful site!! dan (zarnidan@postnet.com) - Tuesday, April 06, 1999 at 17:12:24 (EDT) thanks!! jim wheeler (jwheeler@biomass.bio.unc.edu) Graham, nc USA - Tuesday, April 06, 1999 at 12:02:16 (EDT) I love you man! Ashley Spencer (spenca1@hills1.sd01.k12.id.us) boise, id USA - Tuesday, April 06, 1999 at 11:05:14 (EDT) you have the finet work Christieyy goller (sexygirl13@mailcity.com) boise, id USA - Tuesday, April 06, 1999 at 11:03:37 (EDT) very good CONRADO (conrado@house.com.aar-) L. zamora, BA argentia - Tuesday, April 06, 1999 at 03:13:36 (EDT) great site james t gunnedah, ns USA - Monday, April 05, 1999 at 20:39:28 (EDT) Thats great!! Alex Eremeyev (eremeyev@poltava.ukrpack.net) Poltava, Ukraine - Monday, April 05, 1999 at 18:02:35 (EDT) I was in StPetersburg las summer and was thrilled to see so much Dali in one place ,,have revisited some of his work here in England on loan to the Tate at liverpool also love Dali love your good work keep it up ,,good luck and long life to you all ,,Best Regards John john stewart (j.f.s@btinternet.com) Skelmersdale, uk - Monday, April 05, 1999 at 16:36:30 (EDT) Ithink that Dali was and is one of the greatest surrealist of his time and ares ann (ann3@ashes48.freeserve.co.uk) ............................, .. uk - Monday, April 05, 1999 at 15:17:47 (EDT) I thought that Dali was one of the greatest surreal artist that has ever been. ann (ann3@ashes48.freeserve.co.uk) ..............., Uk - Monday, April 05, 1999 at 15:15:16 (EDT) Very interesting site. An excellent opportunity to see most of Dali's work. I would like to get information of Dali's wood engravings and of "La Dance". Is it part of the collection related with the Dante's Divine Comedy? Jossie (jvarona@prtc.net) San Juan, PR USA - Sunday, April 04, 1999 at 22:45:16 (EDT) I am looking for information on two signed prints, the Persistence of Memory and One Second Before Awakening from a Dream Caused by the Flight of a bee Around a Pomegranate. Can you help? Vanessa Z. Reilly (Vyztress@excite.com) Laramie, Wy USA - Sunday, April 04, 1999 at 21:04:04 (EDT) I am looking for information on two signed prints, the Persistence of Memory and One Second Before Awakening from a Dream Caused by the Flight of a bee Around a Pomegranate. Can you help? Vanessa Z. Reilly (Vyztress@excite.com) Laramie, Wy USA - Sunday, April 04, 1999 at 21:03:48 (EDT) over twenty years ago i purchased a lithograph print the divine comedy/paradise that was signed and is an artist proof. do you have any idea as to it's value diann adams (diannr@sunline.net) punta gorda, fl USA - Sunday, April 04, 1999 at 20:59:11 (EDT) With my wife we visited the Museum and really appreciated the most important exhibition of the great spanish artist. Some paintings are fabulous. We did enjoy while visiting this grat museum. Pablo Ferro (pferro@ciudad.com.ar) Buenos Aires, BA Argentina - Sunday, April 04, 1999 at 19:54:47 (EDT) I love Dali and I was able to see some of his work in Paris last year, I have prints all over my appartment. Kelli DePape Holland, MB Canada - Sunday, April 04, 1999 at 14:51:26 (EDT) A very interesting website , keep up the good work Lisa (Lisa@bilton65.freeserve.co.uk) UK - Sunday, April 04, 1999 at 13:34:05 (EDT) Great to see a Dali site on-line Marjorie Morris (marron@kynd.com) Dover-Foxcroft, ME USA - Sunday, April 04, 1999 at 10:37:01 (EDT) I love his work! It has a lot of realism of todays world. Bumbulis (bubbles@ftconnect.com) Hillsboro, OR USA - Sunday, April 04, 1999 at 01:06:14 (EST) La obra de Salvador Dalí es un legado para toda la humanidad "NO PODEIS EXPULSARME, PORQUE YO SOY EL SURREALISMO" (S DALí) Emilio Campos. EMILIO CAMPOS (ECAMPOS@SALTEL.NEL) San Salvador, SS El Salvador - Saturday, April 03, 1999 at 21:27:46 (EST) Dali is god. Linda S. Muth (lindamuth@excite.com) Colorado Springs, co USA - Saturday, April 03, 1999 at 20:50:30 (EST) what a find (tease)this site is, i have not been to the muesum for a few years, but i plan to stop in soon to view some of my favorite works of art. jorge (very_snydog@yahoo.com) Cambridge, WI USA - Saturday, April 03, 1999 at 18:00:00 (EST) I have been researching Dali to learn more about his history and his paintings. This website gives the most detail and personal information than the other websites I've found. You also supply a way for everyone to visit the Dali museum in Florida, which not everyone would have the chance to see. Thank you for your dedication to educating others about art history. Beth Anderson (dubs@forcomm.net) Crescent, PA USA - Saturday, April 03, 1999 at 14:36:12 (EST) i really hope you could tell me where i might be able to by the dionysus print. Thanks for all the beautiful work! mina (mina&msn.com) pasadena, ca USA - Saturday, April 03, 1999 at 01:00:48 (EST) I had a chance to visit the Salvador Dali museum in St. Petersberg when I vacationed there in 1986. I found this web site by chance, and found it to be a wonderful memory refresher. Dali is by far my favorite artist, and I truly enjoyed seeing this amazing collection again. Thanks!! Paulette Gamble (pallet@pangea.ca) Winnipeg, MB Canada - Saturday, April 03, 1999 at 00:05:14 (EST) This is a wonderful site. It's nice to view these paintings from my home without travelling to New York. The midi music is an excellent touch to this exhibit. You represent Dali well, and hopefully this site will open a lot of peoples eyes to Dali's work and give them a chance to experience something that they have never thought of. Thank you for sharing this art and best of luck. John Jacobson (tech911@evansville.net) Evansville, In USA - Friday, April 02, 1999 at 23:56:50 (EST) I commend you all on a very organized and educational website. I am visiting to gather information for an art paper of which I am writing for an art class at Slippery Rock University. Thanks, JDJohnson. James D. Johnson (s030486@alltel.net) Kittanning, PA USA - Friday, April 02, 1999 at 21:21:28 (EST) One of my favorite fred (Katomba@aol.com) hou, tx USA - Friday, April 02, 1999 at 15:53:26 (EST) nice matthew s meier (shithead976@yahoo.com) newport news , va USA - Friday, April 02, 1999 at 15:50:33 (EST) I have the estate of the photographer Eric Schaal who worked closely with Dalí from 1937-1940. He photographed him for LIFE and both arranged photographs together. There are appr. 100 prints and about 300 negatives, most of them never published. I published a book on Schaal which includes some photos. If you are interested in the material, get in touch. Best regards, Stefan Weidle stefan weidle (weidleverlag@carat-edv.com) Bonn, Germany - Friday, April 02, 1999 at 05:08:53 (EST) Dali's work is fascinating. Soothing. Mesmerizing. Thank you for a glimpse of his wonderful work. I only came to this site to find out how I can buy more Salvador Dali Perfume (it's my favorite). Any info, anyone? Email me! Shannon (XWaitress@AOL) Yuma, AZ USA - Friday, April 02, 1999 at 03:26:45 (EST) I found the Dali site truly amazing....With all the junk that is on the internet now, it's refeshing to be able to admire the paintings in the comfort of my home....Thank you Sherry Burrell (SlickSher) Philadelphia, PA USA - Thursday, April 01, 1999 at 19:11:30 (EST) The pictures were very entertaining. Maryelle Smith (Chiba2824@aol.com) Camarillo, Ca USA - Thursday, April 01, 1999 at 14:05:03 (EST) We visited the museum last month when we were in St Petersburg. What a joy! We bought a clock in the gift shop and would like info on how to contact the gift shop - we have a slight problem with the clock. The cogent giving the tour was excellent. The Brophy's (rbrophy@bcn.net) W Stockbridge, MA USA - Thursday, April 01, 1999 at 10:35:48 (EST) THANKS IT WAS WERY NICE NORBERT SIKLÓSI (SISI@MAIL.INTERWARE.HU) BUDAPEST, HUNGARY - Wednesday, March 31, 1999 at 14:28:27 (EST) I think that this is an excellent representation of Dali work. I found many pieces that I haven't seen before. I am very interested in trying to purchase several of these prints for my collection. Scott Cutlan (scutlan@hotmail.com) tempe, az USA - Wednesday, March 31, 1999 at 12:48:52 (EST) Dali and his works are a wonder for the imagination. His paintings are portrayed great here. chani (chani_kristy@yahoo.com) Perth, wa australia - Wednesday, March 31, 1999 at 09:57:31 (EST) dahli is a great artist and so is this web site brian bell westminster, md USA - Wednesday, March 31, 1999 at 09:08:33 (EST) Where's the pictures? Ryan USA - Tuesday, March 30, 1999 at 20:26:38 (EST) Dali is a marvelous artist, but I cannot figure out how he painted some of these or how he could visualize these images without being on LSD or maybe he is schizophrenic. I personally think that the man was consumed with his own sexuallity by my interpretations of many of his works. DOG Renshaw Amarillo, TX USA - Tuesday, March 30, 1999 at 19:13:29 (EST) I enjoyed the info! Kassy Graczyk (Kaser_13) W.frankfort, Il USA - Tuesday, March 30, 1999 at 14:18:34 (EST) I have no idea why i'm writing this now, seeing as how I have not been on the sight yet, but, hey: Burning monkey babies? horatio simpson atascadero, ca USA - Tuesday, March 30, 1999 at 11:18:56 (EST) I really enjoyed your site. I look forward to visiting he museum. Andrew Stam (Beatniko@aol.com) DeLeon Springs, FL USA - Tuesday, March 30, 1999 at 10:20:59 (EST) Incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hester de Beer (DRTHADB@puknet.puk.ac.za) Potchefstroom, RSA - Tuesday, March 30, 1999 at 08:45:16 (EST) It was absolutly marvelous darlings! Micheal MarcAnthony (Eastrnblok@aol) San Francisco, Ca USA - Tuesday, March 30, 1999 at 02:31:16 (EST) Thank you from a senior citizen for the great opportunity to enjoy these fine paintings. I will never have the opportunity to visit your museum in person so this is deeply appreciated. Marie Heath Willits, Ca USA - Monday, March 29, 1999 at 23:16:48 (EST) a co-worker friend of mine lost a salvadore dali screen saver when his system crashed and i am trying to locate one for him. i have not visited your site yet and will be pleased to make a note of appreciation after my visit. Deanna G. Randall (randall@efw.com) Ft.Worth, Tx USA - Monday, March 29, 1999 at 13:08:24 (EST) It was a real pleasure visiting the online galerie to remember my visit in the museum some weeks ago. Ulrike MADER (U_mad@hotmail.com) Vienna, Austria - Monday, March 29, 1999 at 02:13:43 (EST) We are trying to find out information about a print or seriograph titled:"Rebirth of Isreal", and have not been able to find out any information on this piece at all. Any information you could provide to us would be most appreciated. Thank you ever so much. Ronald Johnson (barbara7@ucla.edu) Beverly Hills, CA USA - Sunday, March 28, 1999 at 19:37:32 (EST) I have recently become interested in all forms of art, and I have always been a fan of the eccentrics of the world. Dali is my portal into the world of surrealism. Thanks for the good work, I will see you at the Museum this summer. James Nathan Baker (jnathanbaker@att.net) Orlando, Fl USA - Sunday, March 28, 1999 at 16:36:26 (EST) Almost as nice as visiting the Dali Museum Gregory Schiminske (gregory11@hotmail.com) Auburn, Ny USA - Sunday, March 28, 1999 at 10:12:40 (EST) It was fine, that we could see the remarkable pictures of the great Dali. Thanks. joke de Zwager (ton.de.zwager@wxs.nl) The Hague, Netherlands - Sunday, March 28, 1999 at 09:11:55 (EST) it is all around us, art is falling like rain everywhere, it's our job as artists to catch it, interpret it and then set it free again. may you all live in the immaculate wonder of awaking everyday with an imagination. David McNeal (istu2373@selu.edu) BR, LA USA - Sunday, March 28, 1999 at 05:05:05 (EST) I am having a very enjoyable time viewing this art work. Thanks for having it on the net. LudwigII Von Epps (ludwigii@mediaone.net) Hialeah, Fl USA - Saturday, March 27, 1999 at 21:53:49 (EST) First time visitor. Chris Littlewood USA - Saturday, March 27, 1999 at 21:45:16 (EST) I must say.....outstanding! ??? (Angler4269@aol.com) USA - Saturday, March 27, 1999 at 21:08:25 (EST) Hallo, wir finden uns auf euren Seiten ziemlich schlecht zurecht - hatten einfach nur auf ein paar Bilder gehofft. Warum gibt's diese site eigentlich nicht in Deutsch? Gruß aus Braunschweig Tina Tina Pfitzner (t. pfitzner@t-online.de) Braunschweig, Germany - Saturday, March 27, 1999 at 16:53:36 (EST) Thanks for providing a site to view Dali's work. I am writing a report for eighth grade art. Erik Dodge (Dodgee23@aol.com) Fabius, NY USA - Saturday, March 27, 1999 at 14:07:53 (EST) Thank-you for the opportunity to view your fine collection of Dali. I was hoping to find the painting of a mosaic impression of Lincoln, but the vision changes as one approaches the image to reveal a woman standing in an arch at sunrise/sunset. Carl Frenger, Jr. (c.frengerjr@worldnet.att.net) West Haven, CT USA - Friday, March 26, 1999 at 22:30:52 (EST) I went to the museum in St. Pete this summer... Let's just say it blew my MIND AWAY! I sat in front of the Hallucinogenic Toreador` for hours in disbelief of such beauty. I Will be Venture Back! peace t. scauzillo (tscauzil@u.washington.edu) Seattle, WA USA - Friday, March 26, 1999 at 19:31:33 (EST) Me and y husband saw the Museum this month on a trip to Florida. The scanned pictures on this sight are nothing compared to the real beauty of the pictures. If you really like Dali, it's a must see. linda (lindalal@aol.com) Ham Lake, MN USA - Friday, March 26, 1999 at 18:19:40 (EST) * aaron allison (tillie@prodigy.com) pontiac, mi USA - Friday, March 26, 1999 at 16:11:14 (EST) I love Dali Kolesniak (marekol@post.pl) Wloclawek, Poland - Friday, March 26, 1999 at 15:42:54 (EST) I Love Dahli Simone Harper (Simoneharper@hotmail.com) London, UK - Friday, March 26, 1999 at 10:35:41 (EST) Dali is the king (even after his death)! Our times lack an artistic Master with such overwhelming talent. I hope one day my "Spective" art will match Dali`s creative energy! Forever Respectful ~t Dieci. tony Dieci scauzillo (Tdieci@hotmail.com) Seattle, WA USA - Friday, March 26, 1999 at 00:07:13 (EST) This page was great! I did a researc paper on him and found lots of neat stuff on his life and death and of his paintings! Kara Sinn (Kra56@aol.com) Stewartville, mn USA - Thursday, March 25, 1999 at 20:57:51 (EST) Nice site. Jen Lampman USA - Thursday, March 25, 1999 at 19:04:10 (EST) Loved this site, adore the surreal talent of Dali, a wonder of our time. Rachel Lovell (rachel@plym26.freeserve.co.uk) Plymouth, England - Thursday, March 25, 1999 at 18:49:36 (EST) wow theodor reaiss (tsreis@cip.physik.uni-wuerzburg.de) wuerzburg, USA - Thursday, March 25, 1999 at 16:37:29 (EST) Truly the master. 'Nuff said. Rian Schermerhorn (rians@mtrx.com) Portland, OR USA - Thursday, March 25, 1999 at 15:47:51 (EST) THE WEB SITE WAS PRETTY COOL. I'M A DALI-HEAD. NABEE ANIWODI (VISIONINFINITY@HOTMAIL.COM) CONYERS, GA USA - Thursday, March 25, 1999 at 15:30:00 (EST) good stuff mike west avon, oh USA - Thursday, March 25, 1999 at 08:42:04 (EST) Words could never descibe the art of Dali. I am looking for a little known painting "Atmospheric Skull Sodomizing a Piano". If anyone knows where I might obtain a copy please email me! Jules Hornsby (julesonair@aol.com) Murfreesboro, TN USA - Thursday, March 25, 1999 at 01:52:14 (EST) Dali is always amazing...... Dali is breathtaking...... Continue the good work!! Katerina Koltsida (nikos@liv.ac.uk) Liverpool, u.k - Wednesday, March 24, 1999 at 23:14:45 (EST) SALUDOS A TODOS LOS YANKEES QUE NO CONOCEN EL ARTE, PUES SON MAS LOS VISITANTES EXTRANJEROS QUE LOS LOCALES. SE NACE, NO SE HACE. FELIPE GELBLUNG (GASGEL@ARNET.COM.AR) BSAS, ARGENTINA - Wednesday, March 24, 1999 at 19:41:05 (EST) Good Info. Id like to know more about his museum in spain. and if anymore of Dali's work may come to the gallery in st. petersburg? maria hancock (purefunk@Mindspring.com) maitland, fl USA - Wednesday, March 24, 1999 at 16:55:39 (EST) Best Dali source I've found yet. Pete Frederickson (NA) Port Townsend, Wa USA - Wednesday, March 24, 1999 at 16:33:30 (EST) I'M LOOKING FOR A PICTURE OF DALI'S NOT SO FAMOUS "VISION OF HELL" IT IS PRETTY HISTORIC IN ITS ABSENCE. IT WAS PAINTED AFTER 1917, IN RELATION TO THE FATIMA, PORTUGAL VISIONS OF THE MADONNA. THANKS KAT WHITE SANTA ANA, CA USA - Wednesday, March 24, 1999 at 16:15:54 (EST) This site helped me greatly.. thanks!!!... BEAUTIFUL Michaele (Mlwatts477@Aol.com) OH USA - Wednesday, March 24, 1999 at 09:28:11 (EST) Just gorgeous! Andrey (drasel@yahoo.com) Sacramento, CA USA - Tuesday, March 23, 1999 at 23:31:54 (EST) LOVE THE ART. PLAN TO VISIT THE MUSEUM VERY SOON. KAYE HAYNES DECATUR, GA USA - Tuesday, March 23, 1999 at 21:37:51 (EST) Any Information on Dali I would like to have. Ilove his work.Thank you Jean. Jean Hancock (litjean@aol.com) Plant City, Fl USA - Tuesday, March 23, 1999 at 17:35:34 (EST) HI john (blomer@fuse.net) covington, Ky USA - Tuesday, March 23, 1999 at 15:50:15 (EST) this is the best site louis costa (louiscosta@hotmail.com ) sweeny , tx USA - Tuesday, March 23, 1999 at 07:49:47 (EST) Very Well!!! Varda Andrey (no) Blagjveschensk, Am Russia - Monday, March 22, 1999 at 19:52:45 (EST) hello. i'm looking for a picture and i think (hop) it's made by dali: it shows a big crystal-glass in the middle and some wood is done arround at the bottom of the glass, like the lower part of a ship in construction were can i find it? or who made it, if not dali? marc dreffke (webmaster@doriangray.de) buedingen, germany - Monday, March 22, 1999 at 18:02:34 (EST) This is great thanks for the info. I love ART.Sincerely,sx-c Vanessa Briones McAllen, Tx USA - Monday, March 22, 1999 at 15:23:50 (EST) I LOVE DALI AND I'M VERY HAPPY NOW.I HAVE SEEN THE PAINTINGS ON NET.THANKS TO PRODUCERS OF THIS SITE BASARAN CANBULAT (e114214@orca.cc.metu.edu.tr) ANKARA, TURKEY - Monday, March 22, 1999 at 13:38:00 (EST) New Dali fan! Will be life long fan from here out! Warren Moorman (Moormanw@dnb.com) Austin, TX USA - Monday, March 22, 1999 at 12:25:43 (EST) I love Dali's work and hope to visit the museum in St. Petersburg soon. Tori Gilley (www.torigilley@hotmail.com) Florala, AL USA - Monday, March 22, 1999 at 09:58:38 (EST) new d. palceski (dfit2@hotmail.com) cape coral, fl USA - Monday, March 22, 1999 at 09:47:06 (EST) I have visited the Dali Museum at Figueres just love his work A Hancock (cm@wolf88.freeserve.co.uk) London, UK - Sunday, March 21, 1999 at 12:48:56 (EST) Sitting in germany watching dali pictures in Florida - great !!! Patrick Auerbach (hauer1@bluewin.de) 687766 Hockenheim, Germany - Sunday, March 21, 1999 at 11:59:38 (EST) Great sight Heather Farry (heatherfar@aol.com) Spring Hill, FL USA - Saturday, March 20, 1999 at 21:17:55 (EST) Excellent site,very informative. Ian Buck (ian@lijja.freeserve.co.uk) Manchester, United Kingdom - Saturday, March 20, 1999 at 16:10:01 (EST) I like you site/ A friend of mine purchasd a signed & numbered Dali at a garage sale. How can she get it appraised? linda neely (teachkid@mindspring.com) Plantation, fl USA - Saturday, March 20, 1999 at 11:26:02 (EST) This homepage is great! But I would prefer if the paintings could be a little bit bigger. Guillermo Ugalde (mxguf@infosel.net.mx) Naucalpan, Mx Mexico - Saturday, March 20, 1999 at 00:44:10 (EST) i am searching a Dali'spainting image called Dale de couer. It seems like a card, and could not find it anywhere. If you have some info please email me.Thanks Fernando Hunth (fhunth@usa.net) Buenos Aires, BA Argentina - Friday, March 19, 1999 at 23:06:01 (EST) Truely enjoyed this website, Thanks Jean Mattox (Mattox4@aol.com) Miami, Fla USA - Friday, March 19, 1999 at 17:42:54 (EST) Thanks for the site with information and images about Dali. I'm teaching about Dali in my Middle School Art classes next week. Woody Duncan (taospaint@aol.com) Kansas City, Ks USA - Friday, March 19, 1999 at 16:23:39 (EST) Can anyone tell me if this image of a skull made of of bodies (popularized by the Silence of the Lambs movie poster) was origionally done by Salvador Dali? http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Orchestra/3938/lambs/47.jpg please reply to : dank@ascp.org DAN (dank@ascp.org) chicago, IL USA - Friday, March 19, 1999 at 12:11:38 (EST) Looking for Salvador Dali Prints Edward Hughes USA - Friday, March 19, 1999 at 08:48:12 (EST) Just wonder-filled, I must travel to St. Pete to visit the museum. I'm just so grateful to the benefactors. Thanks, oh so much!! Tony Castillo (castillo2chem.duke.edu) Durham, N> USA - Thursday, March 18, 1999 at 17:03:49 (EST) Wow! Really cool page! I love Dali, he's my favorite artist...it's really great that there is a place like this. :o) <3April April (Bright_Eyes16@hotmail.com) Milwaukie , OR U.S.A - Thursday, March 18, 1999 at 16:31:06 (EST) Dear Sirs, I have a great pleasure of present my picture. I'm Alexander Mollov - painter from Bulgaria. ALEXANDER MOLLOV (ALEX_MOLLOV@BULOFFER.NETPLUS.BG) SOFIA, BG BULGARIA - Thursday, March 18, 1999 at 12:11:23 (EST) One talented man that deserves a lot of credit Rochelle Locke (r_locke@hotmail.com) Halifax, Ns Canada - Thursday, March 18, 1999 at 10:24:34 (EST) I love it !!! udi revivo (bolinat@hotmail.com) jerusalem, israel - Wednesday, March 17, 1999 at 19:21:32 (EST) This sit was fantastic Rahim Brownsville, TX USA - Wednesday, March 17, 1999 at 12:41:29 (EST) I BELIVE IN A DREAM HIS VENUS AS A BOY, I BELIVE IN A MOMENT HIS AS DRY AS THE SEA I BELIVE IN A NIGHTMARE HIS FIRE IN MY SLEEP I BELIVE................................. GUSTAVO ROLDAN LIMON (rroldan77@hotmail.com) hermosillo, so MEXICO - Tuesday, March 16, 1999 at 21:12:47 (EST) You should put more information about Dali's life in there. I am doing a report on him and I can not find enough information on him. But besides that I thought that it was pretty good. Justin Davidson (bgcjn@bright.net) Anna, OH USA - Tuesday, March 16, 1999 at 19:46:45 (EST) thankyouforthepriviledge. adelbertckarfonta (adelbertc.com) ellicottcity, md USA - Tuesday, March 16, 1999 at 15:51:18 (EST) A wonderfull experience Miguel Aguirre (maragua52@hotmail.com) Los Angeles, CA USA - Tuesday, March 16, 1999 at 14:02:16 (EST) It was really great. Thank you for collecting and scanning Dali's works. Leslie Ternyik (Jenyike@DC.sote.hu) Budapest, Hungary - Tuesday, March 16, 1999 at 07:05:03 (EST) Always loved Dali Glenn Tregre (uhtfggt@web-net.com) Hahnville, LA USA - Monday, March 15, 1999 at 21:38:47 (EST) I will be bringing a group of my high school Spanish students in April! This will be my first visit and I am very much looking forward to the experience. I have seen his work in Madrid, but this will be just as exciting! Shellene Wyrick (Lipton9186@aol.com) West Palm Beach, FL USA - Monday, March 15, 1999 at 20:16:35 (EST) My boyfriend introduced me to Dali and I find his work fascinating. Your website is a great asset to the big wide web. Dali would be proud. Claire Mcguire Wigan, na UK - Monday, March 15, 1999 at 08:52:39 (EST) We plan to visit the Dali museum on March 22. David Ligare (fate@flinet.com) Jupiter, FL USA - Sunday, March 14, 1999 at 17:21:46 (EST) Thank you for some picture Tomasz (tomaszj@bigvent.com.pl) Milanowek, Poland - Sunday, March 14, 1999 at 09:22:11 (EST) I thank you for this chance that you give me to know and see a masterpices that otherwises I couldn't have. Rafael Vilar (rafaelva@mexis.com) Mexico City, Mexico - Saturday, March 13, 1999 at 23:09:16 (EST) |
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